Axios national political reporter Jonathan Swan describes the inner-workings of the Trump White House right now, and says he believes many cabinet secretaries are running their agencies without the president’s guidance. Aired on 1/8/2021.
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#JonathanSwan #Trump #MSNBC
Jonathan Swan: The Cabinet Is Acting As If Trump ‘Is Not The President’ | Deadline | MSNBC
When has Trump ever acted like a president to begin with? Come on man.
Trump’s self-praise and ignorance is unbelievable.
The most corrupt, the most manipulative conman on earth.
@Sky Maivjyk “We have created more ”
stopped reading there. when you have to resort to copying and pasting administration propaganda instead of listing things yourself, we know you’re not worth listenign to.
@P C “He has done more for this country than 20 years of others”
that’s certainly true.
if you count getting 360,000 americans killed by a virus, and initiating an attempted coup doing more.
most presidents are content with a war or two, NOT 360,000 dead americans.
even Bush only got less than 10,000 killed.
“We will now March to the Capitol” They did, he got in his limo and drove in the opposite direction to the White House. It is staggering that 74.000.000 Americans would want him as the voice and face America presents to the world.
@ronnie bald that deflection done died 4 months ago. clean up your mind and clean up your mess. racism will get you nowhere.
He was never a president….He is a professional grifter folks…Good riddens the circus is over…
@Patricia Sheck you’ll have to wait until the next administration is sworn in patience
@Debbie Man…why yall never have any straight answers? It’s all smoke and mirrors. Look… just because you buy into the hype and the illusion doesn’t mean that the rest of us will. I’m really not trying to be mean, but it’s the same thing with the evidence of the voter fraud. It’s always “we will show” and “you will see”. Oh…and “the best is yet to come”. I’m over it.
Not yet…
Its not over as long as the AntiChrist remains in office!
Now he is also a traitor.
Those denouncing him now, after years of obedience, are just trying to save face at the 25th hour. Inexcusable on their part and hopefully their Trump complicities stain their record/reputation forever.
Toh great
Hopefully they will be charged and pay for their treasonous actions.
I suppose the only possible argument they may have is loyalty to the president and I would imagine over the past 4yrs a lot of squirming was going on at his antics. Nevertheless there’s no excuse for stupidity and none whatsoever for failure to uphold the constitution..politics be damned there are choices right or wrong that determine character and many Republicans were sadly lacking in the “grow a set” department
It just goes to show. How unhinged he must be at this point
Hawley and Cruz really screwed the pooch. So driven by their ambition that after seeing the mess they created they still went ahead with the sham.
He demands absolute loyalty from those around him yet shows them none. In days of old it was the “off with their heads” syndrome…
In days of old, they would have fragged his a$$! Too bad it didn’t happen. And after his no response to the bounty put on the heads of our servicemen overseas, I’m surprised it didn’t happen

That might be the most humane thing to do for him – if one wanted to be humane. The guy is in a world of hurt because of his inability to process an emotion that he’s probably not even aware of. One could almost feel sorry for him. Almost……! But, then again it’s impossible to feel sorry for an individual who has done so harm in the four years he’s been in office.
Toh great
Most likely they will resign or just hide somewhere in the WH the last few days, because they are cowards.
“…he hasn’t listened…”
When did he listen ?
Dem “winners”, of the week:

A. Eric Swalwell sleeping with a Chinese spy
B. Hunter & Uncle Jimmy investigated by FBI
C. Michigan’s Cynthia Johnson playing the fool
Got to love these Dems
Toh great
@Education is key posting that after Georgia, and after your “president” lost everything, including his beloved Twitter…
Respect. It takes a lot of ignorance to keep that world view up and running.
Your mom is proud of you, genius. You’re a winner…
Why don’t they fly him over to Walter Reed again an put him in an induced coma for 2 weeks.
Though I don’t have the legal authority to do so, I grant permission for this to be done.
@Keila Martin That was a good movie. Hardly ever gets mentioned.
“We will now March to the Capitol” They did, he got in his limo and drove in the opposite direction to the White House. It is staggering that 74.000.000 Americans would want him as the voice and face America presents to the world.
@Bryce Brogan the Epstein solution?
Doctors can´t do that. But it would be fun if they could give him something that makes him really happy and nice for the next weeks.
Life has got very real for the reality TV president.
@Education is key “turned a blind eye”
but they did NOT, you… i don’t want to be mean here.
you are lying thru your fcking teeth, trying to stir sht up and or justify an attempted coup with false whaatboutism.
stop it.
dotard dumbfukk fired himself
Nkclld m
“We will now March to the Capitol” They did, he got in his limo and drove in the opposite direction to the White House. It is staggering that 74.000.000 Americans would want him as the voice and face America presents to the world.
@Education is key racist subhuman crawl back under your rock
Trump out sleazed Nixon, another miracle from the Republican Party.
Trump has been following the Reagan playbook since 2008. Reagan came up with “Fake News” when reporters caught him lying. Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, Bush, and Trump are all the same lying republican guys. Every republican & tea party brought us to Trump. They are all guilty of treason.
@Grim Cultist trying to support a traitor
That’s the way it is…person, woman, man, camera, tv…China, China, China…
That’s the way it is.
@Grim One lesson of history is that things change over time. For example, today’s KKK and other white supremist groups are all Republicans. But maybe you can’t handle that info?
Eclipsed Nixon entirely
Trump and his enablers should be declared “persona non grata” in the US
@V for Wombat Those male Western Red Kangaroos (the big ones are actually know as boomers) can be quite dangerous if you annoy them. Check out the claws on a Cassowary though, that is one bird you do not want to upset. Either one will have your insides on the ground quick smart.
@DaveG you’ll have to declaw them to give him a fighting chance. no fair killing him, he needs to be alive to suffer.
@V for Wombat Point taken.
“We will now March to the Capitol” They did, he got in his limo and drove in the opposite direction to the White House. It is staggering that 74.000.000 Americans would want him as the voice and face America presents to the world.
@AwakeAmericanow. he got in his limo? the white house was like 50 feet behind him.
“…acting like he is not the president.”
That man had NEVER acted like he was the president.
Here, Here.
Biden sounded and acted worse today than President Trump ever did and you all are condoning it. So I guess now it is time for President Trump supporters to label all of you “crazy” & “insane”, but truthfully just lazy & ignorant. Do your due diligence & look up some facts and listen to some independent not corrupt and censored facts!
@P C You sound just like Satan condemn Satan.
@Ronald O’Gorman given that I have lived through 12 presidencies now and I have witnessed trump since the 60’s, i do believe that i am qualified to speak on this matter. Trump was, is, and always will be unfit to be in charge of or lead anything.
But of course, you are certainly entitled to your opinion no matter how wrong it may be.
“We will now March to the Capitol” They did, he got in his limo and drove in the opposite direction to the White House. It is staggering that 74.000.000 Americans would want him as the voice and face America presents to the world.
Actually, Trump was, has been, and continues to act as if he was never the president.
has he ever acted like one though?
He always acted as a game host ,,,,,than a president,,more like a clown,,,than the leader of the most powerful country,,,,,he done lots of damage on the American prestige
Donald Trump’s sister: “He’s a liar. He has no principles.”
Yikes,his own sister said that?
the worst thing my sister ever said to me was that I used up all the hot water 
@R.D. Whitaker Yes, I believe there’s an audio recording of Maryanne Trump Barry slating her brother Donald… Ps am not an American, just one of many countries spectating the madness from overseas.
Niece says same thing !! the man is a sociopath narcissist who was not remotely qualified to be president!
Quoted from Maryanne Trump Barry some time ago: “He has no principles. None. His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God. I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy sh*t.”
@C M it’s so sad and humiliating,that even his own family members despise him.
Power is an illusion, in the end, a leader needs those around them to comply.
Those who surround the power are fools and easily manipulated. The more the power, the more the control. The next four years will be interesting.
He lied about COVID 19 and the election this is why we are here.
“We will now March to the Capitol” They did, he got in his limo and drove in the opposite direction to the White House. It is staggering that 74.000.000 Americans would want him as the voice and face America presents to the world.
@splitpitch yeah unfortunately we all know trumps going to play the martyr and alot of America is going to buy into it.
@AwakeAmericanow. “Denying the convenience of extremism is to endorse it.” – Anonymous.
@AwakeAmericanow. Didn’t you listen to Lindsey? The media made it all up and were so unfair to Donny. Trump needed to be coddled to protect him from the Free Press scrutiny because it is so unfair.
Trump has been lying since he got into office he lies about lying just like Mcenenany.
Why is Rudy not being charged for saying, “Trial by combat”??? Isn’t that equally bad?
He will be pardoned
He’s of much greater value to us humiliating himself on TV
@Bradley Brown if not for Trump voters who decided to vote the other way, we would not have a Warnock and Ossoff senatorial wins in Georgia. Also for Trump NY state was ready to get him, they backed off due to him running for President. There are NO pardons for state prosecutions. Paul Manafort will be in jail again in NY. As for Trump he will be in a world of hurt. Watch.
@Ke Fi CANNOT pardon state charges. Manafort, Trump and Giuliani faces NY state charges, there are no pardons for that.
@drewski I will watch, but it will be like campaign promises. I don’t believe a pardon is even necessary. Do you really think the Democrats would provide a martyr for the fringe republicans to rally around…no. New York politicians will just ask Trump for a small donation to their campaign and the good times keep rolling. What ever happened to all those republicans and democrats that were on Jeffrey Epstein’s Airplane with over 36 different girls over the years, most of which were underage. S.S.D.D.
“Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.” – Samuel Johnson
@Brother Nemo No, I think it’s a perfectly understood quote b/c most of the patriotism we see in this country is a false patriotism. Certainly what we’re seeing now is exactly that. I think that the simple fact that ppl take notice of the quote speaks to the fact that much of the ‘patriotism’ in this country is false patriotism.
@Brother Nemo Parse it logically. In no way whatsoever can it be interpreted as implying patriots are scoundrels. It’s a good test of logical thinking ability. “If A then B” does not imply the converse ‘If B then A”.
“The country is tired of this muthaf@ka!” ~ Samuel L. Jackson
@Darius Kool

“We will now March to the Capitol” They did, he got in his limo and drove in the opposite direction to the White House. It is staggering that 74.000.000 Americans would want him as the voice and face America presents to the world.
“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.”
– George Washington
Farewell address
Good and appropriate quote, Robert. Trump is all about impostering.
@James Irwin We should have said resign or we will delete your Twitter. He would have immediately stepped down. We gave up our greatest barging chip.
@KObra KOmmanders LOL
Zoh great
Cruz and Hawley are more responsible than Trump.
I like Presidents who don’t stir up riots!
i suppose next you’ll ask presidents to actually fight against a pandemic,
not put nazi symbols in their campaign ads,
not declare themselves above the law,
not call ppl who don’t clap for them traitors,
and not put 5000 kids in cages.
nobody’s perfect!
@V for Wombat Well, if it’s not too much of an inconvenience: yes, please.
@JZ’s Best Friend they certainly are trying to make it inconvenient.
@V for Wombat Well, you know how children are. You give them a finger…
“We will now March to the Capitol” They did, he got in his limo and drove in the opposite direction to the White House. It is staggering that 74.000.000 Americans would want him as the voice and face America presents to the world.
Jonathan Swan is so cool. He makes air quotes without even moving his fingers.
He’s Australian. We’re all cool

I caught that to. Just that slight pause before and after.