Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been hospitalized for a "possible infection" after undergoing a medical procedure.
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Justice Ginsburg Hospitalized For 'Possible Infection' | MSNBC
The Notorious R.B.G. has already proven how tough she is.
Harriet has the $20
Which dollar bill should “N – RBG” be on…?
@Soren Ingram …..Disingenuous, phony Hollywood Liberals and leftists, think that toppled statues, street signs and “race” symbolism is a substitute for economic policies that actually benefit America’s people of color, but it’s not…..
@Christopher – Ahhhh … shut up!
@Christopher – Proud vet here to tell you that the “war between the north & south” or the “war between the states” or the “civil war” was actually …. THE WAR BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA & the confederate states of america. Traitors are not welcome here.
@ra5928 But here I am ready to cough on your Aids babies CUZ I DONT CARE who “won” a fight if I am in poverty no matter WHO won.
And I am white, lets be clear.
Praying for her speedy recovery!
Straight into a nursing home!
@Life Out Loud = dolt 45 empty scroium licKKKing racist trash POS
@FMB1 <<-white demokkkratsman
Hang in there Notorious RBG the future of the country literally depends on it.
4 Fake Because we are. Pretty simple. And the good guys are kickin’ out the grifter rif raf in November.
Future of this country depends on more of you Liberals overdosing
@President Goyim
I’m going to fund some abortions in your honor.
I’m going to fund some abortions in your honor too.
@FMB1 Sir you just don’t know who your talking to ! Why do democrats jump directly to Racist accusations First Thing they say when all they can base it on is THEIR OWN OPINIONS???
As for the KKK remark it is only coming from an ignorant person who is unaware that the KKK was formed by Southern Democrats after losing the Civil War & the Confederate States.
They were angry that Blacks were now free people and they were going to vote Republican in elections and it was democrats who stalled the Black Equality movement of the 1890’s. Look up who the very first Black American Senator was and the party that elected him.
you better be just as quick at posting updates, frickin scare everyone for no reason is not cool
She’s as good as gone, the woman is a walking skeleton.

@IamRoyalll she’ll hang in there until at least early November
hulaGUNZ not if she has an infection. At her age that can easily spread to her bloodstream and stop her heart.
@IamRoyalll she’s a lot tougher than you no doubt, she’ll stick around
I’m sure Mitch will say, “SC Justices shouldn’t be nominated during the last year of a presidency,” like he did with Obama and Merrick Garland.

@The Light Side Wow the Stupid is Strong with this one. Trump’s loosing support in even formerly ‘safe’ battleground Red States – Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida, Texas ect. My Grandfather has a better chance of winning than Donald Trump does, & he has been *dead* for 40 years!
Don’t worry about it it’s not Trump’s last year hahaha
That wont be applicable here. Perhaps in 2023 when Sotomayor “gets sick”.
@It Was A Good Idea At The Time We can only hope
@snoop alert please let it be or there will be nothing left of the once mighty USA now on par with 3rd world countries in fighting covid! Great job there Trump even Canadian people don’t want your citizens coming across the border! They will build a wall to keep you out and make you pay for it!!

So, I can’t leave my house without a mask without killing myself and my family ; but RBG has a fever and is admitted to the hospital and put on antibiotics with an IV drip….and everything’s fine.
ok chuck
Are you an elderly, high risk patients with several severe pre conditions?
Of course you can go to the hospital if you are ill.
@comsubpac I get what hes saying…..
@Gavin Hill your comment makes absolutely no sense
Gavin doesn’t understand the difference between himself and RBG. You’re not important. You’re not elderly. You’re probably not at risk. You also don’t understand it isnt just about you and your family it’s about everyone you would come into contact with. I’m sure someone with 2 overworked brain cells doesn’t want to wear a mask either
Please please please hang in there – you’ve been so strong for us, I know its a lot to ask but just hope you can be strong a little longer. RBG you are a warrior!
We have to send prayers to the universe for her, doesn’t have to do with religion, has to do with our humanity. Our warrior, the Notorious RBG!
otownrvr I love you

@Richard Hunt Meaningless. This is not a law. A conservative woman is next. No metoo nonsense this time.
@otownrvr shes no prisoner, she could quit if she wanted to. but u know she wont
Lord this lady. I hope and pray she makes it.
I hope and pray she doesn’t

Praying for her with all my might. I love her and what she stands for and she is a super fighter.

Get over it moron, she’s *going to die* regardless of who is president.
She *had* her chance to retire under Obama but _no_ her narcissistic brain prevented her from doing so….
All smart liberals know this unlike brainwashed morons such as yourself.
Yes. Praying she goes peacefully and without pain. But goes non the less.
The tangerine toddler has visions of 6 to 3 in his head. Get well soon Justice Ginsburg.
@otownrvr “Your TDS is amazing.”
TDS = Taking Decency Seriously
Nice of you to throw compliments around.
6 months should be enough time to get a replacement justice
That’s so funny I forgot to laugh. This just in–Hillary Rodham is still not president. The oldest, whitest man possible. That’s who you’re planning to vote for isn’t it? Ah yes, the party of diversity. The oldest, whitest man possible.
Newsflash, the Weekend at Bernie’s gig is almost up for Ginsburg, she’s a sick, vile old woman (naturally the left loves her). Even if Trump doesn’t win, appointing another conservative justice is a far bigger win than a second term and would take the left decades to undo the imbalance. Lol
@otownrvr <<-- Still suffering from ODS.
GOP: “She. Just. Won’t…..DIIIEEEE”
@IamRoyalll = dolt 45 empty scroium licKKKing racist POS
@IamRoyalll *Trump is definitely going to prison.*
You know they will be tripping over their own balls to get someone else in before Jan 20 if they get a chance.
She will, eventually.
Tessmage Tessera hahaha of anyone is going to prison it’s crooked Nancy and shifty schiff
I’m convinced she’s a cyborg that will live to 120 years old.
No, she’s a resilient human behind who’s gonna die like all of us.
@Danish I just hope she retires and isn’t coerced to continue working as she has been through enough as is. She deserves better and needs a happy and relaxing retirement
@sanisidrocr She’s a narcissist. If she were to ever retire, she _would have done it_ under Obama.
@Danish then she’ll be Weekend at Bernie’d for at least a year or two.
She probably wants to retire and rest but the democrats wont let her.
All they’ve got are her and Biden
both have both feet in the grave! It’s so awesome

@Life Out Loud
Hopefully she can “rest in peace”
Drip-bag of adrenochrome to room 101! Stat!!
Lol you’re awesome

Sorry, All the ventilators are being used. Next…
There’s a lot of tight sphincters in the msnbc news room right now.
Those sphincters have been pounded loose for years now. Thats why the crap flows so easily.
Why would anyone hospitalize a corpse?
Weekend At Ginsburg’s Part 10 : The Last Weekend
Against everything I want for myself, I’, hoping that RBG has requested that she be kept on life support until Biden is sworn in as President. I know she would hate the thought, but I believe she has thought about it. From Ireland, with utmost respect.
Oh God !!! Does she need a kidney!?!? I’d donate one of mine to keep her alive!
Her – Just put on a happy face. :>/