Judiciary Committee Member: GOP Colleagues Acting “Increasingly Sheepish” | The Last Word | MSNBC

After today’s deposition from State Dept. official George Kent, Rep. Jamie Raskin tells Lawrence O'Donnell that the Ukraine scandal has "somewhat shamed and embarrassed" Republican colleagues in the House. Jonathan Alter and Rick Wilson also join. Aired on 10/15/19.
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Judiciary Committee Member: GOP Colleagues Acting "Increasingly Sheepish" | The Last Word | MSNBC

Judiciary Committee Member: GOP Colleagues Acting "Increasingly Sheepish" | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. The reason his lawyers are trying to find out who the whistleblower is. Remember when his presidency started he was trying to get Putin’s Russian mafia sanctions lifted after they murdered a whistleblower

    2. @Flabby Bum “That must be why the FBI cleared him?”
      The FBI cleared who? And what do you mean “cleared”? Like, cleared of some kind of potential criminal charges? Cleared for security purposes? What are you talking about?

    3. Giuliani is getting old. No chances of heading a state or an administration job. His law practice didn’t earn the financial backing he sought. What he needed most, because of the alimony he pays out, was mucho bucks. He saw an opportunity and he went hook, line, and sinker for the chance to pull out of near bankruptcy. He became a lawyer to Trump. When he was Mayor of New York, he was an honest, hard-working political appointee. He went after the mafia and put most in jail when he was the U.S. Attorney General of New York.

  1. R.I.P. Replikkklans…..spineless is the word for it. They almost gave us up for ……$,$$$,$$$….. IF IT WERENT FOR THE BLUE WAVE IN 18, WE WOULD BE FKD RIGHT NOW, FACT.

    1. We won the #BlueWave won in 2018 was the plan God set forth to end this corrupt clown’s life long crimes. It’s all happening in real time.🙏🏼

  2. These idiots left a paper trail as broad as the tornado alley. Has it never occurred to the Трамп crime family that loyalty is no one-way street – after firing that many people, they still believe, nobody will talk? Their stupidity just knows no bounds.

    1. @agf1700 These Trump supporters don’t care about facts and the rule of law. They all wear tin foil hats.

    2. @Bond James Bond how do you know new crimmals everyday? As far as I know they have not released any transcripts of the hearings. Adam just releases information toake the president look like a crime.

    3. @scott chadwick Scott if you think this President is doing an OK job so far, I’d hate to see what you consider a bad job! Please stop embarrassing yourself by continuing to support this corrupt President. It makes you look foolish.

  3. If these people do not comply with congress  haul them off to jail right there on the spot, zero tolerance for obstruction

    1. @Suzanne Berry <--<< Part of the legal steps is NOT being an ignorant numb skull like you. Legally if they refuse a congressional subpoena they can be sent to jail, that's it, period. Congress has the authority under the constitution to jail these jack asses and for one, hope to hell they do jail all of these criminals; Rudy Giuliani, Bill Barr, Lewandowski, all of them. Do you realize that Donald Trump has essentially been convicted of a felony already? Michael Cohen is in prison for conspiring with Donald Trump to commit felonies for the benefit of Donald Trump. That is what Cohen is in prison for.

    2. @Mark Shumate. . . Obviously, you have not read our Constitution, yes, jailing and fining people for not complying with an investigation is very much in line with due process and the rule of law. I thought all Americans knew about due process and the rule of law. It’s not a popularity contest.

    3. @Suzanne Berry. . . Why? Has someone suggested something else? Jailing people for contempt is proper and legal!

  4. Imagine being Fiona Hill, a life-long civil servant who is basically an expert on US-Ukraine relations. And then you see a clown car pull up, and out stumble Rudy and Sondland – a crackpot conspiracy nut and a real estate millionaire who bought his way into his role – and be told you need to listen to them and do what they tell you about Ukraine. Really? Yup. That’s our reality when you elect a reality show president. 😆😅

    1. @AFXM.COM. . . He actually played the President of Ukraine in the show! I don’t think it was a reality TV show though.

    2. @Jason Vegan hope, you are right. But I fear the GOP is entered by some anti democrats, raised in the Tea Party Movement. Theese people completely are stuffed with nonsense and hate and normaly they are fans of Putin. The same in Europe… Sigh

    1. I’m waiting for a whistleblower to be brave enough to come forward. There’s definitely some “there” there.

    2. @rationalguy Rudy, don’t forget Rudy! Oh, Sebastin Gorka, too… Anyone else? Can they all share a prison dorm to save the cost of separate cells? Can it be a private, run-for-profit prison?

  5. With traitors like Moscow Mitch running the show this is normal bs. Term limits for the senate should be a priority.

    1. There needs to be some kind of automatic action to bring Bill’s from the house to the Senate floor. Moscow mitch has turned thr 100 member Senate into a one man show. If he forsng like a bill he simply won’t allow a vote on it. But what about the other 99 senators ??? Dont they count ?

    2. For bettor or worse, the body of knowledge and experience is in these senior members and this could turn out to be a folly. Classic rock and a hard place.

    1. Actually 3 amigos is pretty accurate. 3 guys hired to do a job they are completely unqualified for buffooning their way through a slapstick series of events ultimately ending in a pile of dead bodies.

    2. At least Volker was smart enough to spill the beans early. He probably said to himself, I’m not going down for that Orange Clown.

    1. @Levon McClam do you “think” America can survive and thrive by serving only the wealthy and backstabbing our allies?
      Do you think?

    1. Beyond Trump sits a Cauldron of Corruption and atop that Cauldron sits McConnell Funneling the power of the GOP’s BIG Donors Bucks and GOP’s Support To Those Representatives Who Tow HIS Party Line (large tax breaks for the Corporate and Wealthy, Jobs Shipped Oversea (more profit) Deindustrialization of Cities, Deregulation (plans to Strip a National Park’s Forest, in Alaska) Repeated Destruction of Economy….AND Hand the BILL To The Working Class= PROFIT). Remove McConnell Examine Large Campaign Donors, Reform Campaign Funding, Set Term Limits.

  6. I want everyone who defied a subpeona charged. I can’t even blow off jury duty and these guys are flipping off Congressional subpeonas.

    1. @David Braun *_I’m only half joking when I tell you that Alpha Male Status trumps Legislation._*
      Y’all compare President Donald Trump to President Andrew Jackson but ya’ll keep forgetting that the Supreme Court couldn’t stop Jackson from steeling Atlanta from the Native Americans.

      So don’t be a Beta Male…Be an Alpha like our President.

    2. dennisw01 Look up due process in impeachment in “the Google” to see just how ridiculously ignorant the president’s lawyers are to the powers that the Constitution gives Congress during an impeachment proceeding. Oh, wait…he’s not exactly known for hiring real lawyers. Then see how much due process you are afforded during a grand jury investigation. Fox can fool most of the people all of the time…

  7. Oh my God, I knew he would be a terrible President, but did anyone know what a tsunami of corruption we were in for?!!
    👇🏼 tally here 🧐

    1. Well, most people grow with responsibility, that is one thing I think people hoped for. Also, many hoped that he would be contained by staff and institutions. The core of democracy is the ability of the people to remove from power those who should be removed. Maybe it’ll work out. Eerie though that the facts we need, to know what is what, are corrupted and ignored to such an extent.

    2. @athena icaria politifact even gave up on keeping track of the sheer number of lies…it was in the thousands after his first year and not if you look at politifact it just shows trump latest dozen or so lies…and the one thing he told the truth (trump rally paid)”more than 26 times the estimated security costs for a 2009 Target Center health care rally held by President Barack Obama.”

      — PolitiFact National on Tuesday, October 8th, 2019 …which makes sense since trump supporters are violent, even to each other so of course they would have higher security costs than ten years ago

  8. Trump’s Only and True Talent is to spot a Kindred “Soul” as Depraved and Self-Serving as himself.
    And then he Hires them!
    And then he throws them Under the Bus!

    1. the russians were across the road waving money and surrounded by easy women … come on over the russians called out … they know their domographic … they are masters at the game

  9. Attention White House officials: this president is going to eventually use you as sacrificial lamb, is time to abandon ship

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