Jury finds actor Kevin Spacey not liable for battery

A New York jury finds Kevin Spacey is not liable for battery on allegations he picked up actor Anthony Rapp and briefly laid on top of him in a bed at a party in 1986. CNN's Jean Casarez reports. #CNN #News

Jury finds actor Kevin Spacey not liable for battery


    1. Thanks for Always Watching our Videos and contents, we really appreciate. Reach out to our Admin for amazing Stock market ideas and investment guides.. *_CNN_* ❤️

  1. Omg!! Its weird because Kevin Stacy had a studio appartment in NYC and this guy said he had a bedroom. Kevin life, career completely destroyed. Damn

  2. actually look into like one of the guys that tried to charge him it came out that he literally tried to do it for money and that’s saying that it’s the truth for all of them but the one guy was definitely suspicious as hell

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  3. Be Aware that Scammers are pumping “Gift’s” You Just need to pay the postage first then the second and third it’s a scam 24 / 7 Be aware !

    1. Thanks for Always Watching our Videos and contents, we really appreciate. Reach out to our Admin for amazing Stock market ideas and investment guides.. *_CNN_* ❤️

  4. And the winner is Kevin Spacey! In 2011 an Italian album by Caparezza, Il Sogno Eretico, contained this song about Kevin Spacey. Caparezza goes to Hollywood to find him. Even if you don’t understand Italian you’ll get it. CAPAREZZA – KEVIN SPACEY (video ufficiale)

    1. Thanks for Always Watching our Videos and contents, we really appreciate. Reach out to our Admin for amazing Stock market ideas and investment guides.. *_CNN_* ❤️

  5. Did not believe this guy from the get go. You don’t even have to work in Hollywood anymore, just accuse someone of doing something and hope for a payout.

    1. Thanks for Always Watching our Videos and contents, we really appreciate. Reach out to our Admin for amazing Stock market ideas and investment guides.. *_CNN_* ❤️

  6. Anthony should sue his parents for not setting boundaries on his behavior. 1 4 and showing up at parties with grown men?

  7. Look at the damage false allegations did to him. Everyone should use this case as an example of someone being accused, got canceled, then later found not guilty. An allegation is just that and nothing more. No one should be canceled because of allegations without proof.

  8. So everything has either been dropped or proven to be false ..me too movement my arse ..shocking what they have done to this man..hope she doesn’t continue to be blackballed in the film industry..been badly missed

  9. I always knew it was a false witch hunt

    I always liked spacey and glad I gave him the benefit of the doubt

  10. You have to think about who in their “right mind” would even consider a criminal case against another over a situation that occured literally 40 yrs ago? I don’t get why folks like Rapp think that even makes any sense to waste time on it. He was clearly attempting to take advantage of a situation regardless of who was being blamed. If Rapp had any decency, he should apologize and at least attempt to save face.

  11. Yessssssss. I was on his side from beginning where everyone accused him and got influenced by this meto movement crap. As most common people the stream I hope now at least they see what this done to his career. He is brilliant brilliant actor! One of the kind!! Im sooo happy… in your face Anthony Rapp

  12. I was friends with a young celebrity son in his early twenties and he said when he was younger like 17 Kevin Soacy was drunk and groped him in a limousine . He was in the limo because of his father . And they were going to another event. And yet I was at the time making excuses for Kevin Soacey saying oh he was drunk so sorry that happened to you . And I feel guilty for that .
    Hope he has the courage to share his story .

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