Jury reaches a verdict in Chauvin murder trial | Announcement expected at 4:30 p.m. EST

The jury has reached a verdict in murder trial of ex-cop Derek Chauvin in George Floyd's death and will be read Tuesday afternoon.

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Jury reaches a verdict in Chauvin murder trial | Announcement expected at 4:30 p.m. EST


    1. @Tony Baloney the truth is that Chauvin was found guilty by a lawful court. You are nobody and your opinion matters not.

    2. @I Forgive You I can accept lawful orders , but in 6 months if/when he gets his appeal , can you?
      Do you think OJ was actually innocent? Now that is out there , wow. (btw … I said think he was, we all know that a court of law said he was not guilty)

    1. This. Verdict doesnt seem right though. Guilty on everything. I mean there was so much reasonable doubt.

    1. Riots wouldn’t happen except for a lack of reasoning ability…… pushed by ” trained Marxists ” ! Research is a wonderful activity capable of enlightening the darkness !

    1. @NAC NAC I was imagining, not reporting. I expect he’ll be back out again soon, and until then, his prison stay will be like…well, did you ever see “Goodfellas”? Lol

    2. @Joe The Eurosquatter I’m sorry I misunderstood…No, I havent seen GoodFellas but I can image its a very suitable reference

    1. @Margarita Magdalena because I am educated and think for myself, I don’t Chelsea Handler telling me what to think.

  1. Any YouTube lawyers? Does it mean he will get sentenced on each charge or will he get sentenced on the higher charge and serve the others with the higher charge? How does this work?! 🥴 trying to see if I need to rejoice or not 🤦🏽‍♀️ 8 weeks is too long of a cliffhanger 😅

  2. He can look forward to 3 meals a day, no longer working to stay alive, no more paying taxes and relaxing.

  3. The fact that this officer was charged with crimes which names include the word “murder” but OJ Simpson got off scot free, is a disgrace to humanity. I’ve lost all hope wow

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