Joy Reid talks about her reporting on how Black voters in the South thought about how to vote in the Democratic primary, and tells the story of how Joe Biden was received at the historic Brown Chapel AME in Selma, Alabama the day before Super Tuesday, in contrast with the hostility and disdain shown toward Michael Bloomberg. Aired on 3/3/2020.
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Joy Reid On When She Knew Joe Biden Would Win Big In The South | MSNBC
Biden won Texas
@Darrle Ennis not true. Only real place Sanders won is California a huge state that is racist against white.
@Darrle Ennis Nevada has a high Latino population, just like California and Texas. And Sander won two out of 3 of those. Joe is only winning do to his proximity to Obama’s legacy. He has a centrist agenda that will keep the status quo. That is not good.
@Darrle Ennis Self-hating whites? Remember the poll for Northam. The whites in virginia were more upset about black face then the blacks.
@Mike Charles Anchor-babies don’t get an opinion.
” It’s a Put On”
“People forget
Forget they’re hiding”
Good story

In Texas: “The analysis finds that the 50 counties that gained the most Black and Latinx residents between 2012 and 2018 closed 542 polling sites, compared to just 34 closures in the 50 counties that have gained the fewest black and Latinx residents.
Texas Republicans don’t want Black and Latin people to vote.
LadyJAtheist I feel you we won’t back down easy. Ironically there will be Moderate Liberal voters who voted for Biden who would swiftly join the Republikkklans white and black.
—- > If you really support fighting corruption, if you want a President who can sign legislation without asking for permission from his corporate backers, then the best choice is Bernie Sanders. Bernie is the only one who would sign legislation to overturn Citizens United, taxes for the rich, and corporate corruption.
Joe Biden is just another face for Citizens United and corporate socialism . And, Trump’s Biden investigation will raise it’s ugly head again if he wins the nomination.
(please share)
I’m hearing you. It’s a fix for sure.
The gaffe-prone Biden is being propped up by mainstream media it is unbelievable! This man is going to be the butt of the joke for the right wing RepubliKKKans because of his regular “senior moments”!!! He did it again on stage today with his wife (whom he called his husband) and his sister he called his wife- Aaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!
Total lie. The media were writing Biden off, and Bernie had five times as much money behind him. Bernie screwed it up, and Bloomberg did too. Biden is the last choice in a bad situation.
What you said is just a plain lie. Go and watch his speech again, and pay attention next time.
they switch sides thats a simple mistake
@1manuscriptman am I touching a nerve with all you people who are blindly supporting Biden (mainly out of spite for Bernie)? The fact is Joe Biden’s brain power and memory are deteriorating at an alarming rate and he is becoming senile by the minute. And this will cost us the elections on November 03, 2020. Too many “Senior Moments” in such a short space of time! I am already embarrassed ahead of time seeing him being knocked around like a pinyata by Donald Tramp on stage during the debates later in the year! Something you will never see with Bernie!
@Senzo Ncube You’re certainly not touching any nerves with me, and you ARE making too many suppositions. I’d MUCH rather have someone withbernie’s intelligence and wit be the candidate, but i’ve actually read bernie’s platform, and his proposed means of implementing it. It’s totally insane. Most of us are reconciled to having a slightly senile candidate as our best hope against Trump. Once most people actually READ Bernie’s platform, they won’t vote for him. A candidate who can’t be elected, and who in this case can’t even get his own voter base out in a primary, is no candidate at all.
Inherited Christian religion will forever keep black community conservative.
@Honorato Hector Rivas What ISN’T wrong with Christianity?
@john finck Bernie is a modern FDR- he was bashed for saying the same thing about Castro that Obama said, which shows the bias in the establishment against him. Biden and other establishment dems policies (it is a given with the GOP who they went along with on them like the trade deals , endless wars etc.) have led to the economy and environment we have now and tRump’s win in 2016.
@john finck Thank you! This thanks is from a 53 year old BLACK woman for Bernie!
Conservative is not always a bad thing. It keeps issues in check!
slave religion.
Thank you DNC. Gaffe Joe is destined to lose. He doesn’t even remember which state he is.
You just guaranteed another 4 years of Trump and further dismantling of our democracy. This is unbelievable. DNC leaders are willing to let us go down the cliff for the sake of “normalcy”.
@Kevin Santos You STILL haven’t told me where you live, Kevin. It would also be interesting to know what you do in life.
@Kevin Santos Let me also qualify something. I don’t think of Biden as a two term POTUS. I think he will voluntarily step down after his first term. Biden is to us what Nerva meant to Rome. When the Julio-Claudians had screwed things up almost beyond redemption, the ROmans chose the elderly Nerva to put things on the right track. He served a couple of years, and was followed by Rome’s Golden age.
@1manuscriptman well I live in Panama, I won’t tell you what I do for a living thats private, although you can consider me middle class living a comfortable life.
I don’t really know much about Roman history but I really doubt biden represent that.
Also you were right in pointing out Sanders is not really a democrat, neither bloomberg.
And what choice do you really have in USA? Independent?
There are only 2 parties in USA if you are outside that you have no media coverage and both republican and democratic elections are heavily covered before the presidential race making it that any 3rd party who wants to run pretty much invisible.
Sanders is trying to do the smartest thing, which is reform the democratic party
Also you have a disgusting
electoral process fueled by special interest.
The only candidate who is not taking billionaire money is Bernie Sanders.
If money is speech then the only one listening to working ppl is Bernie Sanders
Biden is fueled by billionaire money and will do what they want even if it a cost to the american ppl
If you want THAT to be your candidate then suit yourself
Keep begging for crumbs and identity tokenism cuz that is what biden represent and that’s what you will get cuz you wanna “win”
Joe can spell…..Donny…needs an Eraser LOL
Let’s ask a real question why is Elizabeth Warren still in this race? This race is now between Bernie and Biden. Period. Elizabeth is good at math she can figure out that she’s not going to catch up on delegates.
Warren is only staying in the race hoping Bernie has another heart attack in the next few days, her only hope!
@Russian Bot Trump will send him into a frenzy. Can’t wait.
Mike, I agree. If her OWN state did not vote for her, I don’t know which state will.
Yes, Turning of the Back is Another Way of Showing Bloomberg His Stop and Frisk Policy Now Throws Him Against the Wall.
turning your back on anyone is just ignorant and disrespectful. Shows those people are ignorant with no class. Shame on them
@Michel Larabie disrespectful? Where were you when these same backs were being thrown against the wall because they were black?
@prometheus5700 mini miki apologised
So here it is. Black Voters are not tricked by the constant Social Media Propaganda of Bernie, Bloomberg or Buttigieg BS. We want to WIN and Biden will deliver a Win. Period.
Michael Bloomberg is the SPOILER and SABOTEUR in this election to harm the democrats and Bernie Sanders and to help donald trump get re elected. He is a REPUBLICAN in SHEEPS CLOTHING. He has NO INTENTIONS of becoming president, he is only on a mission.
Peppy Loader …and he just dropped out.
JOE Bidden is mentally compromised.
@Shona Lovely How about having a candidate that isn’t compromised like Joe instead and run Bernie, who knows what day it is too and who his wife is ? What is this race going to be my crazy old guy against the other sides crazy old guy ? Great.
@megahappy2beme yeah on full display for 4 years in the Oval Office daily!! So please STFU
@Evan Moore Republicans or the Party of Trump is running one.
CynAnne1 Trump supporters aren’t responsible voters.
@InspiredByEbonyLove So you run out your handicap candidate? This is a wise move in your mind? We don’t owe Joe Bidden sh!t..
Joe said it was a great super Thursday. A man ahead of his time.
@Think Purple No doubt about that. I didn’t make things the way they are . I just live here.
@1manuscriptman why didn’t feeldel the burn castro answer those questions with cooper last week
Come on folks
@1manuscriptman Wall Street teabagger
@Mr Sarcastic Have YOU actually READ Sander’s ENTIRE platform? it’s INSANE. IF you haven’t read it , I suggest that you do so, at least where you can discuss it intelligently with those of us who do. I cannot imagine a reasonable person backing that platform.
REad the platform and then get back to me.
That story about CornPop really won people over apparently. This country is doomed.
It’s been heading in that direction for sometime now. Tragic.
Democrats are doomed lol, repubs would never vote corn pop lol.
They voted uncle joe because that’s who the tv told them to vote .
Well democrats will lose again later this year. Wow talking about impeachment again. Weird what happened to trumps approval rating.
He’s just like Hilary and that will lose again to trump
The only reason why you all say that Biden will lose is because y’all are in your feelings about Bernie not winning in the states that he are claiming to win in the beginning. Percentage of this country is moderate not Progressive, so let that sink in!
ftobie84 says you. Do you know all the demographics? Who was able to come out and vote. Look it’s certainly disappointing what happen last night.
I like how you are saying my feeling. I’ve said this from the start Bernie has the best chance to win against trump because he can get other demographics to get to vote. Biden uses Obama and says he gets stuff done. Gets a lot of bad things done. So to you don’t say why I’m thinking the way I am. This has always been my thought on what Democrats should do.
I see not only Trump losing, but taking all his Russian Red mad Hatter Republicans with him. There are alot of people that think Trump can win only if he and the Republicans help the admitted Anti-Christ “CHEAT”.
Now i understand how the Dems can Loose this unloosable élection….and i suspect they’d rather loose it than supporting Bernie if Bernie were to win the nomination….
Once Bernie starts losing he always blames everyone else but himself!
It’s puzzling why Bernie wants to lead a party he won’t even join.
@Stephanie D. K. –

Démocrats are not reasonable.They could have refuse d Bernie’s candidacy knowing from the get go he is NOT one of them.Progressives also know it .Both sides are hypocrites knowing full well they don’t share the same dna
I don’t know….this seems like another term for the orange one.
murder-suicide ….great analogy
Being the author of the crime bill Biden has negatively impacted the lives of far more minorities in this country than Bloomberg ever could with stop and frisk.
He’s lying about his civil rights record.
Biden: Honey what are all these little round things on my shirt ?? Honey their Buttons… !! Oh… I love Red Buttons, is he coming for dinner ??