Juni: Health-care system in Ont. remains ‘very challenged’ | COVID-19 in Canada

Dr. Peter Juni says hospitals in Ontario are under severe strain and that pressure is impacting all levels of care.

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    1. Never!
      He likes to spread panic using his imagination aka modeling instead of science and data as a collective instead of partial convenient data only!

      Down right Criminal.

  1. Remains challenged? Really? Considering it has been challenged for about 20 years and nothing has been done to fix it, why is this news?

  2. The largest negative impact is firing Doctors and Nurses. I hope these bureaucrats try and get those healthcare workers back. But I would completely understand if the Doctors and Nurses tell the government where to go and how to get there.

  3. In 1975 Canada had 7.0 hospital beds per 1000. Today Canada has 2.5 hospital beds per 1000, according to the World Bank’s website.

    1. Exactly that’s because doctors working in the hospitals get paid for services and for sitting on the board. If provincial funding is spent just fattening doctors pockets there won’t ever be money for hospital beds when each hospital has a board.

  4. Its a challenge of their own making. Maybe they should stop playing with the lives of the citizens to which the country belongs.

  5. Been hearing for 22 months now that the system is going to be overwhelmed. Starting to become skeptical at this point.
    I remember having day surgery in 1993 and a nurse waking me up from anesthetic and forcefully dressing me because her shift was almost over and she couldn’t stay because of Bob Rae’s social contract days. It was apparently a “crisis” that nurses not work overtime. I threw up all over her.
    28 years later and the system is still in “crisis”.

  6. Testing was always nearly pointless without attempting to issue meds/care packages/or treatment protocols or programs

    1. @Habs and then they did what with that info? Nothing. They did nothing with the time travel restrictions gave them each wave.

  7. The hospital system in Ontario has been collapsing since the 1980’s. Wait times have been over 8 houra for the last few decades.

    It is only worse due to the illegal firing of unvaccinated staff.

  8. Absolutely embarrassing what’s become of this country.

  9. Perhaps they should look at early treatment for those who get sick rather than waiting for them to get sick enough to require the use of the understaffed hospitals.

    1. But then they can’t get that sweet sweet federal cash. Simple cures at home using OTC and drugs that are considered safe for any reason the physician determines, doesn’t make anyone money.

  10. And it will always be a challenge as long as you have three times as many administrators as qualified medical staff.

  11. “The testing system is overwhelmed” “the case numbers are meaningless” testing is primarily used to generate useless case numbers not for treating patients…..testing is an incredible waste of money when the end result is that patients that require support need open beds and health care staff, not additional and irrelevant spending on testing. Testing is a high profit venture that is reducing actual health care.

    1. @Habs provided data to enact unethical and illegal mandates. And place blame where the all important metric of cases was a tiny bit higher saying they need more restrictions and dangerous shots

    2. Have Covid couldn’t even get tested had to hunt and buy a rapid test kit so I wonder where they are getting these numbers from?

  12. Been hearing for 22 months now that the system is going to be overwhelmed. Starting to become skeptical at this point.
    I remember having day surgery in 1993 and a nurse waking me up from anesthetic and forcefully dressing me because her shift was almost over and she couldn’t stay because of Bob Rae’s social contract days. It was apparently a “crisis” that nurses not work overtime. I threw up all over her.
    28 years later and the system is still in “crisis”.

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