Democratic strategist Juanita Tolliver and Axios White House reporter Alayna Treene discuss the notable differences in the operations of the Biden and Trump White Houses. Aired on 01/28/2021.
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#JuanitaTolliver #Biden #MSNBC
Juanita Tolliver On Biden’s First Week: ‘I Embrace This Boring Normalcy’ | Deadline | MSNBC
Good job Biden
So you support the CCP genocide also? Thousands slaughtered and you and Creepy Joe don’t care?
@David Eby hiya boris and natasha
@David Eby We support the genocide of Trump trolls.
@David Eby
Hush little tiger take your nap now GOLUBOI
@Tessmage Tessera I so agree!
I will no longer buy any products or services from any Company if I know they support the Republican Party in any way it’s the only way to fight back
@T0pAz so
@The Tweatles Silly Willy, you’re just……silly
@T0pAz Just so ya know we Independents, Democrats, and Republicans can all be owning the same company stock.
@The Tweatles
Your ruble is worthless any way chenkov
We feel safer and relax with Joe Biden. I hope he doesn’t make the same mistakes as Hillary and Obama.
He’s already done much worse.
“Feel safer” as Biden is under pressure to send more troops overseas?
@harrison wintergreen Well, can’t trust Afghanistan to stand on it’s own. Ronnie did that and that’s how 9/11 happened decades later.
You got to love Joe Biden. He is a smart, he has courage and he doesn’t hide in a Bunker like the previous President/Golfer
@The Tweatles you are nuts. Inbred?
@Gail Florence How is he nuts? Biden didn’t even campaign from mid March to early Sep.
@The Tweatles Silly Willy, are you so hung up on Diaper Donald?
@T0pAz Donald was busy eating whole shoe stores, so why bother?
@The Tweatles
We should refuse to give business to companies that displayed anything Trump 2020 or on their donor lists. They knew, they don’t deserve our $$.
I agree
The establishment including most of Wall Street is Democrat, so you won’t find that too difficult.
“Boring and normalcy”
They really had us in the first part
Boring sold me. No more mad tweets in the dark of morning.
Boring is great, I’m at peace with boring
Love boring ! Best of all no stupid wacked tweets
Must not live in Portland
Thank you President Biden! You care about We the People and we care about you
Why must it always be the Dems ‘reaching across the aisle’ when the Repos never do? They.Repos only talk about bi-partisianship when they are not completely getting their way.
@Craig Norris right he’s just fixing what trumpty trashed in the first healthcare…oh yeah and he does have to buy a bunch of vaccines and develop a distribution program…trumpty was too busy golfing and inciting riots to do so…go away trumpers you are as irrelevant as fatty.
our nation is now controlled by two forces: a political party and a political-party-sized hate group
@Craig Norris the right made this a war and we have to fight back. sorry republicans stormed the capitol based on horsesh!t
@Paul Callahan yes they did, but all I hear is hate from both sides. You think the Democrats care about you any more than the Republicans. Example I’ve given elsewhere. Nancy Pelosi’s husband invested a million or more in tesla and clean energy. Many others Democrats have large stakes in the same. They will now ram the new green deal through and make millions as we are forced to convert to all those clean energy companies that they’ve invested in. They tell you what you want to hear to get votes. Your vote gives them power to make the changes that make them rich. On the bright side we will stay poor, but at least have clean air to breath. When they can’t fulfill the promise to make the poor rich, you guessed it. They will blame the Republicans for blocking them or not working with them. All the while keep us fighting and feeding us lies from both sides so we can’t know what’s actually happening. Look into it, I bet now that biden is in the White House trump is moving his money to clean energy also. All the while he will keep pumping up those coal burning powerplants and gas guzzling cars. That way in for years we can executive order everything back the other way and they all make more money. The whole time we fight about who was right or wrong in the protests MAGA or BLM, ANTIFA or PROUD BOYS. Better yet how many times did trump go golfing.
@Craig Norris Yes, everyone is bad. False equivalency is very popular now. Trump was a vile corrupt lying bigot but there are others on the other side somewhere and and and… False equivalency and the complete lack of critical thinking skills will be major reasons for America’s fall. I credit trump for amassing a 75 million member cult though.
America as a nation has Attention Deficit Disorder. This can be the only reason for such a title
It is a powerful Executive who speaks and decides on behalf of ” The People” who spoke their will by a valid vote. Biden-Harris will be one of our best Administraion yet . This is only openers. If the failed coup wishes to know why the failed because their Anatchy and Hate has nothing to do with ” fulfilling the “WILL OF THE PEOPLE”
What a relief to turn on the news and actually see how a white house should be run. without the drama and the chaos the Trump exhibited every single day.

I’m certainly ready for the Boring Twenties to begin.
Trump overturned everything Obama did for Americans, now Biden has to overturn everything back.
God bless you Biden
for all the great measures
No more reality TV in the white house. Never forget what the Republicans have done. Not to be trusted to choose a president.
Awe queen vladz troll clowns are chirping on cue
I’ll take boring competence over a clown circus.
There’s been nothing boring about Joe Biden. He’s just simply gone about his business about working hard for us, Americans, and I appreciate that.
How about ”working WITH republicans” ONLY once they’ve kicked out and replaced every single Republican who supported Trump’s coup, who supported dismantling democracy, or who have demonstrated that the people’s interests were 0 part of their list of priority these past 4 years
Why was the vice president sworn in first?