Judge overseeing Trump case has donated to Biden campaign. Here’s what it could mean

Political contributions made by Judge Juan Merchan, the judge overseeing former President Donald Trump's criminal case in New York, to Democrats including Joe Biden have raised questions about potential bias. CNN's Kara Scannell reports. #CNN #News


    1. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,than it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀

  1. One should never forget the first principle of the old KGB

    ” Always accuse your enemy of exactly what you are doing “

    1. Actually, that was originally Saul Alinsky’s statement (one of his Twelve Rules for Radicals).

    2. @IYamWhatIYam It demonstrates a clear Conflict of Interest, particularly given the judge’s daughter is someone who worked on Kamala Harris’ campaign, and there are plenty other demonstrations of obvious anti-Trump bias by this judge that would demonstrate a need for him to recuse himself or transfer the case out of New York City.

    3. ​@CCisRight really? This case won’t ve tried until next year. It’ll be weeks before he rules on the first motions. Your saying he’s biased before he’s even made any rulings in this case. And I seriously doubt you’ve gone over the transcripts for all the cases he’s presided over to see if he’s fair or not

  2. Luckily Ginni Thomas doesn’t talk to Clarence about SC cases whilst getting paid from the same guy that jets Clarence about the globe

    1. @just here Well I want the attention, and by the way I do not support the people who are in office right now.

    2. ​@Lawn Chair Stats don’t agree with your OPINION. Stats say we’re doing worse than ever. We don’t even make it in top ten worldwide for anything. Education, medical, safety… Not even top ten. Some not even top 20. It’s ok to be wrong, you’ll learn.

  3. Contribution to a campaign, no matter how much the amount, indicates who we support.
    Money talks and this judge’s money says his support is for Biden and Biden’s opponent was Trump in the last election.
    Though America has no Opposition Leader in her democratic government Trump would be it in a Parliamentary System of Democratic Government.
    So, yes, Trump can be looked at as the opponent of Biden.

    1. Judges are American citizens just like the rest of us. They have a right to vote and be registered to a political party. People like you are judging him long before he’s even made the first ruling on this case. I think the problem is you want a judge who’s a republican and will be biased in favor of defendant Trump

    2. @B squared but even if a normal jury member did that, it would be enough to show that there’s some pretense bias. even a very tiny amount isn’t a fair trial. flip the coin would you want your judge to have donated $15 to the prosecutor who’s charging you with felonies?

  4. Oh dear god, deflecting looks even worse than the donations, how did this case end up on that judges docket, was it random or was he specifically chosen?

    1. ​@MiqelDotCom They shouldn’t. That’s the point. Allowing them to vote creates situations where the law can’t work. Get it? Or you need it in sign language?

    2. ​@X91 S exactly… They dont get it. Half of them don’t even know what bias means. It’s pointless to argue, you can’t fix stupid.

    3. @Francis Hurley wrong. First, the point went over your head. Re-read the OP then re-read my comment. Second, we’re talking about political parties. The GOP judges who sit on the Supreme Court most certainly rule according to their leanings and personal opinions, overall. While Trump has a yuge cuIt following and a swath of politicians who faII in line to catch the trail of his grift, he’s not a political party… yet. Make sure you stretch before doing more mentaI gymnastics. 😄

    4. @Blue Calla no, I got the point. I was simply pointing out that there are right leaning judges who have proven they can be impartial. In the last year, how many appeals has Trump made that were shot down by conservative judges? Even justice Thomas declined to hear an appeal from defendant Trump. I get that the MAGA crowd believe a liberal judges shouldn’t be allowed on the bench. My point was, even with a conservative judge, they’ll likely be disappointed

    5. @Ja Rule well if your worried about a judges political views, than all the cases SCOTUS decided in the last couple of years should be overturned. They vote and they make judgments based on their political bias. I guess that means we can go back to R v W, right?

  5. Conflict of interest! Who in the hell would want a judge that’s on the opposite side of you lol🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

    1. Clarence Thomas showed us that it is perfectly acceptable, and that no judge has to recuse himself.

  6. That’s nowhere near actual grounds for recusal. Typed this just as she was saying it

  7. Not only this Judge – report on his daughter and how deep she is involved in organizations connected to VP Harris.
    This thing sinks!

  8. Grandma started saying things we knew were crazy! At first we thought it was alzheimers, but then we caught her watching CNN!

    1. @John Wick yeah, how about those documents? Do you still think there is something significant when it appears it was nothing but harassment?

  9. They have the man under an electron microscope yet “THEY” still want 100x digital zoom because they don’t want most people to see the big picture.

  10. You need to get judge caprio to come in and hear this case I feel that he would be the best one to do it because he will not be biased and he’ll give a fair judgment

  11. It definitely would’ve been an issue if the judge made “very small contributions” to the trump organization.

  12. As a financial account who manages the books of 8 companies, I write off 35 dollars every hour of my year.

  13. I’m shocked that CNN is even reporting this story. I may be regaining respect for you guys because this is a non-biased story. No one else in the media will report both sides of the coin.

  14. Working as a public official means you need to serve everyone equally; the optics of even $35 worth of a donation is not great. I speak from experience on this since my husband has worked for 21 years for our local county, and he’s recently switched jobs to work for the state dept. of transportation. His policy has always been to not register for any political party and not have any yard signs for election candidates. I on the other hand am a registered Democrat for most of my adult life, so you can guess with whom I actually sympathize on this matter.

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