Jury selection is scheduled to resume Thursday morning in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who is charged with second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in the May 2020 killing of George Floyd, a Black man. The incident sparked protests worldwide. Two more jurors were chosen Wednesday, replacing two who were cut because they said they couldn't be impartial after hearing about the city's historic $27 million settlement with Floyd's family.
The court, for hours, heard from more potential jurors, with both Chauvin's attorney and prosecutors questioning them about their knowledge of the case, the protests and Floyd's death. Jurors faced a battery of questions about whether they could set aside any existing opinions to serve impartially.
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#chauvintrial #georgefloyd
Why do they get to cherry pick a jury? People who dont pay attention to what’s happening are not Intelligent and are easily swayed by misinformation.
@Jim Lester I dont watch cnn…
@der Jakob Great comeback! Way to not address the argument.
It was an example. You nor I have seen any evidence and either has anyone else.
So having a juror like you who thinks you are educated because of whatever crap you watch, is something to be avoided, if one want to achieve a fair trial.
You obviously can’t grasp the concept. You know to much. LOL
Take it easy!
@Jim Lester and thinking someone who doesn’t keep track of current events is intelligent shows you’re beyond clueless…
@Mikail444 Yeah major Irony! Der Jakoff doesn’t even see the system is designed to keep people like him off a jury.
@der Jakob Way to debunk something I never said. LOL
Have you even watched the selection process?
They are literally trying to find people that know as little about it as they can. So that they can make a decision based on evidence and not the media propaganda.
What would you suggest? That they give a test to see how much news you have watched to qualify?
The only thing you donkees know is what you are seeing in the media.
Nevermind, don’t hurt yourself trying to defend your dumbass argument.
Take it easy, Genius, since you know more than the people who founded this country!
If I was on that jury, it would be a well hung jury
That’s what Ron Jeremy said
That ain’t what she told me. She said that she started laughing the first time she saw it after asking where is it. Now you know why she said no when you proposed. She told me that she would just keep using her bedroom toy. Better luck next time. Nowadays you would think there would be an operation you could get. And there may be. Check into it mate.
Floyd Fentanyl overdose trial
Fentanyl Floyd the meth saint
Let alone the fact he followed everything he was taught. Their issue is with the department on style of training not Derek.
Ate up methy tweaky twackstar George
@Vincent Murolo
Individuals like you are precisely why America is the armpit of first world countries
Fentanyl killed this man, Chauvin is not guilty
@Vincent Murolo
Someone needs to watch the whole clip he’ll be not guilty
Even if you are correct (which you aren’t) it is still police brutality, disorderly conduct and attempted murder
@James Ratman the Time Traveler
@John Dennis what did I say that was incorrect?
Free the officer and give him a million dollars to start a new life. He only removed a violent dope dealer/user off the streets for good
our daughters name is Kenya
Ikr I thank him for one less tweaking pos on the street
@nature lick those boots lick em good
I feel like every day since weeks ago there has been a “breaking! Jury selection in trial of Derek Chauvin!”. How about get on with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why go off audio?
Just give him a check from crime stoppers and let him go free.
Not guilty!!!!!
baby the kids miss their daddy – please come home
Hard to find jury members that don’t want to be terrorized by BLM.
i prefer BLM to Neo nazi fake patriots
@Vincent Murolo Why would you prefer either, sheeple?
@J D you sound like a strong man – do you want to smother me
@Vincent Murolo Is that some kind of gay code? Not judging, just wondering.
@J D it’s not code – i want you to smother me –
This jury will be so bias because they will give be shown the first video by the media.
re-read your statement out loud
Don’t eat your fentanyl stash when you get busted for passing a xeroxed 20 to get some cigs and Thunderbird….
the 20 was real
@Vincent Murolo so was the fentanyl hahahahahahahahahhaha too soon?
The city f**ked up. Even if he is convicted, he’ll win an appeal.
Good Lord.
The only way they are going to find a complete impartial jury is if they go out of this country or some how find people that have no idea about this case
Let’s just do a country wide vote like we do the election minus dominion voting machine involvement . -not guilty
Q is dead
@Vincent Murolo who is Q
Great Idea!! ….and If we don’t get the outcome we want…let’s organize a boycott of My Pillows!

@Dixie Duggan least some people see the humor in my comments thanks for the laugh
I’d be shocked if this Cop doesn’t go down, and that’s coming from a Cop apologist
Oh yes. If I was on that jury he definitely would go down. Police brutality has got to stop and we just as well start with this one. Life with the possibility of parole in 40 years. Nothing less than that. He flat out murdered mr. Floyd. He should plead guilty and cut a deal. I’ll bet he doesn’t get a sentence like I would like to see him get. He will be out in 10 years or less.
Let’s get this party started. Should be a short trial. It’s all on video…….
This “crime” wouldn’t of even made the news if it was black on white. Worlds not getting for the better folks.
Throw the key away already ffs