Regarding Trump’s refusal to concede in the election along with his mishandling of the pandemic, Joy says it looks like the Republicans ‘want to hand Biden mega crises and a country that’s broken and destroyed.’ Aired on 11/20/2020.
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About The ReidOut with Joy Reid: Joy Reid conducts one-on-one conversations with politicians and newsmakers while addressing provocative political issues both inside and outside of the beltway. Reid, who is also a best-selling author and public speaker, joined MSNBC in 2011 as a contributor. Drawing from her decades-long experience in politics, passion for addressing the intersection of race, justice and culture, as well as her signature tenacious interviewing style, Reid kicks off MSNBC’s primetime lineup by delving into American politics as it unfolds.
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Joy Reid: Republicans ‘Want To Hand Biden Mega Crises’ And A Country That’s Broken | The ReidOut
Trump and the Republicans want to leave with chaos lots of chaos that’s what they’re working on how to break the system so then they will have a chance in 2024 to say we can fix it we can make it better give us a chance we gave them a chance for years it’s time for everyone to request the Senate Republicans to either resign or do their job cuz they’re being paid the president is being paid he’s not doing a job so we need to ask him to leave like a regular employee has been asked to leave from his boss where the United States where the people we are his employees and he needs to leave his job because he’s not functional his employee evaluation came up and it was not standard it’s below standard so that’s what every employee gets fired if their performance is not up to the code of the company
Praying JESUS want let him no we’re around 2024
Very well put but one thing no politician from 2020 should even think about running in 2024 what is it that they want another chance to make things as bad as you left it
Because they don’t really care about the country
I’ll take my chances with Joe with no info than the other guys. Thanks.
Us as the American people will help fix this country back
YES! The 74 million Trump supporters will fix this country.
Yes, we will.
@THE TRUTH IS OUT NOW 777 that’s not a lot compared to the 80 something million
This is exactly what I’ve been saying!! Republicans always leave a mess for Dems to clean up, this will be horrific. Moscow Mitch is looking at midterms, hoping to flip the House back, perhaps strengthen the Senate. 2024 run somebody like Paul Ryan who has been laying low–remember, both McConnell and Ryan want to ditch Social Security. This is why I almost hoped more for a Senate win rather than presidential if I could only pick one. What drives McConnell so to let Americans die and suffer? Money, ideology–evil?
Could not agree more. Having lost the control of the Senate, again, and not ditching the Obstructing McConnell really worry me.
I think KY enjoys wreaking havoc for the whole country. There is no other rational reason.
KY is not a particularly wealthy state, at all, and has its fair share of people who need more help than others; yet, they think that they can align themselves with Mitch and get crumbs. A short-sighted and definitely misguided move on their part.
@Sir Geoffrey & Sir Blue Never thought of that, “wreaking havoc” for those you think might look down on you is, in my opinion, the heart of the cult. Always thought, they love tRump because he makes them feel better about themselves.
and then refuse to do anything to help unless he gives them massive tax breaks..
This will help get Georgian democrats voted in the senate.
Trump will not be able to stop this because he is refusing to concede.
I want Trump to keep this up and Biden to keep attacking Trump and the Republicans.
The world already has accepted Biden Harris as the new administration of the USA.
Stay safe and wear a mask
His niece (Mary) warned us!!! “He’s gonna start breaking things”
Moscow Mitch and CROOKED RNC were WARNED in 2016 Primaries.
.but they just keep on Doing PUTIN’S bidding and BETRAY AMERICA!
Georgia voters NEED to elect those two Democrats to the Senate!
I pray that voter go to vote need a change
Yes we do. Let’s do this my Georgia family!!!!
Mommy and Kentucky needed to ditch Mitch…how’d that go??
I don’t think Mictch McConnell actually won. That should be checked for fraud!
I agree with you 100%.A matter Fact I think we should get a recount
Biden is being FLUSHED. He will not get in the white house.
That Mason Verger reincarnate should be cut loose from the Senate.
Thanks, again, Kentucky, the state that keeps on taking, but has no intent on giving back any to the common coffers that it takes from.
@THE TRUTH IS OUT NOW 777 Trump is a pile of

@THE TRUTH IS OUT NOW 777sooner or later all these so called (r)epublicans and his cult members, enablers and supporters, are going to have to suffer serious withdrawal from all that Kool-Aid and the bulls**t that they have overdosed on over the last 4+ years… and then come to the realization that the Orange Baby’s term ends come 20 Jan 2021!

I pray for everyone to follow the medical professional’s guidelines like Dr Fauchi, that have repeated warned all of us again and again, as we try to keep our homes, families and loved ones, to stay safe and healthy for all Americans and others we care about around the world during this trying time for our country!! God bless and help us all!!
Biden NEEDS the senate if he’s to have any chance of fixing the mess Trump created! Otherwise we’ll just be stuck the way we are now for 4 years!
Vote blue in January Georgia!
@THE TRUTH IS OUT NOW 777 trump lost his re-election and Biden did won this election trump and his administration lost all the lawsuits the judges and supreme court said it’s no proof or evidence of vote fraud so Biden and Harris will get sworn in January 20 2021 deal with it
@Bobby Boucher Esq. It was Trump who caused the division which led to that happening.
@Football Nerd Whether Trump caused it or not, which he didn’t. The media did. It’s not an excuse. That’s like saying someone might have stolen my truck so I’m going to set his friends house on fire. Give your head a shake. Your all blinded by hatred, and look to get triggered any chance you get for whatever the media shovels down your throat. I’ve had this discussion in person with people like yourself and after I present facts, it ends in hatred spewed at me followed by said person running away with zero facts.
@Football Nerd I know Trump haters that watched him on tv. These clowns sat there and made fun of the people that got “fired.” Now they hate Trump cause the tv told them to. Spineless tools used by Soros n friends to fool you into signing up for communism.
@Football Nerd Once again, no defence from a puppet. Take a knee coward
Nothing new Democrats always have to clean up the mess Republican presidents leave behind..
Yes I agree
Inflation sky rocketed during Bush Admin, the medical premium jumped, and he dried up all of federal funds for his friends’ business. Trump is doing it for himself. That’s the only difference. Republikkkans for the last 60 years are nothing but criminals.
That is the sad truth. This time is no exception. I have always known Biden would inherit a historical mess. I’m sure he expected it. Perhaps it may have been a hope Donald would not stoop so low, but Donald’s level of cruelty is bottomless. Donald is consumed with the shame of being a failure and is literally letting people die by the thousands day after day, as well as putting our security in jeopardy. He can’t change, he won’t change, not for anything or anyone. I know it will not be easy, but I have the upmost faith that Biden and his team can overcome anything Donald and his sycophants throw their way. Yes, it will hurt Biden and delay his plans, because unlike Donald, Biden actually cares about others. And these delays will continue to be dangerous to all of us, in regards to this pandemic, economic recovery, our children and schools, and so much more.
@lennysvibe wow corruption since Regan?
@James Bond NO.
There is no Republican party now. It is now the *Trumpublican party.* It doesn’t matter what we say. Watch what they do.
Or Philistean Party? Or Pharisean?
Trump won the election. Literally everyone and Joementia knows this fact
@Boo Boo sooner or later all these so called (r)epublicans and his cult members, enablers and supporters, are going to have to suffer serious withdrawal from all that Kool-Aid and the bulls**t that they have overdosed on over the last 4+ years… and then come to the realization that the Orange Baby’s term ends come 20 Jan 2021!

I pray for everyone to follow the medical professional’s guidelines like Dr Fauchi, that have repeated warned all of us again and again, as we try to keep our homes, families and loved ones, to stay safe and healthy for all Americans and others we care about around the world during this trying time for our country!! God bless and help us all!!
@Gary Kubodera Exactly. What in the world happened to being loyal to truth and rooted in reality? When people lose by *6 MILLION votes* and declare themselves the winner, rational thought has left the building.
@Boo Boo wahhhhhhhh
McConnell and Graham took bribery money from the Russian NRA.
Yes, let’s never forget !!
the tooth fairy stiffed ya
“There isn’t anyplace he hasn’t touched with his awful hand” what a revoltingly accurate double entendre.
Quid pro Quo.
We will be picking up the mess trump made for years to come. Over 70 million Americans voted for him. I fear a few extremists from his base will be the root of domestic terrorism in coming years. Stay vigilant America.
@Yvette Torres Care to give an example?
What ever we do….we have to punish this man. I don’t think he has any money. However, if he
has a dime…it should be ours!
I don’t get this, Trump says, “I’m going to totally eff this place up!” and millions of people cheer.
Well, they got bored when Faux Spews went legit. The latest White-Hate-Rage channel is NewsMax. It’s just purely vitriolic… and it’s viewers just LUV it?
~73 million morons
Corrupt trump is doing as much damage as possible on the way out.
The fact that former google ceo Eric Schmidt has a high position in the upcoming Biden administration should be very worrisome.
trump got the United States delivered to him with a bow on it. Now look at us.
As an older White person: this situation brings So Much SHAME to Our Peoples of America..HOW Could This CONTINUE?
As Desi Ar nez used to say,
“Somebody’s Got Some ‘Splaining to Do!
As an european I’m ashamed of nowadays America. Can’t fathom how ashamed americans are; – those rare americans who still have an ability to feel such a noble feeling than shame.
@Kivi Ketelimäki Y’know I grew up with the Implicit Mind-control that as an American European descendant…that ALL Other Peoples were Lesser than US
When a distant relative from Germany came to visit America in 2003, he said
“Unless it has to with their job or other personal gain, it appears that All Americans Completely STOP LEARNING as soon as they leave formal education!!