Joy Reid has a warning when it comes to hearing what President Trump has to say on recent violence: Beware of politicians preying on tribal loyalties, especially the current president. Joy says, “If Trump wanted to end the violence in American cities, he could simply go on his Twitter feed and tell his supporters to go home … But Trump is openly doing the opposite: encouraging more violence and cowing his party into refusing to condemn the violence, while his media friends laude the Kenosha shooter.” Aired on 08/31/2020.
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Joy Reid: Trump Is Openly Encouraging More Violence | The ReidOut | MSNBC
Powerful and so well said. Once we see that tactic, it’s much easier to navigate. Thank you.
“I want to to put these police in a f—ing grave … I want to f—ing burn the White House down… I f—k police up in New York, I f—k police up in DC” – BLM leader, PORTLAND (30th August 2020)
She needs to tell biden to tell his supporters to stop the violence. they are burning down our cities.
Tell the protestors to stay home! Explain that they’re being used! Diffuse the whole situation!
There should be a respected Black leader telling them.
My Pillow Guy He’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules – unchain Wall Street. They’re gonna put y’all back in chains.
– Joe Biden
When talking about Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s plans to unshackle Wall Street, during 2012 campaign, to audience that included many African Americans.
My Pillow Guy Uh, uh, Chuck Graham, state senator, is here. Stand up, Chuck, let ’em see you. Oh, God love you. What am I talking about.
– Joe Biden
To wheelchair-bound Missouri state senator, Charles Graham, September 9, 2008.
KlrFking McDiller “Our dead soliers are suckers… whats in it for them ?” — Donald Trump
– ME
Aunchient Pistol
It’s the truth!!! Well put girl!! Work it out!!
@VW Tipton don’t hate darling!!! You may wake up one day even more disgusted looking in the mirror!
@Erick J. Camacho <-- VERY dumb.

@Too Wun Very Dumb.
Congratulations to you for new show. I am happy for you. Especially for women of colour to get the prime time program. I think you should have gotten much earlier. May god bless you.
@Harold Moore So you know all of them? You are a fcking moron!
Democrats R. Idiots if you vote republican you are super dumb . Republicans constantly vote against their own interests and get lock in a culture war. You cast votes for the wealthy and don’t even know it. Like I said, Republicans are the dumbest people on earth.
@Harold Moore I already said you’re a moron.Just FOAD.
AJ Rimmer he’s not wrong
joy is a house d.a.n. she serves her masters of the dimocrat plantation party
stay asleep dimocrats field hands
You tell’em MS RIED

You love your slavery it seems.
@WTF ZIGGY WTF? Do try to keep up with the facts. You’ve obviously ingested too much Trump 16.
@WTF ZIGGY These democrats don’t even realize it. Bunch of dolts. Now they say what is marxism, what is antifa.
Much love and prayers Brethren Amen God bless Humanity Amen
☻ “Democrats didn’t care when Madonna said she had thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Kathy Griffin posed with a mock severed head of President Trump. ☻ Democrats didn’t care when a Broadway Play depicted the assassination of President Trump.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Johnny Depp said, “how long has been since an actor assassinated a President”.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Snoop Dog and Eminem made music videos about assassinating President Trump.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when dozens of people were shot to death at a Jason Aldean concert.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Congressman Steve Scalise was shot by a far-left Democrat and nearly died at a baseball game.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Robert De Niro said “somebody needs to take out Trump”.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Carole Cook said “Where’s John Wilkes Booth when you need him?”
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Republican candidate Rudy Peters was attacked by a man with a switchblade.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when a Republican Party Office was set on fire.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Eric Holder said “When they go low, we kick ‘em” and “we just have to brainwash people.”
(Both statements on VIDEO.)
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Trump’s family members received suspicious packages in the mail.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Secretary of Defense James Mattis received death threats.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Maxine Waters said “you get up in their face at the mall, in restaurants, at gasoline stations and you tell them Republicans they’re not welcomed anywhere”.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Sarah Sanders and her family were harassed at a restaurant, instructed to leave, and chased down the street.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was harassed and chased out of a Mexican restaurant.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Trump adviser Stephen Miller’s life was threatened and he was chased out of a restaurant.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Attorney General Pam Bondi was harassed and chased out of a theatre.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Rand Paul was attacked and beaten up in his own yard.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when two Republican senators: Rob Portman of Ohio and John Boozman of Arkansas were harassed in their own yards and on their own doorsteps.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when a 71-year-old female staffer for California Rep. Dana Rohrbacher was knocked unconscious by an angry group of liberal protesters.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when a North Carolina GOP office was firebombed by an angry mob of liberals.
☻ Democrats didn’t care when Hillary Clinton said “we can’t be civil to Republicans until Democrats return to power”.
☻ Maxine Waters “push back..push back” when you see these people….
☻☻☻☻ For OVER 3 1/2 YEARS Democrats have encouraged hate, harassment, vandalism, acts of violence, and even threats of assassination.
Now you tell me, do you see a pattern?
If these Democratic forces come to full power, they’re going to be taking names, and they’re not going to want a union of thought, they’re not going to be gracious about their victory. They’re not going to want unity and healing. They’re going to hunt out and eradicate their opponents – that’s what cultural revolutions always do.
This strikes a chord because I remember watching Biden promise that he’ll “help those who voted against him.” Who says something like that? It’s supposed to be understood that whoever wins the Presidency will work for all Americans. The fact that he had to say that sounds like he’s protesting too much. “I’m not gonna hurt you,” said the spider to the fly.
If the left wins, (STEALS THE ELECTION) they Will come for you.”
What does all this spell out? FULL BLOWN COMMUNISM.
Stalin and Hitler’s Nazi’s would be proud of the democrat party.
Feel free to copy-paste this post. I put it together for anyone to use. Biden voters on Youtube call my post “all lies.” Funny thing is once they look several of the ☻points up for themselves. They usually say “I WILL just to prove you’re a Russia/Putin troll.” I have to laugh at that, then ask them to ask themselves, why their “dependable news” would not tell them any of my☻points as it definitely is/was news and what else could their “dependable news” be holding back from them? Strange how I never hear another word…..
Democrats didn’t have to care.
People should have cared.
The politicians (generally speaking) do not seemed to care about the people as a whole. Black or white.
You don’t want to talk about not caring. This is not the result of what has just happened. Give it more thought.
This is a very informative quote from:
FOREIGN INFLUENCE OPERATIONS: (Which) Include, Covert, Coercive Or Corrupt Actions by Foreign Governments to Influence United States Political Sentiment or Public Discourse, or Interferein Our Processes Themselves— Is Not A NEW PROBLEM …
THE GOAL Of These Foreign Influences Operations Directed Or Against The United States Is To Mislead, Sow Discord and ULTIMATELY UNDERMINE CONFIDENCE In Our DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS And VALUES.
Putin’s Goal is To Point To The United States And Say: “See THEY AREN’T ANY BETTER THAN RUSSIA”. To Do This ALL He Needed Were Men Like: Moscow Mitch McConnell And Putin’s Little Puppet TRUMP. VOTE Trump/McConnell Out Of Office on November 03rd, ALONG WITH the 22 McConnell Controlled GOP Senators Up For Re-election.
Well done well written

Propaganda, lies and projection. Joy hates White people.
@Sandy Jones you’re a troll!
@Mark shaz the TRUTH is not a troll, but the wicked find the truth disturbing.
@Mark shaz Read a few more comments on this video, and you’ll see “Sandy” posting the same inflammatory crap, over and over again.
Yes, a troll. Fixated, hateful, pointless and clearly racist. A waste of keystrokes, and a waste of everyone’s time and attention.
Well said Joy
Vigilante justice is the opposite of law and order.
@BIDEN promised amnesty to ALL illegals. Goodbye USA – what did he say in March? I can’t find anything that sounds like what you’re saying. Can you link to it?
@nick smith – didn’t you hear Biden say that in one of his press briefings? I did.
@Daniel Roig – what did she say that is racist, must have missed it
@Daniel Roig – a fan of one party states then are you? I thought you would be against things like that, how weird.
@Emily Maiden Your sentences don’t even make sense. You are a foreigner or very poorly educated or both. Or a poorly written bot. Prove me wrong.
This is the real conversation that needs to happen.
Nothing she said is true, the dumb party will beleive anything.
@Nancy M Ross but you will impose your fanatical view that unborn babies are “embryos”. Bravo. Death begins at conception for you and your ilk, eh?
How? this whole video Nuremberg rallies look appealing.
@John Smith
I don’t know how the Nuremberg rallies looked. I just know you morons are doing the same thing the brown shirts were doing.
@JJ KK “fanatical view”? I’m so glad I don’t live in America. In my country we had the abortion debate decades ago and went with rationality and decency instead of the actual “fanatical” views of the minority.
I’m in lockdown to protect myself from Covid. I’m not about to forget this on November 3.
@KaRtOoN – sometimes you edit to add in additional information. Strange that you find that so funny….are you okay?
@Emily Maiden because there’s a lot of gullible people who believe everything they hear!
Covid will end on November 4th.
Paul Wells – the entire world outside of a few people disagree with you. What will you believe if it doesn’t?
@Suzanne Berry Only her regular viewership accept this.
What on earth has happened to the USA. SO SAD.
Read 2 Tim chapter 3. That’s what’s happening.
Brought to you 100% by the radical Marxist supporting National Socialist Democrat Party.
Mark Hessbrook : Sad
Unfortunately this is not new!
Lee Forbes-Haas : We need to get Trump out of the Presidency; because he’s a detriment to America.
Sneak back in through the electoral college? Lol last time I checked…that’s how we picked presidents…wtf are you even talking about.
losing the popular vote and manipulating the electoral college to win, bc that’s about the only way Repugs can win the presidency, along with GOP voter suppression, and gerrymandering. That was Dubya’s playbook – atho he still needed help from the “originalists,” “textualists,” “Constitutionalists” on the Repug SCOTUS, who decided that, even tho there’s not one word about this in the Constitution, that the SCOTUS shld get to elect the pres if a state’s recount will take too long. A recount Gore won by the way, so he actually won both the Popular Vote and the Electoral College. So, I guess when it doesn’t suit Repugs, that’s NOT how we elect presidents. We just throw out the Constitution, and use our “originalist,” “textualist” jurisprudence to do what it nearly always does, what’s best for the GOP and their wealthy donors, whatever the text says be damned. Repug “jurisprudence,” the very definition of hypocrisy: corporations deserve the same rights as human beings – not a word about that in the Constitution. And don’t bother pointing fingers at Roe v Wade or whatever, bc Repugs are the ones claiming that text of the Constitution is sacrosanct, and that only whatever the exact intentions of the Founders are what’s important. It’s not so much that I disagree with Republicans, it’s that you’re such hypocrites. You’re only “textualists” when it suits you – I’m sure
Repugs don’t care about fair elections, only winning them. The GOP doesn’t believe in one person one vote, just that only ppl who vote Repug should vote bc…what is that quaint lil phrase you poor, put upon conservatives like to say…if Dems had brains they’d be Repugs, so anybody who’d vote for a Dem must be too stupid to vote. Isn’t that what Repugs think – it’s certainly what they often say about college students, like GOP Sen Hyde-Smith.
2 Piece Willy: You must be talking about your reflection.
Kitten Diotima Don’t be mad because you know Trump is going to win.
@Chee The Sagittarius Imma bees mees show is ugly? Haves mercy.
Matt700 We know he is going to cheat and idiots like you will help him
Politcs 101 cheat sheet: “It’s a campaign tactic, y’all” (Joy Reid)
Ummm…. “if Trump tweeted his people to go home”
Are you watching the same thing that we’re seeing??
Why are Joy Reid’s guests reading from a teleprompter while responding to her questions?
Does she even believe what she says, honestly?
Hey joy where is your show’s live stream on YouTube grab these viewers !!!