‘Just Mercy’ author: Death penalty requires a perfect system that we don’t have

CNN's Ana Cabrera sat down with attorney and "Just Mercy" author Bryan Stevenson to discuss his fight to exonerate Walter McMillan and other death row inmates. They also talked about the death penalty in America and the upcoming movie based on Stevenson's book. #CNN #News


  1. I am a proponent of the death penalty, but ONLY in a system that’s fair and seeking justice. We dont have such a system.

    1. @Merrilou Neigenfind lol so your saying only immigrants pick fruit, is that the only job they have no Teacher’s, Doctor’s or Nurse’s.

    2. @ShadowMask1995 Actually, I didn’t say that but don’t feel bad. The President is semi literate too.

    3. ​@ShadowMask1995Do not use any disability as an excuse…
      Be proud of who you are-
      Being different is only a problem to the assholes in the world that judge others.
      Happy Holidays..😘

  2. Republicans have revealed the vote before a trial insure arrogance and a total disregard for the the obviously will of the people….which says they will do as they please even if our citizenry indicate otherwise….these guys have been in he Senate way too long….they will do as well they please and who cares what their constituencies have indicated….which Corporations are “donating” to each senator’s election coffers
    Republicans do not represent us…he represents corporations and foreign oligarchs…..we must rectify this in the next el cation or our democracy is doomed

    1. Democratic Senators have already said they’re going to convict without hearing any evidence, too. Shove your “rules or thee, but not for me” crap.

  3. They act like it didn’t happen they act like I will kids is not emotionally detached from reality let’s let’s look at it from another point of view let’s imagine the shoe was on the other foot their ancestors was from a height of the human Apple but yet no matter what we say or what the ancestors came up with the Democrats and the Republicans said no the independence said no they all said no why don’t God act and give them all the answers so that they need to make this a little bit easier on our African American kids the ancestors of the bureaucratic slavery that happened in America whitewashes those things which didn’t happen America act like they done nothing wrong if you are caught 2 people one is driving and one go in the store and robbed the store and jump in the car and no driver drives away then they both is charged with robbery and they both charged with the same murder they double jeopardy does a hatched to slavery the the the the the the rule of law there is no statute of limitation on murder our ancestors was home from Carolina from Florida to all the way up to Arkansas Tokyo and Japan they was hung all around the world and all the 50 States but yet none of them want to address look at all the black areas of the 50 states and you will get the answer with you now seeking that America turned a blind eye to slavery and care nothing about the the slavemaster nor did it care anything about the slaves now the slave family they’re suffering at the hands of the malicious Democrats Republicans doesn’t really care at all because the president of the United States stated Lestrange you know swamp now we know swamp land is dark and murky there for this is dark and murky situation the police’s are walking up in African-American House’s pulling the trigger and stay in that I thought I was in my own house and that is the line of defense that they’re using and the federal government takes our tax dollars but yet does nothing to vindicate our kids from the murderman malicious hands of the police but make no mistake about it the vindictive people they got JFK to just like they corrupted the people of Malcolm X followers just like they corrupted them to kill Malcolm X make no mistake about it my friend this is the truth the capital punishment should have been provoked a long time ago do you know they hung a black man and they cut his genitals and they put it in a jar to save it and they kept it and these are the same people you gave Badges

  4. 10 years ago I traveled performing for Old Folk and when I stopped for Gas I’d ask the attendant what were they going to do in life…. ALL OF THEM SAID THE SAME THING, “CRIMINAL JUSTICE.” …. I asked WHY? — because there are no other JOBS.
    …. arresting people is the ONLY JOB – not teaching or WalMart – JUST Arresting People.
    choose: https://youtu.be/sAc1-D9H_z0

    OR… it’s the fabric of their FAITH that will KILL YOU: https://youtu.be/aAujF41bPGM
    or… A Right To Starve by the Wealth who always eat https://youtu.be/InzhRWX3UEs

  5. Trumpty Dumpty sat on a WALL
    Humpty Trumpty had a great FALL
    And all the Moron’s horses and all the Idiot’s men
    Waved goodbye to their honor and BALLS …

    1. I love that Trump lives rent free in the White House and in your head. Even the 1 CNN post Not about Trump, and you are COMPELLED to mention him!

  6. I can’t Prove this, but I’d bet there are more Statues of Confederate Hero than there are Hero of the Union… I blame that on the REPUBLICANS who probably killed Lincoln in a conspiracy with the then 1% Wealthy and Southern 1% Class.

    1. I know he’s Republican which makes you wonder how the Carpetbaggers still control the South? Is it because the only way the Rich there in the South had to USE the Stock Exchange (or other devices) to ‘Launder Southern Wealth?’
      bn/ and since I believe that speculators are the worst of our Democracy, by playing a game of out come on chance when we know it’s fixed, but we think we’ll win when it’s a ‘scam’ we lower our-self into think belong to us.

    2. @Michael Finnigan from what I understand the South and the Republicans came to several new deals during the 1960s. NIXON famously called this alliance with the NEW Republican Members the SILENT Majority. There are actual promises made and some kept or at least enough to allow southern leadership to sell the local white folks in the south. The 1% were working on consolidating the South in hopes of controlling State Power so they can call for a Constitutional Convention and do away with Protect of all kinds and include a New Singular Religion based on the Southern Baptist faith… this would not be a friendly place for Catholics or even possibly many others. THIS IS LONG TERM Plan ever since World War II when for a Moment in Time there was a True Middle Class with all the ICING.

  7. The will of the people will not be subverted. We will hunt down each and every one of you devil worshipers if we have to

  8. I think it’s odd that right to lifers are also for the death penalty.
    Let it be born, then have a law that allows you to kill it.

    1. @Dobbys Boggart good. most important though, if your position is primarily one of religion, then banning abortions goes against the first amendment. i hope your side sees that. we have an implied right to privacy here. we see abortion bans as attacks on our right to privacy. we see them as attacks on rape victims. we see them as chains that force the under-educated into futures where they cannot improve themselves. we perceive bans on abortion as using pregnancy as a punishment for behaviors that the religious don’t approve of.

      do you have a scientific basis for your position of refusing abortions to everybody?

    2. @Michael Finnigan … The First Amendment doesn’t forbid laws of moral decency. And morals have their foundation in religion. The Declaration of Independence, this nation’s philosophical charter, says that all men are created … not born, but CREATED … equal, and endowed by their Creator with the inalienable right to life. The government’s trust in God doesn’t require evidence that an atheist would accept. It just requires the people’s faith.

      Nobody has the right to commit murder in privacy. If women don’t want to be pregnant, then they shouldn’t have sex. Once they get themselves pregnant, they’ve got a nine-month commitment. Then they can give the child up for adoption.
      There are only four scenarios where abortion should be legal. Rape, traumatizing incest, danger to the mom’s life, or doctors determining that the baby won’t survive birth anyway.

  9. The rich people will continue to be Above the Law because they know they can’t do it and they can get away with it that’s happening right now.😡

    1. No offence- I get your point and I agree 100% – However I believe you wrote that wrong.
      “can’t” should be “can”….😁

  10. It’s long past the time for the death penalty to be abolished. I’d rather let a guilty man go free then condemn an innocent one to death.

    1. Dobbys Boggart you didn’t read the link I sent you bud. It’s cheaper to house someone for life in prison then on death row. If your argument is being cost effective it doesn’t work

    2. In all cases your “innocent man” theory has an arms length criminal record that doesn’t reflect crimes he WASN’T caught. Death penalty is too lenient.

  11. First Step Act is a step in the right direction , but Ju$tice, inc. is a BUSINESS here and it’s beyond corrupt – I vote for DEMONETIZING the $ystem , THAT would eliminate a lot of this , let alone racial bias and treating manufactured addiction as criminal rather than a medical issue (as long as violence and theft aren’t involved)! Have a long way to go ! …. P.s. , l’ll happily remind MOST of our so-called “LEADERS” that TREASON is indeed a Capital crime , ya know ?

  12. The US justice & legal system, from cowboy amateurish police to the failed prison system, is one of the most shameful aspects of the US.

  13. As a European I’m amused that a people who furiously oppose any and every government control over any aspect of their lives, are willing to give their government the power to kill them ?
    Because it’ll only be used against people who they personally dislike ?
    And not themselves ?

    1. GORDON BRADLEY yep and when will these idiots realize that killing someone they hate is not going to solve their problem but instead it will increase them in sin

  14. What do you mean they can’t agree on anything these days. There’s about 200 BI-PARTISAN bills passed which Mitch is holding back.

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