Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito made a joke about Black kids wearing Ku Klux Klan outfits during oral arguments in the case of 303 Creative v. Elenis.
RELATED: Supreme Court preview: LGBTQ rights to affirmative action
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#SupremeCourt #Justice #Alito
Always trying to make us the butt of a joke
I have seen a black kid in a kkk outfit before.
His comments are inappropriate.
Your brain seems inappropriately fit to make comments on this. I’m sure you listened to just this clip and not the whole conversation that was had. Keep calcifying your brain Leah, enjoy the comfortably numb feeling of having no real opinions or ideas. Continue to destroy your relational memory, but you don’t look like you’ve got much life left in you, by the way your profile picture looks. Keep letting them drain your brain and others so we can return life back to what’s real. Less people with brain damage, consequence of Zionists, the better.
Aww do you need a safe space to cry???
I love it!
The only thing disgusting are the demons on the left
This is the Supreme Court? Or was that SNL?
Santa is not racist for a start.!
There could be one out there, and SCOTUS needs to consider scenarios like that when ruling on an important case like this. SCOTUS is no place for wokesters and the easily offended.
@Sho Nuff funny how the right whines and bittches all the time .. butt hurt feelings I guess !
@Sho Nuff then why do the religious hypocrites always whine that there freedom to practice discrimination based on religious beliefs are being trampled on !
Like the war on Christmas , CRT , and that Santa and Jesus are white BS . Now that’s bittching and whining where there ain’t no war .. just typical made up crisis to stir up today’s haters on the right for votes .
@Truth Matters Except it was actually the gay couple “whining” about their rights in that case… Freedom of religious expression is a core constitutional right in this country, same as free speech.
And this audio is in reference to a similar active Supreme Court case if you didn’t know. These are the scenarios that need to be considered.
Some people deserve the tallest
and the strongest 
He watched the chapelle show
Very distasteful and inappropriate comments from the highest court
They aren’t.
Humor is distasteful only to the woke lunatics
All of them should be fired and if it is a Santa out there acting like that he should not me Santa period.
Humor is not illegal buddy
Who cares.
These are the scenarios you have to consider when ruling on issues like this… I commented a similar one in regards to this case. Should a Muslim restaurant be forced to serve me bacon and eggs? SCOTUS is no place for wokesters and hurt feelings.
@Flash And why should a Muslim or Christian have a gay themed cake or website on the menu? Seems it’s YOU who haven’t thought out your stance on the matter. My point stands and accomplished EXACTLY what I want it to.
@Truth Matters Lol now you’re getting it… Just like religious people have the right not to do business with LGBTQ alphabet people.
@Sho Nuff no business can discriminate .. it’s bad for all businesses ..
But of course all extremist haters can’t seem to understand that .
These religious hypocrites would be mad as hell if any business would stop catering to these fake Christians .. lol. There ought to be law !.
@Truth Matters The law says otherwise. A religious baker is not forced to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple, for example. As per the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Educate yourself and try again.
@Sho Nuff soon he’ll say he doesn’t have to pay taxes either because he is a church of some kind ..
Bet he’s just a privileged hater hiding behind religion .
up is really down too! for real! look it up!

Also, what’s the difference between a Santa or Black Santa?
Easy Santa is white and black Santa is bs they are the least giving people in the world and blk Santa is unemployed being Santa is a job