The jury in Sarah Palin's defamation lawsuit against the New York Times has found the NYT not liable in the case. The decision aligns with the judge, and both hold that the New York Times did not show reckless disregard for the truth. CNN's Jeffrey Toobin weighs in. #CNN #News
Jury finds that Palin failed to prove defamation

Plain was looking for a payday
Isn’t everybody
@Bob Evans that’s a valid point
Palin as day she was
She looks thin she must be puking up a lot of meals 🤮
And relevancy. She’s firmly out of the loop, these years.
She defamed herself when she said she read all the papers and Africa was a country
yes …during a katie couric interview katie asked about her policy on north korea …..she asked katie “why are there two koreas”….because you never watched a MASH episode ……
@Ebbrush3 Guess knowledge of World History wasn’t Palin’s standpoint either.
dumb as a bag of hammers ….1st requirement for a republican nomination
She defamed herself when she said she could see Russia from her kitchen table – unless she owns a second home
You can’t spend your entire career knowingly, purposely, and deliberately lying about others and NEVER retracting your lies, and then crying when it happens to you. This is poetic justice.
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr Still not Smoking Gun.
“All this new filing showed is that researchers who had access to existing DNS traffic mined it for information,” said Bradley Moss, a lawyer who specializes in national security. “There was no unlawful infiltration of Trump or White House servers, or anything else that has been bandied about by the conservative echo chamber.” Akerman echoed that sentiment, stating if a law had been broken someone would have been charged. “If there really was something that was proprietary that was stolen, they would have indicted this person under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. They didn’t. And so you’ve got to ask yourself, ‘What the heck is this?'”
So far, Durham has not charged anyone with spying on Trump. The filing also did not state that any content from White House communications were read or compromised, or that the tech company Joffe worked for was on Clinton’s payroll.
Durham also noted in the filing that the DNS lookups started as early as 2014, when Barack Obama was in office, and continued until early 2017.
Still, Trump said the filing is “indisputable evidence” of wrongdoing by Clinton and suggested that “in a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death.”
The former president also lambasted media outlets for what he perceived as a lack of coverage on Durham’s filing.
“Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and the Republicans, in particular President Donald Trump, got caught illegally spying into the office of the President?” Trump said Monday. “All hell would break loose, and the electric chair would immediately come out of retirement.”
@Gary Rumain The name “Project Veritas” is the American equivalent of the Soviet oxymoronic name “Pravda.”
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr it’s already been shown to be BS. Try to keep up.
So in your opinion two wrongs does make a right 🙃
@Rick Thank you for educating The Tweatles…I’m sure he’ll Thank you too!!
…and the grift continues. 🤮
As a foreign policy expert who has lived in Alaska, and closely to Russia for years, Palin doesn’t know the laws of her own country. Sad.
She saw millions coming, but it was smoke and mirrors. Back to the cold Alaska.
She’s a republican. So
@Kenneth Mardis I was going to say the same thing. She’s a republican. Not knowing things is one of their trademarks.
She can see Russia from her house.
Now they should determine how much the NYT had to pay to defend themselves and send that invoice to Palin.
She can pay it out of her yearly oil welfare checks
I bet she has spent that money already in anticipation of a settlement. Now she has to return her new trailer house.
The only thing about defamation of character is that she has absolutely no character to defame. She’s a wart.
@Ba Doai
Yes, she’s a wart! Well put.
a wart with horrible style and cheekbone implants
OH MY!! A wart?!?!😂😂😂😂
So much ‘winning’ Palin.
She said “objection” on the stand? Oh my God I could not stop laughing. The court room chuckled too
And this woman was close to being our vice president…
The kangaroo court.
omg fr? wow she’s nuts
@Click Clack You’re not the brightest, are you?
@Ver Coda Yes, I am the brightest. Keep up lil fella.
Disappointing that the courts wouldn’t simply fine Palin for such a joke of a filing. But, glad to hear that justice ruled the day.
Tbh, I’d be surprised if Palin could even spell the word “defamation”
She sure relished the role of COVID-19 superspreader, though.
Yet another fail for Palin, who is apparently a glutton for punishment.
She’s just a glutton for punishment. Bless her heart ❤️
They corrected. Apologized 3 x. Foxnews would never do these things and hide behind “no reasonable person would believe this stuff”
Actually people should be suing Fox right and left since they lie constantly
Maybe Mike Pence will overturn her decision.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer grifter than palin. She has been duping right wing idiots for years
That tactic of destroying journalism through litigation is precisely why Palin took it to trial. 😕
Projection! (From a bitter troll, SURPRISE!)
Deplorable Pride is a terrible thing to waste!
Bless yer heart.
White privileging is what it’s called. I’m just saying.
@Jeff Zabelski m
But there is a total lack of Journalism. It is all opinion media now.
@NPC FREDO proof??? Or you looking to have a defamation lawsuit against yourself… don’t think that can’t happen either… never know what can or will happen in this digital age… careful what you say and do!!!
Just goes to show: just because you think you’re right, does not mean that you are…
And yet she was.
@Jay Jay come on dummy. She had every chance to prove her case. She didn’t. If you cant trust a court of law you are a total lost cause dude.
Minute Meditations, 💯 👏
The jury was going to come back with a guilty verdict until the judge dismissed the case. Go read politico report.
@Minute Meditations You’re the dummy. The jury was going to find NYTimes guilty until the judge dismissed the case.
Sarah Palin can console herself by recognizing that with Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, she’s no longer the face of Republican stupidity.
But she was a really sexy candidate with her sexy drilling husband!
Sarah The Driller, can you share your husband with me, please driller, may I?
She has NOT aged well !
The bar keeps getting lower and lower
Fox News could be in big trouble: Dominion’s huge defamation lawsuit makes a strong case
No it doesn’t.
@Minute Meditations They didn’t twist the Durham report stupid.
@Akon Fenty Fox claims all manner of things that the joke of a Durham report does not.
@Willy Bones Durham probe says Sussman paid a firm to spy on Trump. That Hillary made up the Russia collusion story and or her campaign did not her, her campaign pushed the Russia collusion story to the CIA. Her campaign lied to the CIA. We already knew this from Mueller report that showed Hillary and DNC paid for the debunked dossier. Sussman and Igor were both indicted for lying to the FBI. Sussman lied about not having a client when he in fact did.
@Melanie Cotterell sober analysis of this data reveals that Dominion has a serious case against Fox News. Efforts to destroy public trust in the electoral process are nothing to make light of, and Dominion’s lawsuit could have serious consequences for Fox and other right-wing outlets. The voting company is suing the channel for $1.6 billion in damages to its professional reputation — a sum that amounts to almost three times the profits Fox makes in a year. The evidence here suggests that Dominion is validated in its response to Fox’s propaganda. Based on the data reviewed here, Fox News has played a consistent and serious role in amplifying the Trump administration’s propaganda, which threatens to poison the public well by undermining public trust in the state and local institutions of vote counting.
Should have charged her with wasting their time with frivolous litigation. I hope costs are awarded against her.