Judge issues scathing ruling and nearly $1 million fine against Trump

A federal judge ruled that former President Donald Trump and his attorneys must pay nearly $1 million in sanctions for a lawsuit Trump brought against Hillary Clinton and former top Justice Department officials. #CNN #news


    1. George Soros (open society) operates a tax free, non – profit, gets grants from the government to bring in the illegals

    2. @Raindown15lmao daddy’s money? He’s worth billions, he needs no ones money 🤦🤦 good lord you’re a fool

    3. @Tim Taylor
      Ain’t nobody buyin your stinky online cheese, anti-American proud-racist sore-loser.
      Nobody worships Biden. That’s traitor-trump style patriotism.
      I have no love for any of these criminally wealthy goons.
      Enjoy playing with your
      Village People closeted gay Republican Trump-tard trading cards, while you continue to defend & worship your failed & treasonous televangelist/grifter,
      Cantaloupe Comb-over
      Caligula Caesar.
      Veterans Against Traitor-TrumPutin

  1. I’m SO happy that this judge recognized this and took initiative to do something about it. A million dollars is nothing to him, but the statement is huge! Abuse of power.

    1. So funny. This ruling is from an appointed democratic (B. Clinton, ya know.. Hillary’s husband?) judge and Clinton donator that has a clear bias towards Trump.

    2. (0:47) … a prolific and sophisticated litigant who is repeatedly using the courts to seek revenge on political adversaries.

  2. It’s not an unusual thing to make vexatious litigants pay for the other side’s legal costs in England. I don’t see why this shouldn’t have been the case in the US. Better late than never

    1. (0:47) … a prolific and sophisticated litigant who is repeatedly using the courts to seek revenge on political adversaries.

  3. “no reasonable lawyer would have brought this case to court” are you saying Rudy isn’t a reasonable lawy—- oh, right, yeah.

  4. I read the judgment in its entirety it is meticulous and unassailable – even though everything was fully legally and factually supported – he frequently quotes Alina Habba’s (Trump Lawyer) TV appearances where she criticises the judge for bias etc – there is absolutely no way that Trump will contribute to the bill – even though the judge makes him jointly and severally liable – he seems to give Trump an argument to take his lawyer to task – it is a brilliant piece of legal writing – Lessons learned never defame the judge or prosecutor in public on TV whilst cases before him are pending – Alina Habba is spectacularly stupid.

    1. We have a broken system here. The biggest hoax so far in the 21st century and our judges are like some of the most lying crooks ever seen. If he abused his discretion impeachment proceeding will have to begin and punitive damages to follow.. Pathetic the criminals on the bench. the courts are no place for justice.

    2. Was it wise to mention in his findings the allegations on TV against the judge? By the sound of your reading, the judgement will hold up under appeal. But do the mentions give Trump a reason to appeal? At least in his own mind?

    3. @Rob Guyatt The justice system is so corrupt I would not expect it to be able to be appealed. These judges are criminals themselves.

    4. ​@Joe Several of Trump’s legal losses were by judges Trump appointed. Even the SCOTUS with THREE trump appointees has ruled against him. You people make me sick. If a case goes against you then it’s not because you didn’t have a case but because of corrupt judges. If only you could step outside of yourself and see just how pathetic you are!

  5. “No reasonable lawyer” ….So similar to the shite Comey used after delivering a scathing summary of Hillary’s home server ! No reasonable prosecutor would blah blah hill-bill for stealing classified documents 😂

    1. No, it actually looks weak. Unable to charge him, jail him or kill him they resort to pinching his pockets for scraps.

    2. @Tessmage Tessera That fine will never be paid. Just like they’ll never charge and imprison him. It’s theater, an illusion that the wheels of “justice” are turning. They want you to keep believing they will so that when they never do? It will outrage you which they intend to manipulate to sow further division among the people.

    3. Gonna get butt hurt, cry and try to defend these facts snowflakes?❄️❄️❄️😘😂. If Biden needed over 25,000 troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day, then it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people😘😜😉😂😎

  6. The bourgeoisie replaced personal and hereditary privileges with monetary privileges. Looking back at the history of human political civilization, the bourgeoisie is commendable in opposing feudal autocracy, outlawing feudal privileges, and striving for democracy. But all the improvements they have made are only replacing personal privileges and hereditary privileges with monetary privileges.

  7. This should have happened decades ago and maybe that would have stopped Trump from tying up the courts more than 4000 times

  8. Only $1 million? Ya, I’m sure Trump really “learned his lesson” as Susan Collins infamously stated.

    1. She’s so old and out of touch she thinks Trumpolini is just a naughty kindergarten odd looking orange child. 😆

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    1. The stock market is a way to hedge against inflation. Most notably amidst recession, investors need to understand where and how to allocate funds to hedge against inflation and still make profits.

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  10. “The big thing about this case” wasn’t “isolation” from other cases, but the fact the judge pointed out numerous other cases in which Trump has and is filing frivolous and revenge-based lawsuits. The judge’s ruling devotes thirteen pages (21–34) to a section called “A PATTERN OF ABUSE OF THE COURTS”, in which he denounces multiple CURRENT legal actions Trump has started that are as bad as this one:
    A. Trump v. Pulitzer Board
    B. Trump v. New York Attorney General
    C. Trump v. Twitter
    D. Trump v. CNN
    On page 33, the judge even spells out Trump’s “playbook” (the judge’s word), which he uses all the time, including:
    “• Provocative and boastful rhetoric;
    • A political narrative carried over from rallies;
    • Attacks on political opponents and the news media;
    • Disregard for legal principles and precedent; and
    • Fundraising and payments to lawyers from political action committees.”

  11. Judges CAN block serial litigants from filing frivolous lawsuits & any/all suits they file requiring judicial approval.. This guy sounds like the judge who may have the kahunas to do that! Please do!

  12. Who’d have thought the guy with the fraudulent charity, fraudulent university and fraudulent finances was lying all along.

    1. @Gulliver the Gullible anything trump did, in the end, was soley for trump! A man who finds devious means of not paying laborers and even attorney’s for work done cares nothing about me or YOU!

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