Democratic Senate candidate Jon Ossoff spoke at a polling center in Atlanta to encourage Georgia voters to cast ballots so that Democrats can gain control of the U.S. Senate. Aired on 01/05/2021.
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#JonOssoff #GeorgiaVoters #MSNBC
Jon Ossoff: 'Georgia Voters Have Never Had More Power Than You Have Today' | MSNBC
Republicans would rather see the country burn than give up power.
@timandsue legere that part
@Hairy legs Corn Pop You saw Trumps idiots causing problems and blaming it on the Democrats.
@timandsue legere what you don’t understand, through no fault of your own, when they say Democrats it means black people. That’s why they don’t say American. They don’t view us as real Americans.
Hey cheater, Brain washing by your CNN & MSDNC……….Ask your Communist for a brain doctor
@Lanuiiohu Sukikiya do you even know what communism is? And don’t just say China, I really want to know, if you know what it is.
Go Georgia Blue. America loves you!
Voted Trump in 2016. Voted blue for the first time this year.
Politics has replaced football as our national sport and we’re all suffering concussions as a result.
Seriously though. Conservatives, where I live, are just boring people who view things from a different perspective than me. American conservatives believe that climate change isn’t real and that any publicly available healthcare is socialism. It’s completely insane from a European point of view.
@Criipier It’s an insane view from across the Pacific, north of the border, in fact nearly all of the developed world.
@Criipier. The majority of Americans agree with you and we’re sick of what’s happening. It’ll be okay in the end though. Sometimes you have to be shown how bad it could be to appreciate what you’ve got. That’s all the last four years have been. A lesson. Stay vigilant. If you don’t greedy people will exploit the situation.
Don’t worry. We’re the majority and we’re awake now. We’ve got this.
politicians se their job as a sport they love to play games./ term limits
Blame the Corrupt Overfunded US Military Industrial Complex
Georgia, please continue the Blue Wave and VOTE for Ossoff and Warnock!!
@GoodFather KN Maybe you missed it, it was the one Biden sailed to victory on.
@ehbcd Listen old buddy old pal. The democrats lost seats in the house. They didn’t even secure the senate. And Biden won a few key states by between 10.000 and 20.000 votes. That’s not a wave. That’s a splash. And this was during a recession with a very unpopular president….
@Journeys In This Crazy World The last major waves were in 2008 with Obama, 2010 with the house, and 2014 with the senate.
Hey cheater, Brain washing by your CNN & MSDNC……….Ask your Communist for a brain doctor
@GoodFather KN 7 million more votes then trump.. Trump lost the popular vote yet won by the exact same amount of electoral votes Biden did. Trump called it a “Landslide”. Lmao
Good luck ossoff
Go Georgia!! Wisconsin’s pulling for you!! End the republicon grip on America!! They are not for us!!
You really know how to make me laugh.
@Kayla Aspen shhhh she is speaking facts
@Kayla Aspen considering the world is laughing at trump and you trump sheep you should be embarrassed
you are a disgrace to America Kayla ASSpen 
As much as I agree with you. I have absolutely no faith in Georgia doing the right thing. I hope to God I’m wrong on this one.
@Brıttanee Ræý Jıron

Id vote for him
I would like a $2,000 check.
If Mitch McConnell controls the U.S. Senate we will never see another check. Georgia citizens please vote today for Ossoff and Warnock!!!
@Wattage Zero Mitch McConnell won his State Tennessee, again how none of us knows, but what we are talking about is the leader of the house, right now its 48 Democrats to 49 Republicans, so Mitch is leader but depending on the 2 seat votes in Georgia if they go to Democrats then house leadership finally changes to Democrat and we will actually evolve forward into a new age, not be dragged back in time by a bunch of old dinosaurs.
Look at what happen to Mich response to him refusing the people that live day to day with not even Penney’s to count . We do need the help
@Karen Carpenter I think you mean the senate but
#LowertheVotingAgeto12 / #AbolishTheVotingAge !!! Children’s Voices in Politics by Michael Cummings is a MUST READ!!! BLACK POWER MATTERS!!!

LIBERATION OF BABIES from White-Ruling-Class Imperialism is a MUST!!! PLANET & FUTURE 1ST!!!!
@Karen Carpenter we need #RankedChoiceVoting & to #LowertheVotingAgeto12 / #AbolishTheVotingAge
Let’s go Georgia

Georgias vote for America Dream than vote for Democrats – Jon Ossoff ….
What ?
@AllNiteLemonade you heard em
@Kanayo Okafor You dull-witted IPOB Igbos are a disappointment to what my Uncle Emeka stood for in 1967.
What mediocre grammar.
@JMI N sharrap n go away
Don’t worry I voted for Jon and warnock
Thank you!
Ua mai oe? (This is how you say it in Samoan.)
Nice! tell your friends and family to vote as well!
Good job, let’s end the GOP
Georgia , THANK YOU for voting BLUE !
Georgia, you and your good citizens deserve better representation than what you’re getting right now.
this guy speaks good.
This guy is good. He has a bright future !!!!!!!!!!
OSSOFF 2024 OR 2028
@StillSaber1790 If he and Raphael win, they are safe until 2026, Senators get 6 year terms
@TruckerExile E True, but Obama left his term after more then 3.5 years in office. Anything could happen, but very likely he is staying put.
only in a treason trial
Even as a young Senate hopeful Ossoff seems more qualified to leadership than majority of the current GOP. #Ossoff/warnock2021
Most of the current ones are old asf. And just love that power. Hungry for power and don’t give a f
We need to #LowertheVotingAgeto12
He’s not young. Just bold with a lot of testosterone!
@Treehugger Power we need to let citizens of america vote if they been living in USA for more than 10 years but are not american citizens
Either way, Trump is going down.
I bet he takes a lot of GOP with him.
Is it open duck season

I hope so. I want to go back to being ignorant and my Prez having my back

Popcorn time
not as much as an unfettered trump will expose the dems as agents of foreign control.
It’s about time Trumps legacy ends and his downfall begins including the Republican Party, they are not same as they were back in the 1860’s because compared to now, it basically became a circus filled with clowns, c’mon Georgia let’s end the GOP
Hé is right Georgia…you have the power & the WORLD is watching
If Georgia had Ranked Choice Voting we would be in a better world!!
Vote blue for the whole United States.
It’s funny. It’s seems now the vote are . Either way. “WE THE PEOPLE” are sitting on idle with the date of our live in limbo.