Ari Melber explains how comments by Supreme Court Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh signal that they may allow most of the Affordable Care Act stand. Aired on 11/10/2020.
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#JusticesRoberts #Kavanaugh #MSNBC
Justices Roberts And Kavanaugh Suggest They May Let Bulk Of Obamacare Survive | Ayman Mohyeldin

@William H you’re a typical tRumpsheep, dumb!
@William H I am a king of england fof
@William H lies lies and more lies
TJ – It’s great that it is taking this long to get the final results. This way, the ‘One term Impeached Orange Angel of Death’ A.K.A. ‘White Eyes’, by our Native American citizens can bask in the ‘Agony of Defeat’.
@William H Yes, Margaret, it’s me again! Great video! Didn’t say a word to back your claim. As usual.
Taking away the healthcare of American citizens during the worst pandemic in 100 years? Not a good idea.
Republicans are losers
It doesn’t matter if it’s a good idea or not. They JUST DON’T GIVE A CRAP!
They’re still taking away the mandate, which takes away the financial structure, which means they’re allowing it to fail s.l.o.w.l.y.
There’s an understatement.
That’s really up to the conservatives on that high court now. They’ve got Lizzie “chopper” Borden, Kavy the assaulter and Leave it to Beaver’s dad on the bench so, it doesn’t look good. If the ACA goes down, the entire fight for universal healthcare starts all over again.
Donald Trump is killing our country
Not for much longer.
@Baconstrip78 Some people just use proper English to express themselves, not the American slang that you may prefer.
@Baconstrip78 So how do you think Canadians spell colour/color? And does it really matter?
@Pure DJ’s Entertainment Ikr…he truly worries me. Trump is unstable and vindictive, not a good mix.
@mt1eh Why would I care how Canadians spell it? They are also not American.
Biden 2020
Trump 10 to 20.
Dude we already won.
Badass strong
McConnell’s poison pill may backfire.
Can’t wait
why doesn’t Trump have Barr investigate why the Pandemic didn’t go away on Nov 4th? Like he said it would
They should sue the “miracle” that never came
That’s good Dan
Lol Barr couldn’t answer simple questions at a hearing. Now you think that he is actually competent enough to question his master? He is Trump’s subservient b!t#h.
I thought he said miraculously disappear by April,

@Sherri Or China has done a great job and then turn around and blame everything on the “Kung Flu”. The man is full of fictional facts and stories. Now if he wasn’t illiterate he could perhaps look at being a writer after this disastrous presidency.
Another loss for Trump ……yes
He’s used to it
Oh yea… They won’t strike it down. Another Trump failure.
Most americans like the affordable care act. Leave it alone for now and improve upon it in the future. Duh
Still have not seen a replacement plan option Donnie.
And you never will. It is in the same place as the payments to the contractors that built his hotels and casinos, The Twilight Zone. Actually, I am VERY surprised that Trump didn’t have “a very unfortunate accident” prior to being president, considering the unions and “others” he skipped payment to. The families in NY and NJ must be getting soft.
The court needs to stay out of our health care.
Don’t under estimate the Supreme Court. They are the antithesis of Trump. They loathe him. They are deeply conservative and lifelong republicans who detest the punk real estate conman from New York who staged a hostile takeover of their GOP. It is the greatest strategic mistake of Trump’s entire, shortlived political career.
Haha Trump didn’t realise Obama is a constitutional scholar who is well qualified to be a supreme court justice himself, Trump thinks Obama won’t have thought of the legal opinions lf the supreme court justices? Trump proves himself Stupid Again.
Trump has to think hard about putting one foot in front of the other so highly doubt he can think through long term strategy
It’s surreal that they are thinking about whether to preserve the Obamacaire or not, when there is a deadly virus raging!
This world is not going well
And they have no alternative plan to cover the millions added by Obamacare or the new millions that have just lost their jobs and insurance. Absolutely insane.
Bravo to John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh for wanting to keep much of Obamacare.
It proves they aren’t letting Trump boss them around!
He can’t fire Kavanaugh I know Chump mad. He thought he had a friend lmaoooo
Trump keeps losing.
Welp Trump can’t fire those Justices he appointed. This is priceless
Where’s that “replacement” healthcare plan Republicans?
They’ll have one in two weeks. LoL
Long forgotten , just like “Infrastructure is easy” . More Trump failures
Hey now, they’ve only had over a decade.
They clearly just need a bit more time.
After all these years?
Remember Donnie’s “Infrastructure Week” events that *NEVER* happened?
These justices are just trying to pull their fat out of the fire, now that daddy Trump has face-planted.
Reason why we need to flip those 2 Georgia seats blue so mcturtle doesn’t try taking it away from us
Amen to THAT!!!!!
Hey….whatever happened to that “big beautiful healthcare replacement” that t’rump has been promising since 2016?

Maybe it will appear by some miracle by Easter!
I think Trump is decaying.
Because Trump had no plan! Lol!!!