A federal judge ordered the Justice Department to release a redacted version of the Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit by noon on Friday. CNN's Katelyn Polantz has details. #CNN #News
Judge orders release of redacted Mar-a-Lago affidavit

A federal judge ordered the Justice Department to release a redacted version of the Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit by noon on Friday. CNN's Katelyn Polantz has details. #CNN #News
OK, maybe “Lock Him Up” when he has not been convicted is a poor choice of words. CHARGE HIM NOW! CHARGE HIM NOW! Yeah, that’s better.
@J B KING, Esq I’m on the west coast and it’s 9:00 p.m. . So have a good night sir
that’s how I know you’re a foreigner
Well thanks for stopping by…….. Have a nice flight/cruise.
Have a nice day……
@Jamie Mclennan Trump 2024
Everything will be redacted except three letters “KFC”
@Maybe l
Luv me some KFC
@toxic wastetoid cool, I like their chips.
It’s very bad for you though
@Maybe moderation is the
@toxic wastetoid in everything.
True that.
Would be funny if his children were the leaks.
You’re half right, it’s Kushner
@John Madison yes, he’s angry that he came out of the White House looking like a goofball who shouldn’t have been there.
Well, I hardly know these documents. I’ve actually heard some very negative things about them though. People say they might be a hoax and that they even stole top secret information from the Oval Orifice while I was the Commander in Cheese. That’s what people say. I think the documents even came up to me and said “Sir! Please Sir!” on one occasion while I was golfing. I may have also posed for a photo or two with them at the time, but I’ve posed for photos with millions of covfefes during my presidency so it’s hard for me to remember them all. They might be terrific documents for all I know, but the things people say about them aren’t that good. It sounds like the documents could be part of a witch hunt which openly discusses top secret White House things that shouldn’t be said to anyone. And that’s just what I have heard from people. Many people I know have said that. That’s what people have told me. Most people didn’t even know this.
I am happy to see that someone still remembers trump-speak.
@Rapid Freelance Or the lies!
@abc68099 I just want that criminal to get found guilty by 12 of his peers, and then be banned from holding Federal office, The Presidency.
@McJames 88 damn it! you beat me to it. First one to pop in my head after I finished.
Charge the Diet Coke and Mickey D eating hamburger president with espionage like any ordinary citizen.
Ok, Putin!
The simple answer could have been that “we’ll definitely discuss this issue internally and we’re willing to help in whatever we can do.”
Trump wants to make it public
Last fight https://youtu.be/pq9yyaZ25YI
An ongoing investigation should not be jeopardized when giving information to demonstrate it is well founded.
@jsean g good thing they’ll never indict trump and if they did so what, constitutionally he can still run for president from jail
@Jay Will “The FBI sources are as reliable as Brian skelter show ‘
so Brian is 100% reliable?
because the FBI sources said trump was illegally holding top secret national security info, and….
he was illegally holding top secret national security info.
..i’m sorry, were you trying to take a dig at Brian by pointing out how accurate the FBI intel was?
@Jay Will
He can run anywhere he wants to, but he obviously can’t win.
@EDUARDO imagine being a traitor
@Jay Will That would be awesome seeing him run for president from inside a Federal Penitentiary somewhere in the USA. I think he’ll take a so called holiday and flee the country before the indictment.
I won’t get excited until he’s actually held accountable for something. So far, Don the Con seems to elude responsibility for his actions.
The trump perp walk will be historic and funny as hell.
@James Wadsworth they try to arrest him watch how many people step up and stop it, promise you that
He didn’t do anything wrong
Hopefully, this expedient action by the court is an indication the DOJ plans to move quickly to convene a Grand Jury. Their function is to ” decide if there is enough evidence to prove that the defendant committed the crime.” It sure seems like this particular crime is straightforward = a very short Grand Jury deliberation = possible indictment in maybe a week or two? Probably too optimistic, but lets hope.

There are fringe LEFT (independent news) that’s saying some beautiful and powerful things.. imagine if the propaganda machine decided to pick up these cast..
well, why not? That should be your question to CNN..
but there’s a crazy reason why you won’t.. 
@Gloon Nug
Is that a facepalm emoji? That’s so cute.
To paraphrase, you’re barking up a tree with no cat in it.
The regularly assigned queen vladz trolling clowns are hilarious

1 Laughing at the trollzzzzz Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Yes. It’s fun,isn’t it?
Last fight https://youtu.be/pq9yyaZ25YI
The Judge has done his job; now, it’s up to prosecutors. We all want a little Orange crush.
lol I’ll drink to that!
Last fight https://youtu.be/pq9yyaZ25YI
“I like my generals loyal just like Hitler had” – Drumpf, leader of the GQP
I wonder why they always say that there is public interest? I am perfectly comfortable waiting for the outcome and not hear about the former guy 24/7!
@Ramiro Calderon no. That’s not why. And it’s not cnn saying there’s a public interest.
@SFOceanBeach 64 “I think his point was that many of us do not care about every detail. ”
Then she should have written that instead of this.
“I wonder why they always say that there is public interest?”
But I explained why very clearly and in great detail.
I also added the logical conclusions deriving from what she wrote specifically.
I could be wrong about that. Because some genuinely do care or feel that they do. But their actions shows that they actually do not. Doesn’t change that the feeling could be very honest and genuine.
But I wanted to take it very literally and logically in an attempt to make her think logically or at least force her to explain herself which would require a valuable self self examination thinking process that would also require logical thinking skills.
I could also have called her an ignorant high school drop out. But nothing could be gained or learned from that. So I chose this route instead. Because this is how I do things.
@Kim Hoffmann Andersen my first impression was just the same as my personal thought on it.
I don’t need all the details just get the job done.
@SFOceanBeach 64 “I don’t need all the details just get the job done.”
You think you don’t, but you actually do.
But only if you care about facts, truth and the reality of those two combined.
I think you do. You don’t. Fine, but you’re setting yourself up for failure and you’ll be an easy target for scams and lies.
People will be disappointed when they see all the blacked out lines on the affidavit. We won’t see anything of substance until he’s charged.
@Jonathan Sykes
You do realize nobody knows if that’s your real name, right ?
@M90 Rider
Try to focus, we’re talking about something else.
@XVI It’s all connected. Oh wait, do you think this raid was not political in nature?
If ANYONE had stolen TS SCI/SAP files from secure locations and moved them to their resort, and then lied about having them by signing an affidavit, and then discovered with them, they would be ARRESTED! Every document carry a 8 yr jail sentence!
But do you really think that will happen?
The BEST part about this redaction is that this is the LAST thing Trump wants to happen. That’s good.
The only way to get him is entrapment and stacking the deck. Thats your idea of democracy Sergey?
Let the justice dept do it’s job. Quietly. Anything else feeds into the “look what they are doing to me. I am the most persecuted” rhetoric.
1 Leslie Roth Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
We need to make sure they are doing their job properly, no we don’t trust them
Well, I hardly know these documents. I’ve actually heard some very negative things about them though. People say they might be a hoax and that they even stole top secret information from the Oval Orifice while I was the Commander in Cheese. That’s what people say. I think the documents even came up to me and said “Sir! Please Sir!” on one occasion while I was golfing. I may have also posed for a photo or two with them at the time, but I’ve posed for photos with millions of covfefes during my presidency so it’s hard for me to remember them all. They might be terrific documents for all I know, but the things people say about them aren’t that good. It sounds like the documents could be part of a witch hunt which openly discusses top secret White House things that shouldn’t be said to anyone. And that’s just what I have heard from people. Many people I know have said that. That’s what people have told me. Most people didn’t even know this
1 BeSmart VoteBlue Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
OJ Simpson: “Those are MY memorabilia!”
I requested my file from the government once
More of my life was redacted than I even knew happened to me
1 Random May Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer