President Trump had filed the suit to try to prevent his tax preparer from having to produce his tax documents after they were subpoenaed by a grand jury. The president's attorneys have filed an emergency appeal. NBC News’ Hans Nichols reports. Aired on 10/7/19.
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Judge Tosses Trump Tax Returns Lawsuit, Calls It ‘Unqualified & Boundless’ | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
It’s all about self preservation with Trump. He cares about no one and nothing but himself
@Jon North
Yes…a real lot…he wants to “Put-in”…Putin…
He wants to “put-in”…Putin in our elections
He wants to “put-in”…Putin
back in G7 to G8
He wants to “put-in”…Putin
decisions over and above our own intelligence
Oh…the list goes on and on…
He’s just “put-in”…Putin in everything he can…
And I think his taxes will surely show that Putin…was “put-in” there too!!!
America, The Beautiful

Why is it you weep???
@Michael Guevara And you sound like a typical GOP cult fool. What’s your point?
@claire bigelow thats what a pervert would say. pervert
What u have a problem with that?
Trump is abusing the intelligence classification system to cover up his crimes and secrets.
It would be hilarious if his taxes are released that he apparently never paid any taxes and was being chased by the government so he ran for president.
I doubt that *that* was the reason why he ran for President in 2016. Morelikely he was told by Putin to run, or else some dirt would “accidentally” leak to the FBI. But *that* is defiinitely the man reason why he is so desperate to get re-elected. He knows that, as soon as he steps out of that office, he and his brats will be thrown in jail for a long time.
@Jorge Stolfi dear moron. Since Trump entered offlce he’s imposed the strictest sanctions on Russia since the end of the cold war. He has also extracted the United States from arms treaties the soviets weren’t following. The Democrat leadership said this was so provocative that it would start WW3. He armed the Syrian rebels who were fighting soviet backed Syrians… And he sold Poland 5th generation fighter jets. They are new to nato and on the immediate border of Russia.
Thank you for providing evidence that Democrats are morons
@niecers what does paying more taxes have to do with stopping co2 emissions. Enjoy your propaganda. This case will be overturned
hdtvcamera1 I own a few small property development business so I understand when businessman needs to do tax planning and how tax planning may make a person look bad if they don’t understand finances of tax accounting, which is why I said trump is stuck in a bad plAce. What’s your point ?
Can’t be shocked about anything concerning Trump anymore.
Bob, sadly, the power is with the money
@Bob Loblaw sadly wages have been stagnant for over 10 years. We can’t afford to leave work and protest in the streets. The gubmint has us right where they want us. Obedient
@Francis Conners Exactly, So hit them in the pocket book. Disrupt their channels of business. Shut the place down. Stop supporting business who do business with the crook.
@Stray I don’t buy that. Together the people can hit them in the wallet where it hurts most. Take a look around the world and see how other citizens under other authoritarian dictatorships are working out. having a job is the least of their worries. If people don’t do something now it will soon be too late. Trump has become another Russian oligarch who is selling out america to his puppet master. Time for America to wake up.
No problem, let’s go after his children’s tax returns.
Gustavo Rodriguez The GOP is the international criminal enterprise still pretending to be a political party. Several prominent GOP people, including Ben Carson and Newt Gingrich, are using a Russian-based email service. This is specifically to avoid scrutiny from U. S. law enforcement. That is the definition of conspiracy and racketeering. Crooks are just going to be crooks!
@SabreFiveFour Your bs is flying all over the place. Which liar do you work for? hrc or pocohontas.
The IRS already has his tax returns.
“I am the most Transparent president ever”
The king is naked
@hdtvcamera1 Russia?
@The Skeletons Daisy And cult idiots like you.
@Bob Loblaw Russia, the chant of morons who have no idea what is going on in the world
@hdtvcamera1 Like yourself. A delusional GOP cult moron. A dirt bag deplorable.
“A sitting president cannot be investigated for criminal activity” ROFLMFAO this is how every dictator and human rights violators stay in power around the globe. They keep themselves above the law and get away with murder … literally.
@Cassidy Smith unlike Clinton .. Obama didn’t even Break any laws… The most corruption-free Pres since Carter….. Only “law” broken: Black in the white house
@Cassidy Smith I had no idea the Rick Perry was that formidable. Ooops.
Your 100% right.
@bingbonga binga Trump is, however, legally blind.
Maybe he can have Barr disclose the “Principle Conclusions” of his tax returns and see if a judge will accept that narrative.
The Orange Clown is the most Corrupt person ever !!
How CRIMINAL Trump white House is relative to previous presidencies…
8 years Clinton (Democrat) 2 indictments 1 conviction 1 prison
8 years W Bush (Republican) 16 indictments 16 convictions 9 prison
8 years Obama (Democrat) 0 indictment 0 conviction 0 prison
*<<<<---- Trumptards HATE this fact* 2 years of Trump (Republican) 35 indictments 191 convictions 2 prison 7 guilty pleas *<<<<---- And completely ignore this one*
@Peggy Micsky quit smoking crack comrade Peggy
@Peggy Micsky Commie regime? Like John Brennan, a registered communist who left the party to increase his chances of getting hired by the CIA?
Gary Strauss You don’t sound stupid you are stupid
Individual one is using the lame excuse that he can’t be held accountable for his crimes while he occupies the white house.
You’re dismissed orange one.
The dominoes start falling in slow motion…finally.
What difference does it make? The ongoing court cases to obtain Trump’s financial records are unlikely to be resolved before the 2020 election, which means that he will have skirted public scrutiny of his taxes for two consecutive election cycles. And need I remind you that Trump was elected in 2016, in part, because enough voters did not think that a potential white-collar crime or conflict of interest would disqualify him from holding the highest office in the land? That happened. So, unless the people who voted for Trump in 2016 do an about-face and decide that Trump should be — at a minimum — as transparent as his Democratic opponent, then you will have to endure yet another election cycle of Trump gloating about his purported wealth to a stadium full of laid-off autoworkers and coal miners.
@Peggy Micsky Can you post the legal definition of “treason” and say you were correct in using that term? ‘Cause I know that you are unaware of what it actually means.
*HINT* : currently, it is actually 100% impossible for ANYONE in the US to commit treason no matter how terribly they act.
@Zaza Brown You have been stalking that user for a long time, then, if you are correct in that he has been saying that the whole time.
*Creepy, dude…*
@AkamirNN great, so can you explain why “treason” is the favorite word on MSNBC?
The funny part is when you blow your brains out when Trump wins in 2020
He’s buying time with all these excuses.
@elitepanda3000 you are a low IQ propaganda parrot. Give me your best argument
@hdtvcamera1 In other words dirty trump did nothing for the economy except give a tax cut to the 1% . Yup im laughing at how stupid you are. And the fact that Obama got this economy going after what bush jr did to wreck it , and over the objection from the retardicans about the bail outs. OOOO, you just got owned.
@elitepanda3000 clearly you are a moron. Trump’s tax cuts didn’t affect the wealthy. Nancy Pelosi called them crumbs. $1000 dollars a year for an average family isn’t crumbs. Worse than that for democrats, it actually generated more revenue for the treasury. Look it up Einstein
@elitepanda3000 Obama presided over the 8 slowest years of economic growth in American history. The FED only lowered interest rates to a record low rate of interest during his term of office. He said GDP of 3 percent was a thing of the past. We’ve had 3 quarters with over 3 percent GDP. You idiots said Trump would destroy the economy. Clearly you don’t understand what happened to make the economy work
What a great country the US is:
the president can hide his tax returns.
That’s very transparent.
Dude. It was nice when we stole it
Once New York State gets a hold of his taxes they will uncover massive fraud!
Zaza Brown your fantasy has been shattered by New York. No court is going to let dirty trump get away with this especially since the constitution clearly states that the federal courts has no say what’s goes on in state courts.
@Patrick Kennedy Ny state is a sanctuary state so I am sure Trump can get a pardon
@Gary Strauss Probably just common sense. Something you cult fools lack. Have you ever read news paper or a book? The con man is going down for racketeering.
Trump supporters are a result of decades of inbreeding
Justice for Harry: Anne Sacoolas named as the US diplomat’s wife who was driving in a hit and run incident in England that killed 19 yo Harry Dunn. She claimed Diplomatic Immunity and ran back to USA to avoid justice
Another criminal who will fit right in in lawless america.
I agree, she needs to return.
I agree that it really sucks when this happens, it happens here in america all the time, its usually one of the arab country’s princess that kills somebody behind the wheal or rapes someone and they claim diplomatic amunity but their are good reasons for these laws, it is to protect people that we send abroad, your and our country both. It really is low when people take advantage of it though. Believe me thou when i say that all country’s have horror stories over this. the only thing that would be worse is if the law wasn’t there and foreign country could take retribution for policy reasons on diplomats and family.
Lock him up lock him up lock him up. He is a thief.
Whatever he’s hiding must be damning AF.
@toomanyaccounts the LIES that you people tell is just beyond belief!!
You really don’t care, about what’s true and what isn’t do you??
“Judge dismisses Trump request to keep taxes secret in New York”
@toomanyaccounts you people are pathetic!
@astev52 its a new york judge. they release child murderers back onto the streets to commit more murders. no considers new york judge to have any decency or credibility.
@toomanyaccounts What a load of garbage, is that the only excuse you could come up with? You people seriously don’t care whether what you’re saying is true or not do you?
to say a president is above the law is a dictatorship in the making
He said himself he would release them. I don’t trust anyone who goes back on their word.
Especially A lying, crooked,moron like Trump
He doesn’t pay attention to what he says from one sentence to another.
His chant about Obama’s birth certificate release was “ well, if you have nothing to hide…..”
@Singer RB Same now as always. He is a lying lowlife.
@micregil enjoy it for the next 5 years
@hdtvcamera1 you’re one of those stand up comedians that sits down on the job.
@micregil are you asking me to sit on your face? I’m flattered but uninterested
@hdtvcamera1 like I said, funny.