‘Judge Not’: Priest Rejects RNC Speakers Attack On Biden’s Faith | MSNBC

Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest, explains why Lou Holtz's attack on Joe Biden in his speech to the RNC, questioning Biden's commitment to his Catholic faith, is inappropriate. Aired on 08/27/2020.
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#JamesMartin #RNC2020 #RNC #MSNBC

'Judge Not': Priest Rejects RNC Speakers Attack On Biden's Faith | MSNBC

'Judge Not': Priest Rejects RNC Speakers Attack On Biden's Faith | MSNBC


    1. @Whicker Boy Yrs,…China owned white racist Biden will most likely use covid as excuse to get out of any debate, he has obvious signs of a demented mind or a silent stroke….!!! This is 100%…!

  1. I’m an atheist but I’d rather have a Catholic like Joe Biden than a Self Worshipping Narcissist like Trump as POTUS.

    1. Just as a so called “vegan” who eats steak every night is not a vegan, a so called “Catholic” who supports the murder of the unborn is no Catholic.

    2. @R TS The Message of the Bible is more important than empty scripture memorization. It serves no purpose for anyone to memorize the Bible if they don’t get the message.

    1. @Claire Feng He could be Stalin and that’s still better than all the bs democrats have put the country through.

      Enough is enough, you lost in 2016… Get over it already and stop being such angry bigots.

    2. @tomas neel – You’re a pathetic member of TDS (“T-Rump’s Deranged Sycophants”, with a side order of “T-Rump Dependency Syndrome”)

    3. @Claire Feng And what about the politicians that this news outlet is endorsing? It seems to me like you are insinuating that they are somehow better. If you are going to make accusations about at person, why don’t you have a reason to back yourself up instead of just hiding behind the screen of your device and bullying someone without even trying to understand their viewpoint. In the words of a generalizing pig, “Despicable!!”

  2. Lou Holtz Proved himself an imbecile, circus clown, this evening. Evidently the Fighting Irish are the Only Real Catholics. Pathetic.

    1. LOL he’s right. Anyone who even considers themselves Catholic know Joe Biden and Fr. Martin are far from true Catholics. They practically oppose every moral and social teaching of the Church. Hence, Just catholic in name.

    2. @agf1700 Not so fast… the policy of separating illegal families has been done since Bill Clinton days. It was TRUMP who ENDED the practice. Sadly, more and more outright lies are being cranked out by the democrat party. You would get more respect if you thought for yourself rather than echoing a false narrative.

    3. @Bama Sher You are misinformed. The practice was there in theory but not actually done until Twitter in Chief insisted that Children of “illegals” be physically removed from their Parents. Shame on you.

  3. The Criminal in the W.H. is trying to justify his lifestyle, which is Screw them if You can and Crotch Grab them if You can’t !!

    1. @tw 72 Nope. Wrong. Separation of church and state means that the government cannot tell you to practice any certain religion. It doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be prayer in school or that government departments can’t pray at meetings. Every federal building in DC has religious scripture written on it. Our Constitution holds 22 principles inspired by the Bible. The Founders fashioned the government structure after the way Moses governed 800,000 Hebrews in the desert for 40 years. David Barton is the leading historian on American history and religion and he writes books about the subject. He has the largest library on black history of what he wrote.

    2. @John Evans Humans and even animals feel love and moral. We don’t need to teach Religion about Moral they have to often broken moral rules. As an very recent example take Jerry Falwell.

  4. I expected nothing better from the RNC, and was not disappointed. Trump is not a Republican, and he certainly isn’t a Democrat. He’s a lousy opportunist, and the most unAmerican human ever to occupy the White House.

    1. @Brother Hawk I ll give the facts; I am a black woman who was born in Louisiana in 1961. As a child, I thought the KKK was a monster who waited to devour people. You see at 4 or 5 I had not yet figured out it wasn’t all poor children,but the black ones. As a child young man , I witnessed dogs and pressured water hose knock people off their feet. Again they were black. As a child,my mom couldn’t take me to the store to try on shoes ( like other little girls), she had to outline my feet so that a little white girl could not chance shoes that touched my little black feet. As a 7 year old child witnessed the news breaking into Search for Tomorrow the deliver the news that Dr MLK had been shot and killed. My Mom was combing my hair and screamed at the top or voice and cried. I cried too, I was sure the KKK would eat me that night. This Sir was the very day I learned that the hate was because we were supposed to stay in an appointed place. Judge,Jury and Executioner! But then I learned the truth! John 3:16 God so loved the world( not unless they’re poor or brown,but all of us) He gave His only begotten Son. That whosoever beloved should not perish,but have everlasting life. I choose God. The KKK is no match. I pray for POTUS because God will forgive him too,if ever he confessed.

    2. @rhonda drop I hear you and I understand. A lot of us have been through hardships in different scenarios. I think the effect it has on us and the feelings we get from it are the same. In Thailand they have a saying, same same but different. For me I had ignorance from the white mostly and I was viewed differently by black and I’m what they classifie as white. I have never liked being called white, race white. It’s done so they can keep track of us, keep us divided and make people feel somehow there different. I was born in 68 and to be in 2020 still be hearing about slavery, race, and somebody owes somebody and it’s someone else’s fault. I have had friends of all kinds of colors from all over the world. One of my best friends in high was black. I lived in MD on the edge DC. I use to go to places with him that maybe no white person had been before. Once he needed to go see his uncle who worked at Ibex Club ( I think that was the name ) the popular black club. We were 16 , 17 his uncle a bartender . We walk in got to the bar and the music stopped, i heard the sound of a record being scratched and everybody was looking at me. Music came back on and I started dancing. Being told , you can dance white boy, look at white boy get down. I walked into an apartment one time with a older black man i knew. These guys were not happy when they saw me. Big guys with burn tattoos, I don’t know what they stood for and I don’t care. I ended up sitting in the middle of a couch and after a bit one of the guys slowly started talking to me. At first they had a bit of say a chip on there shoulders. When I went to leave they said i was welcomed back any time and you alright by us white boy. I’m sure I have had experiences that black people have not had and same with white. I might know more black artist, music than a lot black people same with white. We here slavery and the white man’s fault. But don’t here about the white man who was there trying to help free them or the black selling the blacks or how many went to the Caribbeans and South America or the Spanish ships that brought them. The 12 million the Spanish brought the 10 million that survived the trip and only 388,000 went to America. Some how it’s only the white man fault , my fault. How about the white man in 1850’s that was freeing slaves and he was killing white man to free them. He went to Harriet Tubman and Fredrick Douglas asking for help. I’m not judging either one for they did what they thought was right. He was hoping he would get more freed slaves to join. He and the free slaves attacked a armory in harpers ferry. They waited to long for the others to come , they never came. Military came and end of story. Him the men he had freed and two of his sons Dead. Some are willing to die for what is right on both sides others are not. I’m sure through out history a Good Human ( Human Being ) have been trying to help other humans . History needs to be told with the whole story from beginning to end. They only stuff a small piece of in our brains. I think most of us understand we are same same but different . We want our God given rights or rights as the human species. Want to live in place where we all can get along . Some people do things out of habit from hearing the same lies over and over from all kinds of direction. Hear a lie long enough it becomes truth. If lier lies long enough he starts to believe his lies. Tearing down history, stop ! We need to know our past and be reminded of it. If we don’t know the past we wont know where we are going in the future. I feel for the younger generations! Look at the things there doing ! It’s not all there fault. I don’t think most of them have any idea of the past. School system to blame, parents to blame and government. This is a battle of good vs bad. It’s not just the left or right or this group or that who has caused the problems. There is so much more to the story. I’m sure MLK and our ancestors of all colors are looking down shaking their heads singing Marvin Gaye’s song What’s going On and it has a whole new meaning in 2020. I wish I could turn back time. So the young to the old could see and be reminded of how life was. The young getting a with no luxury and turn on the radio and here the music that was played. The TV with a few channels in black and white , dad telling them mess with antenna then nothing to watch what ever time it was. No cell phones, people would have to communicate face to face. No game systems. Maybe then everyone would wake up and appreciate what they have. But most have there personal device now days they got their face barred in it. Repeating and watching the same same. I’m not trying to change anyone’s beliefs, how they see life, how the do things. I’m not judging. I’m not telling you what to do. I’m not saying your wrong. It is your life and yours alone, live it the way you wish. I only share my experiences, the way I perceive life and the things in it and what i have learned. If you get something out great if not that is ok by me. I believe we are One race, One family, One collective and everyone and everything is connected. What I do to you ,I do to myself as well. When we change the way we see things the things we see begin to change, Dr Dyer….love love love my family

    3. @rhonda drop After everything I shared with you the 3 hrs I spent typing on this small tablet and caring about another human. All you can say is Trump 1927.. Still living in the past ,but the chains are your mind. What i just wrote had nothing to with trump or biden . You can spent your life blaming others and making excuses . Wait on god and Jesus to come save you and set you free. No God no Jesus no angles are coming down from the heavens to save you or anyone else. No beaming certain people up and destroying the rest. I’m sure you have never seen him . Jesus has never jump in front of someone and taken a bullet for them. Keep reading a book of man written by man who knew about man. No one knows the story of the man. Sit and listen to a man inside a church behind walls. Prey to a picture of a white man or on a piece of wood. Even when no man knows what the looked like. I’m sure you can’t see the repeating word . Everything has a opposite. Try and see the MAN that is the real reality . Keep believing in The Man, up to you. God Jesus Angel are all ready here so is Satan Devil Bealzabub Demons Monsters. You will not Know nor understand the Mystery as long as your mind is in only that bible and Fear in the mind . Not until you let go and take a Leap of Faith. The choice is your. One last thing, you are part of the problem.

    4. @rhonda drop one last thing. Does it say something about not following a man, something along those lines . There is truth inside the Bible. Maybe God was trying to tell you something.

  5. Because the Republican religious right only want first amendment protection for THEIR religion.

    1. @Christa Williams If I am reading this correctly. You are stating that freedom to practice any religion, freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, a free press, freedom to petition the government and the freedom to arm yourself is their religion. Okay sign me up.

    2. @King Onei exactly right. The Republican right have been neglecting the first clause of the first Amendment while using the second clause to do exactly what the first says NOT to do.

  6. I guess the Republican’s god allows adultery, racism and bearing false witness, all of which Trump has done.

    1. @Timothy Fontaine ONE WORLD RELIGION is an end time prophecy that the False Prophet will facilitate. The more prophecy you know, the more concerned you will be about PF destructive path.

    2. @**{[Redacted]}** 0. Yet you support abortion. ]why do you not feel that same protection for innocent unborn babies?
      Your hypocracy astounds me.

    3. @**{[Redacted]}**
      you are uninformed.
      Illegals have ALWAYS been separated. It is Trump who ended the policy of separating families.
      You know it is a sin to gossip and spread lies. Maybe you were unaware, but before you blast some one’s character, possibly you should do your research.

    4. @Bama Sher any so called man or woman of God with an entire army to protect him or her is a phony< Jesus said that you will judge them through their deeds not what they say.

    1. @JTuaim I’m not on the Left and so I go straight for the sources. Those 229 sources are all over the place and it’s very complex. It does not give an overall good picture or conclusions.
      It says things like this:
      “Groups such as FactCheck argue that the media frequently get the facts wrong because they rely on biased sources of information.[226] That includes using information provided to them from both parties.”

      But then fails to mention things like this:
      FactCheck.org® A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center
      FactCheck.org was launched in December 2003 by Brooks Jackson, a former Associated Press, Wall Street Journal, and CNN reporter who had covered Washington and national politics since 1970
      From https://www.factcheck.org
      The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania has been the premier communication policy center in the country since its founding in 1993.
      From https://www.annenbergpublicpolicycenter.org/about/
      *Today, Penn’s relationships with China is strong, and continues to grow.*

      Related: *China Think Tank: We Have to Win Over America’s Left*

    2. @JTuaim When there are 229 citations at the bottom and they are Left, Right, Moderate, and then say things like “Who voiced this illogical falsehood?” That lets me know that you haven’t thought this through with any kind of logic.

    3. @Spok that’s illogical. There is no substance here. Attacking the constitutionally protected 4th estate is an act of anti Americanism and it’s anti intellectual. It only serves to deepen public ignorance.

  7. As a die hard Notre Dame fan….hearing this come from such a cherished Coach….is so f***ing disgusting. I have no respect for Lou Holtz anymore. I’m thankful I don’t have to hear him talk on ESPN anymore. I used to admire him for his love of the school, but to attack someone’s faith…and to even compare it to a literal Devil in sheep’s clothing like trump is even more disgusting.

    1. That’s because it’s the Left that violently attacks conservatives. Therefore you won’t see BLM or Antifa attacking Biden, because Biden has Marxist and socialist values. You also won’t see Trump supporters or conservatives physically attacking Biden, because even if we don’t like him, we still respect him. You didn’t see conservatives treating Obama the way the Left treats Trump.

  8. All the while, not a peep about their immoral leader OR his equally, if not worse, religious “guru,” The Reverend Jerry Falwell Jr.

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