Feb. 24: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Canada’s second tranche of sanctions against Russia for their attack on Ukraine.
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What about OUR safety and security we can never again trust our banks or our government!
No colorful socks for Vlad.
Trudeau needs to stop talking and start respecting Canadian charter of rights and freedoms at home. Canadian citizen who his illegal emergency act violated their legal rights. Shame on Trudeau. Shame shame.
sanctions sanctions sanctions ……..? so what no poutine and maple syrup for russia
He’s using distraction how’s your gas bill?
$863 last month
Most likely, terrible the whole world is experiencing inflation, how is your ability to read and prosses data..
$655…guess I got a deal. Can’t travel as not vaxed, also utilities wiped out travel budget anyway.
at least with his mask on I can only see half of his smirky face
The sad part of this picture is the bobble heads behind him are bigger men then he is.
1800 police for a peaceful protest ?
The idea is for many many countries working together and all of them individually inflicting sanctions as per their own countries trade with Russia will then as a huge group together cripple the Russian economy.
Apply emergency Act on Russia!
Haha. I was thinking the same thing. Send the cops on horseback over there and trample a few Russians
Just feel disgusting by this voice
You listen to Trudeau, Putin!!! You do NOT want to mess with our Canadian Prime Minister! You have been warned Putin!!! Trudeau IS NOT messing around!!! (lol)
Eyes wide shut the shows goes on
Between his voice and her fidgeting I had to stop watching.
Why in the most extreme times can he not just answer a question. Why do reporters even bother anymore. They really need to stand up already and just say, “Mr. Prime minster it doesn’t matter what I ask you so if you could just expose on your next talking point please so I can sit back down.”
If we wear our masks and stay in our homes will that save them?
This lady thinks she tough then go over there fight putin
Trudeau is trying to give advice on law and security that’s a joke
That is the exact same speech other countries said about jt, a week ago…..my, how time flies
I think he should challenge Putin to a one on one fight. Winner gets their foreign policy respected…