Judges To Rule On Two Cases Involving Subpoenas In Impeachment Inquiry | The Last Word | MSNBC

A federal judge challenged the Trump administration's claim that Don McGahn cannot be compelled to testify to Congress as another judge scheduled hearing to rule whether an aide to John Bolton must comply with a House subpoena on Ukraine. Neal Katyal tells Lawrence O'Donnell the judge "decimated the government's bad legal argument" on McGahn and the Kupperman case is a "delay tactic" that "looks more and more like obstruction of justice." Aired on 10/31/19.
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Judges To Rule On Two Cases Involving Subpoenas In Impeachment Inquiry | The Last Word | MSNBC

Judges To Rule On Two Cases Involving Subpoenas In Impeachment Inquiry | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. have you ever had a conversation with a lawyer do you have any friends that are lol
      title doesn’t mean intelligent.

      the college admission scandal should wake people up.

      i quit track in college because of this stuff.
      not Fair-most these people’s parents paid a way to there positions.. trump TOo.

  1. To disobey a subpoena is to commit obstruction of justice.
    Trump is only digging himself deeper with each subpoena ignored…

    1. Marc Emson Trump believes he is above it all. He, and he alone, will evade any consequences for his actions because he always has. Always.

      Impeach, remove and incarcerate this vermin and his guilty supporters.

    2. @J MacDonald And let’s not forget that the republican party unanimously sided with this dooshebag. Vote blue come 2020! We don’t need them!

    1. Let’s be fair here, most Americans agree, that Trump is by far the most corrupt and criminal POTUS in America History.

    1. About 100 things went wrong for our democracy and 100 things went right for the lowest scum of our society AND Putin. A once in a century fluke happened for this con man.

    1. They should just call Trump as the first witness, for his prosecution. Should not take long. Him giving evidence to a guilty verdict, about an hour I would have thought.

  2. I’m asking myself if democracy is giong down because Trump came up or if Trump came up because democracy goes down. Probably both.

    1. tRump is much more of a symptom than a cause, I’m afraid. As hideous as his damage is and will continue to prove to be, he was entirely enabled by complicit GOP machinery and big money. Money in politics ruined our government. Started long ago.

    1. Yanhao li you remember in your history class what happened to those kings? The peasants rose up and dethroned him.

  3. They are going to fight everything. The republicans will want a vote on making English the official language before they can agree on the definition of subpoena, before determining whether or not that alleged subpoena is valid.

    1. Yes, his knowledge of the issues is just “on target”   I always like to hear what he has to say about anything…………

  4. Always Neal is great in stating the exact and proper legal argument on any case. His strong argument echoed the judge rulings. Anxious to read his book “IMPEACH ….TRUMP”

    1. jhhayes One of the most profound tools of teaching is using apt metaphors. The best teachers always employ them. ….. a picture’s worth a thousand words.

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