Presidential historian and biographer Jon Meacham explains why he thinks Trump is the most politically powerful president in American history. Aired on 01/31/20.
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Jon Meacham: Trump's The Most Politically Powerful President In History | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Brace yourself, the sky is really falling.
Democrats are falling. and that’s good
@F Lopez
Lol…you’ll find out just who that sky will fall on “Lopez” in the coming years as Trump wins re-election. As Trump, has again, private meetings with Putin on how to attack certain groups in Anerica. “Lopez”…SOME are SO stupid!
Trump’s health is deteriorating in front of our eyes
Long live #PresidentTweety and the entire Trump Gang! The history of the United States is over, but as a footnote, here’s how the next few years will go: King Donald I up to 2024, then Queen Ivanka to 2032, followed by King Donald II to 2040, next King Eric to 2048, followed by Queen Tiffany to 2056, and the last of the second generation with King Barron finishing his reign in 2064.
@Shannon Jacobs OMG that’s just chilling!
He’s also under the most criminal investigations.
@Philip Teague here, have a tissue. Your mascara is starting to run. At last count there were something like 17 different ongoing state and federal investigations into Trump. If he doesn’t get a second term, he can expect a prison term.
He’s probably not wrong, but it’s no kind of compliment. Throughout history the rulers who had the most political power were universally tyrants, demagogues, fascists or kings. I don’t think it’s unfair to call any of them leaders of cults, in the sense that their followers won’t question them no matter how absurdly their power was used. Trump is no friend of democracy or freedom.
Did you not hear the man? NO president in history HAD this KIND of political power before. That includes Clinton. NO comparison. NOT the same. NOT on the same level…get it!!!Open your ears and quit deflecting as you Trump conservatives just love to do. Can’t help yourselves.
Glenn Carpenter : MSNBC needs to comprehend that It’s very DANGEROUS to talk as though we still HAVE a Republic, now, or that there could possibly be an, “election,” in 2020, anymore. They must allow people to, “vote,” to hold back the chances of a Revolution, in the way Putin does. You must be a responsible service, and deal HONESTLY with your viewers. They have either one of two alternatives: RIG THE ELECTIONS, or risk Trump losing his protected status, ratting out all of his colleagues, from Bill Barr down to Devin Nunes, causing so many indictments and JAILINGS that the GOP is unable to sustain itself and is forced to disband under the DISGRACE from one side, and the raging disappointment of the Trump base. They have literally SHOWN US now, that there is NOTHING they will not do to protect themselves from that. Which do you think they’ll choose? It is no longer SAFE to speak of our Republic as still being a, “thing.” And, encouraging people to believe it, will only help feed the LIE by having people go through the motions of voting, and providing the government with DATA on who to target next, in A RIGGED, PUTIN STYLE DICTATORSHIP. THINK ABOUT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY?
@Arthur Anderson Putin Does
@Queen Duncan Donut Of Scots
Putin does what? I’m sorry my train of thought moved onto a different video. What are you trying to say?
@Arthur Anderson What? Lol!!!
Now that Trump has been allowed to walk watch the revenge rampage he goes on. It’s going to get nasty folks, paint the walls red. What is going to happen would make Stalin proud !!
@desglacons My love for America is off the scale , but you and your support for the democrats, let’s look at the Dems NAFTA that in less than 20 years lost between 72,500 and 90,000 factories and millions of middle class jobs and Dems promoting open borders, wanting to fill the Country with people we know nothing about, probably to fill in the low end jobs that NAFTA left us with. I guess the Dems open border policy could be used for population control, with the drugs coming in killing thousands every year and who knows what nasty disease some of the people crossing illegally might bring with them, since they are not screened or vaccinated.
I’m ready!

Nightly, I’m going to hang a bucket of KFC on the front door stoop.
@luxx_interior Business owners can start by firing as many repuGs as they can.
Put signs on the doors of businesses:
He is only doing what the Republican Congress and the Republican. Senators have allowed. That is where the corruption is.
Tony Bell hahahaha you trumpers actually believe trump is a victim don’t you?
Na it is what America First want
Yes gave him care blanche to screw every man, woman, and child in America, including his “base”, his administration, Congress, his Cabinet, friends, and family!!!!
PLUS the whole world!!!!!!
Ty repubs. You will be paying dearly for your choices. Trump will throw all of you under the bus before hes done with you!
Long live #PresidentTweety and the entire Trump Gang! The history of the United States is over, but as a footnote, here’s how the next few years will go: King Donald I up to 2024, then Queen Ivanka to 2032, followed by King Donald II to 2040, next King Eric to 2048, followed by Queen Tiffany to 2056, and the last of the second generation with King Barron finishing his reign in 2064.
Yeah, it SO corrupt to be investigating the PAST administration’s corruption. Instead of them trying to FRAME him every chance they get. Go figure.
This is being set up to be a dictatorship by the GOP. If Trump is re-elected he will rule like a dictator and after 4 years he’ll most likely want Don Jr. to carry on his corrupt legacy as POTUS. Democracy in America is in danger.
F Lopez – I did not say the USA was a democracy. Quite the contrary.
He won’t last another 4 year term. He’s old and not in good health.
@F Lopez The two are not mutually exclusive, which is why the US is called a democratic republic. Sadly, Trump seems to admire the governance of Russia and of N Korea (NK also calls itself a democratic republic…names don’t always match policies). Let’s hope we don’t end up with the kind of “democratic republic” that Kim Jong Un runs.
@Margaret Peeler if anyone is trying to adapt a type of NK or russian government its the Democrats with their socialist leaning ideas. you’re right, let’s hope we don’t end up with a government like that , vote for Trump
@F Lopez Too funny.
Only problem is – no trumpy in 2020, and the rest may be in jail by 2024.
Their corruption runs so deep, but it is slowly, ever so slowly being exposed.
Isint it funny ha ha to watch grown men who ran to be servants of the people worship a man with no scruples morals but does have dementia.
And they fall all over themselves amd others tp do it…
Good luck.
Joshua mowdy time to toothcomb through some cash flows and see where that motivation comes from. Hopefully there is someone left to be able to do that before it’s too late
Joshua mowdy
I know, all of 0bama’s sycophants are really comical asides from being murderers and very dangerous pedophiles.
Aleainctaest lmao this imbecile will do more then Obama ever did or will do . Can’t wait till you cult members get the bill that will make you cry and curse like a baby .

There is a direct correlation between t’rump’s political party and that party’s complete and utter lack of balls.
Remember folks, the party of “limited government” made this overpowered, unqualified, idiotic executive possible.
Exactly, thus proving their hypocrisy.
@Philip Teague you do know Hillary wasn’t ever president right? Again, here, blot your tears. Your mascara is a mess.
Lucky for us, historically, demagogues usually don’t live very long lives
Have some more cheeseburgers and Adderall there, Trump!!
Historically speaking you are wrong….. Mugabe, Franco, Castro, Pinochet, Marcos, etc…..or do you think USA is above this kind of leaders? As we can see, you really are not.
Ya, then you guys get Don Jr. What a shyte show this has turned into for the US.
Hasn’t Putin been in power for over 20 years? And didn’t he just amend Russia’s Constitution to ensure he retains power after he “leaves” office? Think twice about the shelf life of demagoguery.
He’s a seventy four year old, three hundred pound, drug addict. Not the best case scenario for longevity.
Quite right. He can do what ever he wants and is answerable to no one. He is a crime boss, thug, dictator. America needs to face facts they have their first, and probably last, dictator. So serious, so dangerous and so many people afraid of him, is proof he is dictator.
The only law trump is interested in is, ” nobody disagrees with me”. ” nobody crosses me”. Everything else is fair game. But dont ever disagree with trump, you will never work again.
Republicans are COMPLICIT in creating a Monarchy!
Monarchy? How?
C’mon, Elaine…don’t be so short-sided and gullible. Tell you what, go bake a cake or something.
@Radha De Vries a dictator who just faced impeachment? Hahaha stick to the Netherlands, and irrelevancy. You have no idea how our system works if you think Trump is dictator . You wouldnt be watching MSNBC clips if Trump were a dictator. It’s just so moronic
Not a monarchy, an AUTOCRACY.
And the GOP gave all that power to a “failed Reality-TV *conman* ” who isn’t even a real republican in the first place.
Talk about “from nobody to nightmare” being at play here!
@F Lopez I replied they way I did because I live in a Republican controlled state, and county….please try again
@Jim J. Stupidest vote you ever cast you mean. You have no idea of the repercussions that will follow. You will however see the repercussions and then blame someone else.
@2be Blunt I will accept that when ALL the Democrats ALL the Republicans, and All the other politicians Release their and their families tax returns and face full and independent audits …. Oh, and yours as well because you demand it. /CRICKETS
@wouldnt chuliketoknow LMAO repercussions like best economy in 60 years, lowest un employment in history, my drug prices have went down, cutting back on free loaders in welfare, securing the border against drugs, human trafficking, illegal people roaming all over our Country, better fairer trade deals, Are these some of the repercussions you are referring to. Dems NAFTA nearly destroyed the middle class !
It’s so sad that some Americans and American politicians give him power when there are literally hundreds of millions of people way more deserving of that status. There are so many people that are smarter and better human beings that care about people and doing right by and for them. It’s embarrassing to witness people clamoring to follow such a person who has no regard for anyone but himself. I am truly ashamed of so many fellow Americans who refuse to see the spectacle that he is and the sheer mockery he’s made of what used to be the Greatest Nation on Earth. Shame on America for allowing this to continue!
Bernie is crazy but Trump is not? Shows where your head is at Mr. Lopez smh
Well put. Sad right?
After today’s performance, a lot of people are beginning to realise that Trump represents the USA psyche perfectly.
Not psyche. Ethos.
@Kermit T. Frog Well spotted.
@Richard Christie The USA has lost its soul.
Actually it doesn’t represent USA ethos but it does reflect on the mindset of the few old heads in power that will do whatever it takes to stay there. 70-80 year olds that are bitter to the very end. And their followers are akin to the confederacy long ago. Loving this feeling of the underdog overcoming some ‘new order’. That rubric has never been stamped out completely and has now come back to bite the US.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. – can’t remember
Being the weakest and the most powerful president in history at the same time is no mean feat. It’s like when Donald got half a billion from his daddy and claimed to be a self made billionaire. He is powerful because of the cowards in his party.
Republicans just threw democracy OUT THE WINDOW!
@Jim J.
This isn’t the king’s Twitter, Fox, or red States Tour.
3/5/1770 BOSTON MA.
@Madolina Degocelli I agree, there will be an AMERICAN REVOLUTION
Jim J. The GOP killed America dead. Satantrumpence 2020! Keeping America Dead! KAD! After they killed the country.
I can’t see the point in saying this, it will only embolden him even more.
Too true
You mean: PUTIN is the most powerful president in US history.