Jones: Florida’s COVID-19 Situation Worse Than What The State Reports | The Last Word | MSNBC

Rebekah Jones, who says she was fired from the Florida Department of Health for refusing to manipulate COVID-19 data, tells Lawrence O'Donnell that Florida's data reporting is now "much, much worse" just as Florida set the U.S. record for new cases in a single day. Aired on 7/13/2020.
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Jones: Florida's COVID-19 Situation Worse Than What The State Reports | The Last Word | MSNBC

Jones: Florida's COVID-19 Situation Worse Than What The State Reports | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. Ron DeSantis is lying and hiding the truth from citizens for his own benefit. Their death and suffering means nothing to him.😢

    1. The virus is only serious for a very small proportion of the affected population. Shutting down businesses and jobs, affects 100% of the Florida population. Of course cases are rising, we reopened. At some point you have to ask yourself how much is shutting down worth to us? COVId will continue to spread until there is a vaccine, do you know how much economic damage would occur if we just shut down for another 8 months? Businesses and people’s livelihoods decimated, that’s just as real as the death of 80+ year old individuals.

    2. Him and the entire GOP. Make no mistake, they are all guilty as charged. Only nobody seems to charge them!

    3. @Clemson Hive Ahhh, the “money changer” speaks. Recession is just a part of capitalism so plan for it.

  2. Well, Trump is indeed well on the way to actually destroying The USA. When he was elected it was popular to say “He’ll destroy the country.” But no one actually thought that would come to pass. Too many checks and balances, right?

    1. Chris Iapetus I can give you plenty. Timing. Election year. It’s like me and you running for the office of highway safety…and for some odd reason I really really want your driving record just before the vote. Hint: to see what I can use against you.

    2. @Emerick Shaw The taxes are desirable because they are necessary to determine whether there may be conflicts or vulnerabilities due to financial ties to foreign powers. It was never considered that a president would refuse to provide the information, or that people would elect one who does refuse. The taxes have been asked for since he initially started running so the timing excuse is refuted. Also, he promised to provide them, and the reasons he gives that he cannot (doesn’t have the time) is ridiculous because it’s his accountant that does the work, not him. They’re are no valid reasons other than things he does not want people to find out.

    3. Chris Iapetus Chris Iapetus we go…”Trump is a Russian spy” just stop yourself, as far as his business dealings are concerned, if he violated the law for the past 30 years, why was he not charged then (he has been a media figure for that long). Like I said…timing.

    4. If at this point you don’t know what the problem is with Trump, there is truly no hope that you ever will. I wish you and all Trump supporters, along with all Trump non-supporters, a fulfilling life. I wish we could restore cross-political-viewpoint decorum and fellowship; more than anything else, I think our ability to do that, or not, will determine the future success or failure of the American enterprise. All the best.

  3. Florida Governor can keep the data secret but you can’t keep secret those people pouring into those hospitals and into those funeral parlors!

    1. You mean to those cold storage containers standing outside hospitals , when undertakers cant keep up .

    2. Peaches Williams,
      Yes friend, that is true.
      To find the true statistics, one only has to scan the financial records of the insurance industry.
      They cannot hide their numbers,because if their numbers do not match the hospital numbers, somebody is cooking the books & lying. Since the insurance industry fights to pay out, even small claims, they will not be in any position to lie.
      Likewise, hospitals will not let any bill go unpaid & to cook their books would bankrupt them.
      Trump & his Liar’s Club must not have figured on that or are trying to keep things quiet.

  4. Florida’s leaders are dispicable. Of course their data is false, they don’t care about their residents.

    1. @Mike w unreal, Trump said put a UB light in your arm, if you like what the Governor of Florida is doing , that’s on you, because he’s doing what tell him to do, and he’s killing people lying about the numbers. Trump don’t want anymore testing, they don’t want the to know the truth. But you already know this, you trying to play dumb. Roll on troll

    2. @AL- BOT “Florida blew it.” As a retired Floridian I agree. Now it’s just a matter of time before we find out how bad. Now if you include the other states, in similar situations, needing the same resources at the same time it may be some time before the current trend levels off before reversing.

    3. @Mike w NYC is 10 x bigger than Jacksonville , 25 x bigger than Miami and over 3 x bigger that 10 biggest Florida cites combined by population . 29.4.2020 – State officials have stopped releasing the list of coronavirus deaths being compiled by Florida’s medical examiners . 13.5.2020 – Ron DeSantis and the Florida Department of Health (DOH), the state has consistently refused to inform the public about deaths and infections

  5. State and Federal Republicans need to be held accountable for their negligent leadership to manipulation data in order to suppress accurate information about Covid-19. This is nothing short of Genocide against the America public.

  6. It’s almost as if Trump cronyism and denial of irrefutable outcomes and tangible, documented, and proven results (otherwise known as science) isn’t compatible with people, reality, or pandemics.

    1. @Rix Amoris he won the last election(2018) winning a narrow victory against andrew gillum in a blue wave election in a swing state. It shows that he’s popular in florida

    2. Not all of us – many of us are here because of situations beyond out control – and I vote solid blue as does my son – we are both educators and know many people who are in Florida who didn’t vote for trump and didn’t vote for DeSantis – we write letters we stay home we wear our masks- and not we are being forced back to work by the executive order. Please stop blaming those of us who do the right things – we all live in the United States and we all have the right to safety.

    3. Mistakes made? Many. Who was to know that not even a governor would be so uncaring and irresponsible to the welfare of the people in his own state?

    1. Nahhh Its all a “HOAX” created by the Democrats to throw off the election
      (Obviously I say that sarcastically… If we had a halfway decent leader we would not be in this situation….. Thanks Rumpt)

  7. Ms. Jones is a asset and someone who knows the truth and is not afraid to tell it. Something the Republicans hate. Bravo 👏

  8. Worse than official reports? Gee, I am so incredibly shocked. Just joking. We are all so screwed.


  10. What’s happening in Florida, is happening because Governor DeSantis was only looking out for the best interest of one individual, Donald Trump, instead of looking out for the best interests of the 21 million residents of his State…PLAIN And SIMPLE. DeSantis along with other republican governors, are of the belief that they work for Trump, and not the people of their States. The same people that pay their salaries, and provide them with free room & board.

    And for that, they must be held accountable.

    1. The state of Georgia is probably the same. They just don’t have anyone to expose it. Did a road trip to Georgia & from Palm Beach to rural Florida & Georgia when in stores. Myself & customers & maybe 3 patrons in packed stores wearing mask & not distancing! Freakin nightmare

  11. Floridians have nowhere to go, surround by water. Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana doesn’t want them.

  12. Thanks DeSantis, thanks Trump, thanks idiots who refused to wear masks because “they use them to make Trump look bad!”
    This is criminal negligence and manslaughter.

    1. Thank You! I feel like most of these idiots are living on another planet at this point, I feel like they want us to die.

  13. I’m suspicious that the Texas data is also questionable. Like today I was noticing that for most of the day there was no data for Texas.

    1. There are so many that cannot afford medical care or hospitalization due to cost that try to tough it out at home and die at home and of course in those states it will just be called “natural causes”

  14. This interview is chilling. It shows how lying about and ‘sharpieing’ the facts is part of Trump’s attempt to fool the people he is supposed to protect.

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