A federal judge ruled that former White House Counsel Don McGahn must testify to Congress, rejecting the Trump administration's claims of absolute immunity to block witnesses as "baseless." DOJ is expected to appeal, but Ron Klain says the ruling puts a "powerful piece of leverage for the House Committees" to go after other witnesses. Ali Velshi also discusses with Mieke Eoyang and Glenn Kirschner. Aired on 11/25/19.
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Judge Orders Don McGahn To Testify To Congress | The Last Word | MSNBC
Trump is the king of bankruptcies, lies, conspiracy theories. Etc…
he still has more money than you and he is still the duly elected POTUS. which the majority of Americans voted for, or do I need to list all of his accomplishments he has made as President in 3 years. He does not play ball, and that’s what is making everyone on the left so angry. He is accomplishing all of this without the dem’s vote or involvement. He is not corrupt like the dems want him to be so they can control him. That is what all this boils down to. We can’t control him, he won’t work with us, so the only thing left we can do is impeach him, but we need something to charge him with…hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm………………………
@douglas kroeger Trump has money than most people, thanks to his father. But when you have a chance Douglas, I would love to know what Trump has achieved in the past three years. Were you referring to him scrapping the Paris Climate agreement, walking away from the Iran nuke deal, his efforts to dismantle the UN, his interference in Navy Seal trials, the multiple sexual assault cases against him, the locking up of people at the border wall, separating children from their parents, his in-action against school shootings, allowing Turkey to attack the Kurds, his 13,000 and counting falsehoods, his use of Sovereign states to help him get re-elected………….need I go on?
Reality bites back.
Ya I hope it latches on and wriggles until he runs to Siberia.
This is not a win for Democrats, but for anyone who believes in the Constitution.
@Mary Rodger
I enjoy a good troll for breakfast.
@Raven Stark lol ;o)
You are absolutely correct.
true, but they are the ones based on the Constitution and their oath to it to stand up and say………….”what a minute, there is something very wrong inside the WH”
It’s been obstruction all the way. Can we have any doubts that it’s been collusion too all the way? Seems very unlikely to me,
According to low IQ Trump, he can say anyone working in his administration has absolute immunity and is subject to executive privilege. Not so!
@Fred Bogdon I’ll comment when he is charged. Oh wait, i forgot, you guys only whine and never charge anyone. I guess those conspiracy theories must be hard to prove in court, huh?
@Sam Brenna yup, the same way the orange clown and ghouliani constantly peddle ridiculous conspiracy theories like Ukraine and not Russia attacked America, and how Biden fired the Ukrainian prosecutor to protect his son.
unknown unknown That’s because his supporters truly hate America and I am not just engaging in hyperbole. They hate our government, they hate any citizen of this country who is not a loyal trumpist, they hate all liberals, they hate brown people that aren’t Trump cultists, they hate everyone except for themselves.
Mcgahn has been looking concerned for some time. Look at how he looks at the t word.
When it comes to the the level of corruption that Trump and his loyal cultists like Rudy and Nunes are involved in, I’m pretty sure that we have only scratched the service. When it’s all said and done, Trump will go down as one the most corrupt world leaders in modern history.
Just like he could never be president
@Thomas Kemer
Go lay an egg.
“Presidents are not kings!” well written, Judge!~
Trump: ‘Hold my Diet-Coke!’
Agreed. Anyone who has read anything written by Barr or coming out of the Federalist Society will know that trumps idiotic and unconstitutional and un-American idea that the president is above the law came from the Federalist Society.
S M ….…………….. The corrupt concept of’ absolute immunity is anathema to democracy . It is just legal jargon that would codify the ‘divine right of kings’ (or presidents ) as being separate and above, all other laws . Let’s hope this ruling puts that phony argument in the trash bin where it belong .
“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
Frederick Douglass
McGann will never say anything to help impeach. His interests, like those of Bolton, are about himself. Never mind, they were both paid by taxpayers and entrusted by the citizens to protect the Constitution, now that it is time for them to do their duties they would rather be off making money off speeches and books…worthless cowards are they
We only live once and his once , his leagacy of doing nothing, will bite him forever.
“Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.”
― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
Well said.
Or possibly the ‘oranges’
of totalitarianism. – trump 

A great quote.
Fair enough.. send them to jail, I’m sure they will see reason then.
Now they can do it when court has ruled in the case … even if they come to place and do Oliver North and take the 5th 150 times .
Also SCOTUS wont alter this , when then next president could execute republican appointees in SCOTUS and be immune to investigations .
I don’t understand why they are not sent to jail.
Finally justice. A judge for law and not party
Republicans have a Jester as a King … trump hair is the
of republicans.
Well now that the courts have spoken, it’s up to Schiff to use the law and lock up witnesses who refuse subpoenas, and who won’t answer Americans questions…we have a right to know the FACTS
Agent Orange will end up saying that he doesn’t know anyone in the W.H. LOL
Lol “I hardly know little Barron”
Or Barron’s Mom .
only guilty people have something to hide…. if they were innocent and nothing was wrong with what they did, why wouldn’t they testify to that fact.
Even if they do have something to hide, people with principles often muster the courage to come forward, admitting guilt in order to disclose the truth. Unfortunately, the current administration seems unwilling to recognize this.
The very notion of going to court to try to overturn a lawful Congressional subpoena is ridiculous. Due process does not include blocking subpoenas. Due process is about honoring subpoenas to obtain all possible evidence and testimony.
These men get treatment with kid gloves….
Judicial Branch cannot resolve all issues between Congress and the Executive Branch. Which branch is the most powerful?
@Shiloh Reid They are Supposed to be Co-Equal branches.
They ALL need to go to jail!!! GET them OUT of the WH!!!
Pendalum swings both ways, if the middleclass and poor do time so shall they
Like OutKast says. “Thank you Judge Jackson , Trump is going to Jail…”
will nico trump supporters are totally sure a lot of the Obama administrations staff is going to go jail.
Evangelicals believe God put trumpo in the White House. What eve4 happens, I believe trump must be set as an an example for everyone to see (including the international community). Because this can not happen again
@Tf2knight Guantanamo Bay would be a good place to secure all of these traitors to our country. These are crimes deserving incarceration. Where do we hold a convicted POTUS and his minions? The Secret Service does have to protect the secrets he possesses by ensuring no one can get their hands on him. Where else can he be legally held?
I think that if he ever found himself setting in a cell and they hand him that chicken-bologna sandwich he’s going to be eating every day for the rest of his life…