Justice Department Warns Mueller To Limit Congressional Testimony | The Last Word | MSNBC

The Justice Department has set stringent parameters for Mueller's testimony before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees. Lawrence O’Donnell discusses with judiciary committee member Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL), Yamiche Alcindor, and Leonard Pitts, Jr.
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Justice Department Warns Mueller To Limit Congressional Testimony | The Last Word | MSNBC

Justice Department Warns Mueller To Limit Congressional Testimony | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. Only Guilty people goes through the length in trying to limit the answer.This is a bunch of BS from this disgusting administration.

    1. It’s not a prosecutors job to give personal opinion on someone they don’t have evidence to charge. If there’s evidence give if not shut up that’s how justice works everything else is politics!! Idiots

    2. ChefBoyareB you are a stone cold ret*rd one there won’t be any charges because the DOJ already said there will be no charges congress can’t bring charges all they can do is make a referral to the AG to bring charges which isn’t going to happen and if after his testimony you think you are going to get 20 republican senators(because that’s what you need to remove him) to vote to remove a president that has a 90% approval rating with the base well you’re a special kind of stupid

  2. Trump is about to have another Twitter tantrum, and whine and cry like the man child that he is. Go Mueller!

    1. The dirtbag Liberals ate totally infatuated with Mueller. It’s really hilarious to watch all the phony left wingers make complete fools of themselves. The Mueller hearing will be a dud, it won’t interest anyone except all the dirtbag Democrats in D.C

    2. RedondoBeach2 what do you numbnutts think is going to happen after the testimony that 20 senate republicans are going to vote to remove a republicans president that has a 90% approval rating from the republican base this testimony like yourself is irrelevant

  3. Hey Representative Nadler! The American people cannot start impeachment proceedings. Congress do your effing job for the love of God to preserve our Democracy!! You represent the American people, remember?

    1. @MaryAnne Brown LOL 🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸 Congress does not need Mueller’s testimony to start impeachment procedures. That’s what @Simiiformes means. Basically they don’t have the balls to do it. They already voted against it. What they are hoping for is that the mob of citizens will hear something in Mueller’s testimony that would cause them to rise up to give the Democrats a backbone to impeach an innocent man. Right now they don’t possess the courage to do so because they know he did not commit any High crimes nor misdemeanors. Nor did he collude with Russia.

    2. @Lunchwagon Davis so the Democrats job is to “DO SOMETHING ABOUT PRESIDENT TRUMP”. I thought their job was to work with President Trump to do something for the country. I thought their job was to secure our borders. I thought that job was to bring prosperity to the nation. I thought their job was to curtail illegal immigration. I thought their job was to make life better for the “citizens” of the United States. Trump knows what his job is. I don’t think the Democrats have a clue. And let me say their job is NOT to “do something about Trump”.

    3. @Lunchwagon Davis Yes and with the promise of open borders and healthcare for all illegals. WE CAN’T LOSE!!! Si se puede!!! 🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    1. Nixon resigned between the United States Supreme Court shutting him down, he claimed that Executive Privilege applied to him not turning over the tapes, they rulled that Executive Privilege does NOT apply to a criminal investigation, he did turn them over, and the full House of Representatives voted on filing Articles of Impeachment. One of them is exactly the same B$ that Trump is pulling, denying people their right to testify to Congress. An Obstruction of Justice has absolutely NOTHING to do with the results of an investigation, innocent or guitly does not matter, it applies to the actual investigation. As far as if not being a right specified in the Constitution, Google the 9th Amendment, rights do NOT have to be specified in the Constitution. Every time he breaks the laws by denying a person their right to testify, just pushes when the actual time clock the Statute of Limitations starts counting further into the future.

  4. They call it “Justice Departement”? Good Lord! USA is a madhouse. Imo. No one in the world can beleive them anything they say! An imo corrupt president and their is no possibility to do anything against that? This is dictatorship. Not democracy.

    1. Nah…….you had a dictatorship under Obama. Trump obeys the laws. Obama ignored a Federal Judge barring Obama from banning drilling in the Gulf. Google it.

  5. Soooooo… What if Mueller answered one of those questions? Would Barr subpoena him? Arrest him?

    1. @Chela Buford the report that a special counsel sends to the DA is CONFIDENTIAL according to the law. The DA determines what if anything is teleased

    2. Lunchwagon Davis

      It’s a duty for Congress to remove people that are corrupt and incompetent. It is incredibly hard to do, by design.

      I’d prefer having Trump voted out decisively in 2020 to regain some sense of American values. No to Corruption. No to Division.

      Congress needs impeachment to retain any credibility as a governing body.

      At this point, hard to say which is better.

    3. @Jeff Poisson Congress doesn’t have operational power over the DOJ, but the DOJ *absolutely* answers to Congress on any legislative oversight matters…. like impeachment. While Barr is responsible to protect any classified information, he cannot decide to withhold any other information that Congress needs, to determine if legal action is necessary.
      That’s where this debate lies, imo…. Is Barr withholding DOJ testimony that Congress is legally entitled to? Based on his Op-Ed, failure to answer to a suboeona & disallowing DOJ staff from testifying, Mueller’s full testimony seems both legal and appropriate. If Trump is innocent, people will claim this is only a smear campaign. If he’s guilty, he should be held accountable. Regardless of the outcome, the path to a resolution *must* go through Congress. Barr is walking a very fine line, with the Constitution. Having read the report and Trump’s quote of “I’m fvcked. This is the end of my Presidency.”, I would have to agree with him.

    1. @Ash Roskell We also need to e mail Congress conveying our support for these investigations and our genuine reps upholding the Rule of Law. Trump, Barr and his entire gang are abusing the Constitution, Congress, our laws and our People. We can make our stance clear-and relentless by sheer number.

    2. Mueller have to testify because all the reports have been hijack and hide by the corrupt Republican and trump administration and DOJ by BARR..that why he have to let the American people to see in live broadcast ..in person and by his own thought..his own voice..for the American people to see..hear and make their own decision about the truth. If TRUMP do not do any thing wrong then he should doing his others job people vote for him and let Mueller testify instead he yell..scream..scold..acctack people..he obstruction of justice by scare and threatened the witnesses to testify in public..shame

  6. What would they have to be afraid of in his Full testimony if there is absolutely nothing to hide n everyone’s innocent 🤔

    1. @J M M you ever go fishing? You bait a hook I’m hopes of catching something. What DNC was trying to do. The Russian lawyer at Trump tower worked for fusion GPS. Meet with them the day before and after Trump tower meeting. So much information was misleading in Mueller report that documents released for the justice department prove. Andrew Wiseman worked behind the scene on the dossier and knew it was fake before joining the Mueller team. RR also expanded the Investigation two more times to look further into other crime’s. It was reported Andrew Wiseman went to Ukraine to get dirt on Trump and found nothing. Also reported manaford was already tried by Mueller for his crime’s that Mueller jailed him for this time.

    1. @Ian Kirk I am familiar with THAT Sherp, but I believe the person I replied to ment SHEEP. Thanks though.

    2. @RUSSIAN SALAD DRESSING Trump lost the popular by 3 million votes and the Republicans got absolutely smeared in the mid terms.
      So yeah it’s working.😉

    3. With Ivanka holding newly obtained patents of election machine software and the Senate refusing to pass legislation to protect our elections?! We have got to push for election protection to have any chance of voting him out. We have the votes already, midterms proved that overwhelmingly.

    4. Enough people have to write pelosi and demand that she get off her hind quarters and Impeach N in Prison trump !

    1. @Boudica can’t give the full report it is against the law. On going investagations would be blacked out. I seen where the Russian company Concord was cleared of meddling in our elections.

    2. @RUSSIAN SALAD DRESSING people are looking for him to say yes the president did commit crimes/ obstruction and needs to be held accountable

    3. @RUSSIAN SALAD DRESSING he needs to say it in Red neck language for Trumps supporters understand

    4. Basically, he’s not allowed to ” adlib” anything not in the report. You see that’s not how it works. An investigator can’t come back after his investigation is over and his report filed and say, l should have would have could have but I didn’t. So to cause others (a corrupt Congress ) to then go after said citizen who was the focus of the investigation.

  7. The President obstructed justice, the AG obstructed justice now the DOJ obstruct justice. It seems that the american justice system requires at least a some sort of morality or honesty from people in position, or else it goes havoc. It was clearly put together in an other time.

    1. If it would have been Obama doing this yes the Republicans would have jumped on this and probably burnt crosses on their lawns but the Democrats are more democratic they don’t do things like that so and Trump put in bar like Trump putting in bar as Attorney General he made our justice department his legal firm you see that’s something that needs to be changed after this presidency a lot of things need to be changed certain powers should be taken away from the president he don’t get to elect the Attorney General the Congress and Senate do if Obama wasn’t allowed to put in a judge then why is Trump allowed to do half the crap he’s being allowed to do

    2. @Drew Oliver what????
      The doj is not in charge of the Congress. Congress has their constitution responsibility just like the doj has. Comgress does not tell the doj what to invrdtigate. Neither does the doj tell the congress what to investigate. The congress is able to investigate the finding of Muller. The doj does not have authority in law or in the constitution to limit the congress or to restrict the testimony of an American Citizen.
      The report is not secret. Most of it has been released to the public. More to judges. It is this information that congress wants to ask questions of. National secrets are always left behind closed doors.
      But whar barr has said is that any and all information that is in the report should be quoted but not enlarged upon. This, by its action, is obstruction of the Congress in their lawful investigation of national matters. Obstruction is a CRIME. And it was trump that highlighted that non-citizens who had committed any crime should be departed. trumps excuss is that anyone who has committed a crime should not be an American because they dont love the country. Therefore, using trumps statements, barr does not love the country as he is breaking the law. Barr must be deported since trump states people like that need to go……

    3. @Lavern Revels Thank you for the correction!!! Your comment is awesome. Have a wonderful day! 😃😄😃

    1. The Democrats are as much responsible for this atmosphere as the Republicans because they have failed to act when they have the legal grounds to do so playing politics and being afraid to take as much or more of a firm stance!!! Truth demands courage!!!!!!!!

      When Barr and the like ignored issued subpoenas by the House judiciary, they should have been arrested or hauled into Congress by U.S. Marshals if they had the legal grounds! There has been zero consequences for their obstructive and corrupted actions and this is why they continue, and will continue to go further and further until we have spiraled into Constitutional chaos completely or complete destruction of our country.
      This will surely happen, unless and until, the Democrats do exactly what they have been elected to do but have been afraid to do which is stand up to these bullies, liars and obstructionists, protect our Constitution and the citenzry by taking their rightful places as Congressmen and women and represent the people of the United States.
      Not parse out justice, but act wholly and fully, by exercising their Constitutional Powers and responsibilities!

  8. Only guilty trump and Barr would do such a thing lol 😂 what they hiding? Sound guilty to me. #mueller time impeach the criminal in chief

    1. Richard Somers mueller can ignore the doj and the law because Barr is not his boss and the doj refuses to prosecute trumps staff for violating the hatch act

  9. It’s quite amusing, in a bleak way, that the DoJ is actually committing obstruction of justice whilst trying to claim that their master didn’t commit obstruction of justice.

    1. Who REALLY thinks the Democrats are seeking justice? If the Dems saw enough in the report to impeach, they would have voted to impeach. They did NOT vote to impeach.

      Seems to me that they want to Insight the public mob to give them the strength they need to feel good about themselves to impeach an innocent man. #Americafirst #TRUMP2020

    2. @Biggg Thinker If Trump is so innocent, why all the obstruction? Didn’t Trump say the Muller exonerated him, so what is there to hide?

  10. I believe he should be allowed to answer All questions regarding this investigation. STOP PROTECTING THIS CRIMINAL 45.

    1. Mueller is part of the Witch Hunt. If he had evidence of a high crime committed, he would have screamed from the highest mountain top. But he didn’t. He wrote a report in riddles in an attempt to get Congress to do the dirty work. He chose NOT to make a decision so his conscience would be clear when an innocent man was condemned. #Americafirst #TRUMP2020

    2. @Barry Scott What is “dump” and uniformed. Is that something the orange leader did to you? Did he use toilet paper at the end. Maybe you need a shower.

    1. @Mildred Harrison It shouldn’t be. The majority of the voters voted for Hillary. What a travesty of democracy!

    2. I swear it’s like watching a mafia cinema in real-time. This administration makes the historical mobsters stories of crimes seem like child play.

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