MSNBC's Joy Reid says protesters in Minneapolis are risking the coronavirus to send a message to the country: 'Just stop killing us; this isn't a huge demand.' Aired on 05/29/2020.
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Joy Reid: Just Stop Killing Us; This Isn't A Huge Demand | Morning Joe | MSNBC
We need policemen NOT KILLERS…Ahmaud and now George Floyd…what is wrong with this country…

Arbery caused his own death.
@Mary Teresa You really should change your name. You are insulting two saints who are in tears over this murder!
@Brook Eggleston
Her Name Is Leslie Baker: Sitting in Her Car in Her Driveway in Suburban Dallas in Broad Daylight, White Mother of Two Murdered by 16-Year-Old Black Male
@Mary Teresa You try to distract from the question, just like the Donald!!
@Brook Eggleston
His Name Is Kevin Humes: White Male in Atlanta, Walking Home from Night Out with Friends, Murdered by 15-Year-Old Black Male in Drive by Shooting
Yes because But America has always been like this for Native African Americans, #ADOS. Remember the 246 years of chattel enslavement and the 99 years of convict leasing and Jim Crow and redlining. Then the export of manufacturing jobs from all the cities around the u.s.. Then the dumping of cocaine in our communities by Ronald Reagan and Oliver North. Then the crime bill that arrested anyone with cocaine or crack that was AfAm, that brought on mass incarceration and the separation of families. And today half of all African Americans live in poverty. So America has never stood up for the people on whose backs the country was built.
@Kofi Prempeh #ADOS 2020
Trump and the GOP’s racism has continued to perpetuate all that you said.
Trump told a gathering of law enforcement officers the following, which you can Google:
“President Trump Tells Police Officers Not To Be ‘Too Nice’ With Suspects”
“Mississippi mayor under fire over comments on George Floyd’s death.
Mayor Hal Marx of Petal, Mississippi, said he “didn’t see anything unreasonable” in the video of George Floyd’s arrest. “If you can talk, you can breathe.”
Yow i m literally crying watching this. Somehow i can feel how painful it is for her. cant imagine how George’s family went trough this
They have to. It’s not a choice
Same, it’s heartbreaking
This is so so sad but America has always been like this for Native African Americans. #ADOS. Remember the 246 years of chattel enslavement and the 99 years of convict leasing and Jim Crow and redlining. Then the export of manufacturing jobs from all the cities around the u.s.. Then the dumping of cocaine in our communities by Ronald Reagan and Oliver North. Then the crime bill that arrested anyone with cocaine or crack that was AfAm, that brought on mass incarceration and the separation of families. And today half of all African Americans live in poverty. So America has never stood up for the people on whose backs the country was built.
She is so right.
Let’s play Bill Mahar for a second: New Rule, if a murder is caught on video, dead to rights, showing the act being carried out in plain sight, and it can be easily verified, we forego the waste and time and effort of a trail, and just sentence them. This was a snuff video, pure and simple.
@The Genial Decepticon i believe an overwhelming majority of Americans would go for that.
Joy said it best, the woman is very articulate
She’s a liar, fanning the flames of hate.
@Mary Teresa What you don’t understand is that she’s saying what we are all saying. We will not keep quiet because of your fragility and your inability to accept that we have a different perspective, Karen.
I’m not fragile. The problem is that Joy is a liar.
Her Name Is Leslie Baker: Sitting in Her Car in Her Driveway in Suburban Dallas in Broad Daylight, White Mother of Two Murdered by 16-Year-Old Black Male
@Mary Teresa Why?
People need to acknowledge that this cop was enjoying killing him.
@Sea King They are angry at the system that keeps them down. So while they are all riled up some cops comes over with a sledge hammer and busts out the target windows, and that is what happened, I’m not surprised at the end result, but you are….
@Annnora C Crispus Attucks was an American stevedore of African and Native American descent, widely regarded as the first person killed in the Boston Massacre and thus the first American killed in the American Revolution.
Yes, he did enjoy that. The look in his eyes said it all.
@Annnora C He’s not wrong though they destroy their own credibility by acting like savage beasts
@Troy Stocker – apparently you are unable to use Google:
I’m glad, at least, that everyone can now see what really happens out there. Those police should be arrested and prosecuted. But even if they aren’t, we still all KNOW.
Laura Lafauve We have all seen what really happens out there for years, ever since cell phone videos of police executions became public. The fact that we all “KNOW” yet do not demand all our elected officials at every level of government to take effective and meaningful action to ensure that all public employees are required to comply with the law and be held accountable for their criminal actions just as any other citizen is means that our knowledge, unless accompanied by actions to stop these obscene abuses of power, merely makes us all accomplices in these and all murders that will continue to occur as a result of our inaction. Every time police officers murder citizens on video seen by the nation and the world, the more confident the criminal element among police officers is that they will not be held accountable for their crimes — even when we all watch them commit them on video.
@Elizabeth White from my point of view we all knew since Rodney King. from my point of view we all should have known that forever. But since some people are slow in that way and because other people will hide stuff and lie and excuse. I don’t know any other way that to drown them in facts. Water board them with facts. bury them with facts. Any body who has ever suffered any type of abuse has run into this ridiculous denial. I can’t see any other way than to shove these things in the people’s faces until they still see it when they close their eyes.
@Dave Schultz Look at your dumb @$$ again blaming it on a party..You BIGOTS never stop.
@Elizabeth White “First they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me . . . and there was no one left to speak for me.” – Martin Niemoller 1946
@Laura Lafauve Well said!!
@66 Marksman Islander Satan is actually taking lessons from Trump
the die is cast. we allowed too much, we waited too long. stick a fork in it. this is our future. votes count for imbecility, nothing more nothing less. the die is cast. we are done. entirely overcooked. the fat lady has sung. no sense of unity, nothing. America, it is over. finished.
He was actually acknowledging common law that if you’re trespassing and looting, you can and will get shot. But good thing you used the ALL CAPS to really emphasize a point with no merit, because Trump is bad and stuff.
Crystal Giddens Been over a long time!
@ThxGod It’sOver
Trump told a gathering of law enforcement officers the following, which you can Google:
“President Trump Tells Police Officers Not To Be ‘Too Nice’ With Suspects”
“Mississippi mayor under fire over comments on George Floyd’s death.
Mayor Hal Marx of Petal, Mississippi, said he “didn’t see anything unreasonable” in the video of George Floyd’s arrest. “If you can talk, you can breathe.”
This just disturbs my entire soul. We’ve all witnessed yet another lynching.
@Crystal Giddens Nope. It’s still there. Definitely.
@Martin Lewis I know. You’ve got loads more problems. I understand that.
@Martin Lewis …more unarmed “ppl of color”?
By how much, when crime rates for different demographics are factored in?
White people don’t commit the same amount of crime as “ppl of color”.
Does “ppl of color” mean all “non-whites”?
Because that would be another false equivalency…and yet another reason why your narrative makes no sense.
@Vinny Mac Ohhhh Wowww,,you got me there..Good job vinny.
@Martin Lewis …I know. But thanks.
Murder, there nothing more to they will look for reason to justify it
They’ve been looking for a reason since day one…corrupt AF business as usual.
Their words will mean nothing, for there is *no* justification!!

Murder, manslaughter, torture. This man was arrested and killed with unverified evidence. Cops aren’t arrested when the whole world witness their crimes.
@A K like the cop who murdered this man? Should he be arrested?
@Jam O you would think that would be bigger news
Black or white, a life’s a life
Apparently not — where are the video tapes of white people?!?!?
Tora Black, just curious. Why did you feel you had to say that “Black or white, a life is a life”? Are you just learning that? Did you somehow think something different?
@DeGrate1896 I believe she was simply making a statement!
Slavery justifies looting?
@Computer User Oh; a new topic!
I thought cops are supposed to apprehend, cuff then take them to the station for interrogation. Not to pin a suspect to the ground for 8 minutes.
@Computer user,
(1) Your not having been arrested is not the same as your never having committed a crime.
(2) Even if we assume Mr Floyd had a counterfeit bill, do we know how he came to have it, AND is it a death penalty offense?
(3) The things you are willing to make excuses for says more about you than your character and criminality than your arrest record. You are a moral criminal.
If I don’t commit a crime, I don’t get arrested, DUH.
@Computer user, if you are white, your statement is probably true. But statistically, your truth should but does not hold for your brothers and sisters of a darker hue. Some professions–even teaching–are so obsessed with “keeping people in their places” that they specifically go looking for people of color to do something they can classify as unlawful so they can deal literal or figurative death. Chauvins is a case in point. Then they rely upon the naive or reckless to protect them from accountability. But many younger white people are waking up. Historically, some of your politicians have even written laws designed to criminalize whatever non-White/poor white people were likely to have to do–like stand on the side of the road to wait for jobs in the 1930s. If I perceived that you were really interested, I would advise you to read “The New Jim Crow…” by Michele Alexander, “Race and the American Legal Process” by Judge A. L. Higginbotham, or anything by Bryan Stevenson, but you seem willfully even blissfully blind to injustice and my mum always said that if you cannot give a person something better, never take away their source of hope. So I will leave you to your be consoled by your whiteness. Meanwhile, many younger and quite a few older whites are waking up. Take care.
Yes I am white, and I never in my life committed a crime or passed a home printed $20.00 bill. I have gotten parking and speeding tickets though and paid them. The people of a darker hue need to obey the law and not do something that causes people to call police on them.
@DeGrate1896 I’ve been woke since 1953, but I’m only one person. I try to teach those who will listen. We must *all* speak out. If we don’t, who will speak when they come for us??

A man murdered infornt of America eyes
@First Last let it have been a black officer with his knee on on one of your loved one’s neck and the other three officers are black what would your outrage be. Or how about if black officers was only targeting white males and killing shooting you guys when you are unarmed what would your outrage be. Or black cops terrorizing your neighborhoods and your communities
@First Last you don’t have heart.if you aren’t going to say something nice don’t anything.
@First Last Go away Russian bot.
You can’t even coherently string together this sentence. Thanks for your insight…
Crispus Attucks was an American stevedore of African and Native American descent, widely regarded as the first person killed in the Boston Massacre and thus the first American killed in the American Revolution.
Joy’s comments were profound & incisive. Her words accurately encapsulated the tragic state of affairs our nation is in!
@Vega Nona As a white person myself, I find that implying that George Floyd or any black human being got what they deserved and/or that the cops are justified in killing someone in this manner is not only disrespectful to their families, but also revolting. All lives, regardless of the color of their skin, matter. No one deserves to die in this manner, not even animals.
@Rosandra Montequin You’re pulling a strawman on me. I never said he deserved anything less than his day in court. I’m sayingif you lead a life of crime and run into one of the oh so many rogue cops out there dont think I’m gonna be surprised. If I go to stadiums to watch basketball games I’m not surprised to catch covid. See him cry for his mother as he died. Do you have any doubt that as a six foot five thug he left countless people with that feeling along his reckless past? White guilt nil
Amen to the TRUTH.
I’m not even white nor black but I’m brown, the white policeman acts just scary and remind me the story about the pirates killing the vietnamese ppl on the ocean when they ( Vietnamese) tried to crossed the ocean ( which is called boat ppl ) around 1976 until the late 1999 just bc they didn’t want to stay with Communist regime since 1975 , and I lived here in America for longer than four decades and I wouldn’t believe it can be happened in right here…yet America of the United states which have known the FREEDOM country in the world, and now with my age..I don’t know how much longer that I still alive ..let me be honest the current leader we have in the white house now acts the same way exactly the DICTATOR one in the country where I come from back far then in 1960s when I was 24 year old.
She’s full of crap.
The white men protesting in Michigan broke no laws, didn’t harm anyone, didn’t riot, didn’t loot,
didn’t burn and steal.
There is no excuse for the behavior of the blacks in Minneapolis.
Stealing TV’s has nothing to do with “protesting.”
The officer had 18 prior complaints. Says it all.
@Rusty Shackleford ok Animal thing then,that can read and write and get on the net to comment

@Martin Lewis you progressives are going to start a fight you can’t win.
Have fun in November.
@Rusty Shackleford Critical: 6 minutes after Derek Chauvin put his knee in George Floyd’s neck, prosecutors say another cop checked Floyd’s pulse & said “I couldn’t find one.”
For another 2 minutes Chauvin allegedly kept his knee in Floyd‘s neck, while he was non responsive.
@Rusty Shackleford look It!!..your parties done for?.That coward non-leader you’re supporting is running outta options. He’s starting to cave in and you know it..The 100,000 plus thats dead can’t be forgotten..All those hateful tweets against ppl he don’t like and not wanna help,, won’t be forgotten..So come the fk on November,COME ON!.
Google both articles:
“President Trump Tells Police Officers Not To Be ‘Too Nice’ With Suspects”
“Mississippi mayor under fire over comments on George Floyd’s death.
Mayor Hal Marx of Petal, Mississippi, said he “didn’t see anything unreasonable” in the video of George Floyd’s arrest. “If you can talk, you can breathe.”
There not gonna do anything to these cops. There in the process of spinning a story to justify the murder of Mr Floyd
@Don Williams Name them!
@Infovest Don’t put them in jail thats a waste of tax payer money line them up in front of a firing squad and execute them this kind of behavior will not be tolerated
Brook Eggleston Name who? The Thugs on Video. Yeah, that’s a smart comment..Let me try asking a stupid question like you. Name the “racist” who goes to Trump’s rallies.
Derek Chauvin has been charged with 3rd degree murder and 2nd degree manslaughter. No word on the other officers…yet.
@Don Williams donald trump.
The best thing I’ve ever heard from this woman in a long time sister keep waking up black men are not your enemy we need each other
they don’t care about any of us period
When are they going to start mandatory drug tests on cops? A lot of them are roid heads and using a whole host of other drugs.
i wish those american cops cud taken to wuhan china and put inside chamber full of corona virus.. then trump send them for handyhandy detergent vaccine
a javadi we can do that after we test everyone on Gov’t assistance first, especially food stamps.
@Don Williams well , then …let’s drug test ALL of congress …all of the judiciary… along with everyone in the executive branch of the gub’ment , from now on .
jeff evans ok
He called for his deceased mother while he was dying.
Some people see their dead relatives when they are close to leaving the world. I can’t help but wonder if he saw his mother coming to take him into the next life.