Mike Le Couteur has the latest on today's question period, where Justin Trudeau is expected to square off against Pierre Poilievre.
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JT never answered any questions. You can literally ask him “what time is it right now?”, and he’ll go on and on about Covid, “protecting Canadians”, lgbtq and other unrelated nonsense.
What Trudeau is likely going to do is attack Poilievre for “supporting an insurrection” referring to the Convoys, attack him for some EI mumbo-jumbo they crafted to make him look bad, and ask the speaker why Poilievre supposedly wants to take money away from the very families Trudeau wants to slam with painful taxes to get his CERB money back.
Pierre should literally ask Trudeau what the date and time are. If we got an answer that would be the 1st
“Mr. Speaker, while the conservatives sit here focusing on such things as what time it is, we’re here protecting Canadians against such things as climate change”
@Canadian Breeze he should definitely start with a time and date question. Have Trudeau answer it correctly, and then follow it up by saying “Oh so you do know how to provide a direct response to questions?!”
@lapi0040 That would be awesome! I hope he’ll do that! lol
Government, and Rooted In Science is an enormous oxymoron, like Jumbo Shrimp!
Is it really a debate
. Polievre makes them look like the idiots they are. It’s not even comparable.
Lol debate requires answering questions and making points. Trudeau has never answered questions nor make any points
Wow, Jumbo. are you coming around to the “dark” side?
Meh, Canadians voted him in at some point, so I guess he never needed to lol.
Don’t get your hopes up…….it’s going to be exactly the same as it’s been for the last 7 years!
You mean the last 50
Trudoh wont debate Poilievre. He’ll just evade and deflect questions, with nonsensical statements.
With the able assistance of Singh and the NDP who continue to prop up the Liberals.
Poilievre is going to ask him the same question 100 times and Trudeau is just gonna beat around the bushes and not answer any questions with a straight answer, just like him and Freeland always do. There should be a law In place to answer questions plainly and at face value in the house of commons.
Trying to get a liberal to answer questions is like pulling teeth
@CyberMittens It’s easier to pull teeth.
Totally agree with you. It’s ridiculous really that it doesn’t already exists…
I know! The speaker should ensure that a relevant answer has been given at the minimum.
500 dollars is like a grocery bill for a family of 4 for like a week and a half
Not even.
They won’t air it.
Or if they do, they’ll edit it heavily in Trudeau’s favor.
I think that you are right – unfortunately for Canadians! The Liberals should get NAILED for all of the damage which they have done!!
“The prime minister has a lot on his plate” Oh, I didn’t realize he had yet another vacation coming up…
His time is near the end. I promise he’s g9ne soon.
Trudeau wont answer anything… he never does… its super annoying… Pierre will come with facts
Pierre absolutely CRUSHED Freeland the other day.
It was the Cons that raised the retirement age to 67, they crushed themselves.
Pierre Poilievre for Prime Minister

Eurotrash for scalping.
Taking odds on time until Trudeau tries to call him a racist (or another typical Trudeau insult for Canadians)
His time is soon at an end. That’s my promise to Canada.
Trudeau won’t answer anything he’ll just try to bash Pierre about Bitcoin. When Pierre literally said he’s not giving financial advice about Bitcoin lol. Trudeau has nothing else to say. He’s finished
He will walk out/evade it.
The liberal government has miss judged so many issues in the past two terms it’s frustrating and it continues to spin outta control more taxes more $$ for mistakes
No, you mean he will be asked a question and then he will say that everything is perfect and everything is fine or just completely ignore the question and give a pre-recorded statement
Be prepared to see JT evade every single question by repeating the same prerecorded response over and over again.
You know he will.
Pierre: “How much?”
Trudeau: “er, ah, um, eee, oohhh, ree”
Pierre: “How much?”
Trudeau “You’re racist!”
Imagine this going on for all of QP.