A federal judge in DC is ordering the DOJ to release a memo that former Attorney General Bill Barr says helped guide his decision to not charge then-President Trump with obstruction at the end of the Mueller investigation. Former FBI General Counsel Andrew Weissmann responds.
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Another witch hunt LMAO
@Democrats are Stupid Lets see what happens with a real justice department this time. Law and truth trumps lies. Pun intended.
@past tense house of mouse yawwnnnn lol
It’s just a start but why isn’t Barr being held responsible?
@OldCountryman obfuscate means to make false or confusing statements to mislead the public and that is what DOJ HEADED BY BILL BARR did. and yes Barr is responsible since he was the AG.
@OldCountryman doing what the judge just said he did, lying to her and lying to the American people.
Wait for it.
Because you been lied to again. Weismann is dirty as they come. Innocent people went to prison because of him.
@skrrrt Lying to a judge, where one is actually or presumed — as applies to lawyers — sworn to tell the truth, is the crime of PERJURY.
‘Course, the morally bankrupt who live by lying and abusing others don’t see any problem in their own behaviors, therefore see none in others who are at least as corrupt.
I grew up with your kind. That’s why you have no friends.
Dancing on the floor

Me too because is just another witch hunt from the pathetic left

Wow what an empty life.
Don’t scare your cats, I guess.
@Matt Eason LMAO
The Berminator was not happy with Billy Barr and his department of injustice, _I love reading her rulings, absolutely brilliant woman!_
Agree. Fair and Tough. Exactly as federal district judges were intended to be.
A zero tolerance to BS is a true judge. On top of everything, the most knowledgeable person in her courtroom on the subject matter before her. How many Federal judges of this caliber did Trump appoint? He had a zero tolerance policy toward people of high caliber! Ethics and common sense,
@Martin Whalley incredibly well said!
she is a democrat hack
your comment doesnt say much fo u!!!!
@Floyd Allyn “Justice and the rule of law are to be ABOVE politics.” — John Adams.
When will you cease wallowing in sewer-politics in effort to pretend the rule of law doesn’t exist, therefore you are “free” to commit crimes?
Calling others by what you consider dirty names, because you reject rule of law and facts, is tantamount to a confession by you that is revelatory of your “character”.
The thin question is this:
Are you stupid? Or are you a liar?
I’ll assume that you are not only stupid, but that you’re stupid for free.
barr behind bars. Sounds wonderful!
He better start talking! If not, he was BOUGHT AND JUDGE WAS TOO!
Barr getting disbarred sounds incredible as well!
I hadn’t realized Barr said he received advice in this regard. I’ve always thought it was apparent he never intended to prosecute Trump for anything, regardless of evidence or crimes.
Barr was guilty,with Trumps orders of putting that case away and cooling it down..
Mueller found much..
During the trial,he made that no secret.
He knew he had to snuff it out from the public..
So thats where Barr came in..
To exstinguish the Flames of Justice.
This was another reason Trump and his crime ring pitched a fit with lies when he realized he lost the election.
He knew the crimes he and his associates were guilty of.
As he also knew he would no longer have immunity power..
In my eyes from all I have seen over the years..
Trump was Highly Compromised by Russia..
I have every reason to believe this.
But it happened years before he ran for President.
Russia encouraged Trump to run long ago..
Russia needs to go after Trump for his dept.
Not America.
Then they should fix the relationship they worked hard to break with America.
@grant smythe two vultures who also got pardons…. *smdh.*
@grant smythe How dare you insult vultures by such a vulgar comparison! Will you be insulting locusts next?
@CreamyChoclate LobsterWarrior. Roger Stone should have been prosecuted and imprisoned in relation to Watergate.
Because he is an anti-American sociopath who rejects the rule of law, and will tell any lie to advance his anti-Americanism.
He was found guilty, based upon EVIDENCE and LAW, by a jury of his peers.
Same goes for Flynn: a traitor to his country for CASH. He pled guilty to one crime, in order to avoid going to trial and being found guilty on the multiple charges against him.
@Video Time Capsule In view of the fact that you reject the rule of law, and facts, it doesn’t surprise that you would as consistently reject evidence. Clue: that a crime is committed publicly, in broad daylight, doesn’t alter the fact that it is a crime. Here is an example:
“No Collusion”?
_Trump’s July 27, 2016 Solicitation of Crime with Russia._
This is Webster’s definition of “collusion”:
“Secret agreement or cooperation for a fraudulent or deceitful purpose”.
How many Trumpeters lied about their contacts with Russians during the Trump-Putin COLLUSION?
_The Model Penal Code defines solicitation as commanding, encouraging, or requesting another person to engage in conduct that constitutes a crime or an attempt to commit a crime (with the intent that the crime be committed). Model Penal Code S. 5.02(1) (1962). Generally the code provides that solicitation be as punishable as the crime solicited. Id. at S. 5.05(1). Law Dictionary,_ Giffis, at 446.
We have Trump on video, in broad daylight, soliciting Russia:
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”
To “find” those emails required computer hacking. Computer hacking is a felony.
In fact, he solicited a series of felonies, beginning with computer hacking and stealing private property, through to receiving and possessing that stolen property.
And we know that on the same day as Trump’s solicitation, within hours thereafter, Russia hacked computers and stole the emails. That made Trump a co-conspirator with Russia.
That conspiracy is an additional felony.
What’s done in the darkness always comes to light.

@B. T. answer the question?
@B. T. do you realize Biden has done more executive orders out of anyone else?
@Democrats are Stupid
The cases are in preparatory stages gramps.
Do you even think before you post?
@B. T. hahahah so the 2 impeachments that president trump was acquitted from aint bogus???
He is undoing Trump’s executive orders.
Biden can do whatever he wants.
Trump set the precedent remember?
I’m not a Biden supporter but I am changing my mind thanks to you and your kind.
No matter how much evidence comes out, the cultists will just plug their ears and call it fake.
@Chasen Paper he gave them thousands of subpoenas and dossiers. Enough is enough
@Jock Young highlights hypocrisy and double standards
@Barbara Maroney nice projection there
or unimportant
because it is nothing compared to the crimes of the democrats
@CreamyChoclate LobsterWarrior. I shouldn’t be going back and forth with you cause you’re dumb enough to support quite possibly the worst human being left alone president. What a fool believes he sees no wise man has the power to reason away.
Looks like Barr might be in for a little justice…ironic ain’t it
@trianglechokeU you are butthurt your mueller report was a disaster
@Logan Hughes nothing was confirmed, we had 3 years of investigation for nothing
@Bunter Hiden A grill with no coals, apparently

@CreamyChoclate LobsterWarrior. it’s clear you’ve never read the report. nor seen the countless redactions—due to *ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS.* top it off with countless indictments of Trump associates for *obstructing justice* … yeah, it makes sense why the report was limited in its findings & charges when you have people dodging, obstructing, and manipulating truth. Now things are shaking up for the better and those involved should be sweating profusely. I’m sure those who didn’t receive a pardon are scoping out apartments in Russia.
Sounds like there’s a case against Barr for Obstruction and time to bring them ! SEND IT!
Michael Lieb, your blah blah blah, blah, blah, seems to be the most intelligent response you’ve had, you should quit while you’re behind.
@michael lleb <--- 4 month insurrectionist tRoll account.
@Stephen Kershaw

@Dr. Mike Oxlong Happy birthday! One week old turd eating troll bot.
@Democrats are Stupid two weeks old.! Wow what’s it’s like sitting in your own bs don’t worry eventually you will grow into your beloved Orange the hat’s crap infested diaper. That will be heaven for you
Let the games begin .What a difference an honest dept of justice makes.
@CreamyChoclate LobsterWarrior.
You need to look at yourself in the mirror.
Have you totally ignored the last four years of misinformation?
Here’s one: hydroxychloroquine!
@CreamyChoclate LobsterWarrior. Thou who spews lies, takes on the title of a lier..
Fits you well..
Any thumbs up ?
You’re kidding right?
@Norman Gabbard how about a better one “When Exposing a Crime is Treated as Committing a Crime, You Are Ruled By Criminals.”
@B. T. 4 years of misinformation? Yes from cnn. It’s ironic how you people judge trump for things he said on covid that might have been inaccurate at the time but then defend flip flop fauci on the premise that “new research came up”
Those Attorney’s should have their licenses pulled.
….licenses pulled, 3 yrs ago, ….and passports yanked forthwith, for all Trumpists facing prison time.
@J Nagarya As I learned from Legal Eagle, lawyers don’t like to sanction lawyers, unless the reason is so grievous that they have no choice to.
Where do you stop?
What goes on in the dark
Comes out in the light
I hope they start charging all these lying con artists sooner, rather than later.
You are correct, the Dems need taken out with the trash.
@Gary Barrett i dont and never have insulted someone because of their beliefs
@Juve I have had enough of you.
Grow up and be mature.
If not, stay off social platform.
@Gary Barrett I’ve had enough of you’re sorry butt. Goodbye and I hope you learn from your mistakes
Orange Cheeto
If they lied in court, that’s contempt of court at the very least!
Let’s see people arrested!
Considering that literal treason is what this is all about, there have been FAR too few prosecutions, and those who have been prosecuted got off FAR too lightly, even before Trump’s illegal Pardons.
“There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed” = rule of thumb
That’s an example of magical thinking.
We are all waiting for barr to answer for this memo. Will he cave in or have a big lies ready?
It’s about time…been waiting for this one…hopefully the last gasp for crooked Barr.
Barr now under scrutiny for someone who later ended up throwing him under the bus

*I think Bill Barr is getting ready to go through some stuff, soon…*
*I love this judge!*