Justice Dept. IG Probing Trump’s Portland And DC Crackdowns | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

The Inspector General within Trump's DOJ says he'll investigate use-of-force allegations against federal law enforcement officers on protests in Portland, OR and Washington, DC. Anita Kumar discusses. Aired on 7/23/2020.
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Justice Dept. IG Probing Trump's Portland And DC Crackdowns | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. trump is creating an authoritarian gov, these nameless paratroopers in unmarked cars are unconstitutional and unAmerican. The more he sends to different states the larger the force he builds, yet no one is stopping him from doing so. The last time we heard of such a thing they where moving in on Ukraine, we know he talks to putin regularly so who’s advice is he taking.. We also know he’s not going to graciously leave office if he looses the election, in fact i dont see him leaving. He controls the DOJ, FBI, the republican tribe, he will call the election a fraud, a hoax, rigged, a coup. How can the country prepare for this Now!!

    1. What about the cancel culture trying to eliminate freedom of speech and religion? I’m not religious but when a political figure says they are going to financially attack churches if they do not comply that’s concerning to me.

    2. MJB For Trump I didn’t click your link but I will say sending federal agents is not exactly a stellar idea. It sets a precedent that I don’t like.

    1. j welsh : It’s BLATANT. Our institutions are corrupted, and intimidated by our Dictatorship. 1000 Americans (who could have been SAVED!) are DYING every day. Secret Police are kidnapping and brutally assaulting innocent citizens. Massive unemployment and economic downturn, after a Lockdown which delivered ALL OF THE PAIN with NONE OF THE GAIN. Our foreign enemies and business lobbyists have more influence over policy than American citizens, and we’re being hit by one natural disaster after another, which the, “administration,” IGNORES! They ignored the ASSASSINATIONS of our troops, by our Arch Enemy, Russia, and the most dangerous individual American right now is Bill Barr, the enabler in chief, who calls BLM a, “Terrorist, leftist, Democrat organisation.” If you cannot see that they will NEVER submit to free and fair elections, you are deluded, America. We will have to take them them out of the newly fortified White House, the old fashioned way, or wave goodbye to our Republic

    2. Trump and his cult are kneeling on the neck of our Republic, they want a dictatorship but only if *they* get to run it.

    3. @Ash Roskell
      You’re right. It’s a good thing to see demonstrations on the streets regardless of Trump’s crimes and threats. There is hope.

  2. Didn’t the last IG resign over tRumps interference & didn’t tRump appoint a new flunkie in this role?


    1. MJB For Trump It’s true he has not done anything illegal by sending in federal agents. The agencies responding are the ATF, US Marshals Service, FBI, Bureau of Prisons and the DEA. They are not troops.
      I do however have concerns about them being deployed.

    2. @Chris B Sounds good! So what do you think about the Governors and Mayors who are encouraging this CRIMINAL behavior? Who are you voting for Trump or Biden?

    3. MJB For Trump As I want to see the Constitution kept intact the only person I can vote for is Trump. The left have completely gone off the rails. Of course they want everyone on government assistance. It gives them the ability to tell people “comply or else” while others want people to be self sufficient and not rely on the government for everything.

    4. MJB For Trump I just can’t believe how many people are falling for the Pelosi and Schumer gaslighting.

  3. Take a look at the video of the Navy veteran being beaten and gassed while standing with his hands by his sides and tell me that Trumps secret police didn’t use excessive force.

    1. @yakidin63 If every protester burned down one building America would be burned down. Fifty some days of protesting in Portland just how many buildings were burned down? A hundred? fifty? None? How many peaceful protesters were gassed, all of them. How many terrorist in the wall of mom’s

    2. I watched that too; those are supposed to be professionals and they acted like armed thugs with a license to do as they please.

  4. This is simply yet another crime by the Trump Administration against the American people. How stupid are Trump supporters to not recognize that Trump will violate their rights as well?

    1. If you followed any right-leaning media, you’d understand. Republicans want cops to go and take the city back. We’ve seen the riots, you can quit lying.

    2. @Logan McLean you don’t even seem to realise that everything you are seeing is being staged. It’s not BLM or “Antifa” who are rioting and destroying cities (the Intelligence community has said there is no evidence of Antifa involvement. In addition, there has been thousands of arrests nationally. Not one of those arrested has been Antifa). It’s WS infiltrators dressed up as a group they call Antifa. They are doing it to advance Trump’s agenda.

      BTW, Antifa isn’t a group. It’s a bunch of WS dressing up and posing for photos that are then labeled “Antifa”. Antifa, as a group, doesn’t actually exist.

      The interesting thing – not one of those guys who has been attacking the police has been arrested and unmasked. You should ask yourself why.

  5. These guys should remember a quote from the movie Zero Dark Thirty when Dan tells Maya he’s going home and warns her “the politics is changing and you don’t want to be the last one left holding the dog collar “

  6. politicians like pelosi are telling large businesses to closed while using stimulus to pay them in billions,newsom wineries get millions during lockdown too, we self employed get nothing,

  7. Trump removes anyone who doesn’t go along with his agenda! Trump deserves to be in prison!!

    1. lil jack russell – Not his agenda…his corrupt acts. Trump removes anyone legally investigating his unlawful acts.

    2. He removes those who aren’t on board with his agenda or work against him. They serve at his pleasure and can be hired or fired at will. Why do you misrepresent the truth?

    1. His initials are I G . A sad day for justice, only the fascists and others who hate America are cheering.

  8. Inspector Generals serve as independent watchdogs. They are responsible for investigating wrongdoing within our government, which makes them an existential threat to a criminal and con-man like Trump. Trump is going after anyone and anything that poses a threat to him and his swamp.

    1. Good explanation and you are right; Trump is clearing the decks for even more corruption, greed, theft and *obstruction of justice* . He thinks he can rig the entire government but this will fail and the presidential pardons will be undone since this is an obvious conspiracy by a president to pardon himself.

  9. That guy either better have another job lined up already or the report will go something like this, “We inspected and cleared them of any wrongdoing.”

  10. Look out this IG will be sacked by Trump for investigating the little camo dress masked marvels. Looks like another Friday night massacre.

  11. I fear that as Trump desperate so will his vicious acts against American citizens! But we must not be afraid of him. This is our country, he does not own us! We are not workers in his mobster business! He works for us and is accountable to us for his deplorable actions!

  12. This is an orchestrated deflection from the presidential and WH mismanagement of the pandemic crisis or as it is increasingly referred to as the Republican Trump Holocaust!🤬🤬🤬

    1. But the local governments run the state and manage at that level. So are you saying your governor is mismanaging the situation?

    2. @Chris B He absolutely is mismanaging everything. I don’t know how the riots are helping anyone. They definitely are not peaceful protesting.

    3. ChiliPepper The riots are due to the local politicians and how they manage their local laws and populations. Remember it was triggered by George Floyd and how he was handled by the Minneapolis police.
      That’s not Trump.

  13. Anyone else wanna bet that the IG at the “Justice” Department is gone by around 9:30 PM , Friday 24 July 2020? Autocrats have their ways…

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