Judge Amy Coney Barrett takes the official Constitutional Oath for SCOTUS | USA TODAY

Justice Clarence Thomas will administer the official Constitutional Oath to Judge Amy Coney Barrett at the White House.

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  1. Let the liberal tears flow like the mighty Mississippi😢

    Watching them throw a temper-tantrum is simply hilarious💯🤣

    1. @Rmk well no ones cares about yours and look at y’all thinking it’s great to put y’alls our pleaseeeee. It’s the difference in morality for the love of god. She is also a part of a cult if you’d like to know and forgot her first amend right on live tv. Now wouldn’t you want someone better than that in the Supreme Court. I’d rather give y’all facts than let y’all look stupid. But you guys already do so.

    2. @Rmk May I also add that I’ve been looking at this closely and let’s see. Would you want a daughter to think her only purpose in life is to serve men and that’s her purpose and would you also want her not to have rights to her own body? Cuz that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

    3. @Mr. Richardson Dude that is exactly how you see liberals behaving in this country. Anybody who is conservative or doesn’t believe in your views; you guys call them names and all other ignorant crap.

    1. @Subscribe for BOTTOM TEXT they save their blind faith for books edited for hundreds of years by rulers, not peer reviewed science

    2. On the shoulders of a despicable con, who brags and laughs on tape about sexaully assaulting women. If she has 1oz of integrity, she would already have an investigation ongoing into this slime. But she doesn’t, because she’s as phoney as that p.o.s.. Despicable human beings, cast them to the sea. Party like it’s 1999. Your going to get it back 10 fold and you’ve got no one to blame but yourselves.

  2. I’ll sleep better tonight. It was great seeing Clarance Thomas, a man of dignity and character. I will never forget, nor should anyone else, how the Democrats made up slanderous allegations against him because he was a black conservative. The scumbag Ted Kennedy orchestrated it all on live TV trying to destroy the mans good name. Thirty years later the Democrats haven’t changed, they are still scumbags and one is running for President. And if you ever want to know what the Democrats are really like, ask a black man, ask Supreme Court Justice Clarance Thomas and ask what they did to him. Goodnight….

    1. He said Democrats’ false accusations to destroy him was a modern day lynching.
      They did him so wrong- proof they don’t care about black people, only party.

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