Jon Meacham: History Shows 10 Percent Of Voters Are Up For Grabs | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Historian Jon Meacham looks back into past administrations to see what amount of voters are willing to cross party lines. Aired on 02/5/20.
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Jon Meacham: History Shows 10 Percent Of Voters Are Up For Grabs | MTP Daily | MSNBC


  1. So what does that mean? We get to do bad things and we won’t get arrested. Is that what that is? Because that’s what’s going to happen. With a lot of criminals out there.

    1. @Power corrupts – “Sad!”… *but true.*
      So far, and allowing for ‘as-of-yet-announced indictments’… *#45’s ‘accrued’ FOUR disbarred lawyers (and ‘counting’ 🤣), SIX former employees who are CONVICTED felons, DOZENS of…’unplanned resignations’ AND, at last count, FIVE administration members with “Contempt Citations” NOW ON their resumes.*
      And we won’t *EVEN mention* #45’s *numerous* ‘financial fiascos’… 💸😏💸

    2. The casinos in Atlantic city, the usfl, the airline,the real estate school, the banks who had to take over his real estate because he never paid, the contractors he never paid, and we the people who now get stuck with the outrageously overpriced bill every time he visits one of his failing bedbug infested minigolf resorts.

    3. Power corrupts oh great, another parroting know it all. Tired of your Guiness world record temper tantrum. Since you offer no knowledge you win a block. Adieu

    4. CynAnne1 are you feeling triggered or something? You’re extra unintelligible this evening… even more than usual.

    5. @Power corrupts – And it’s only going to get *so much worse* … 😏
      *Every* state, *every* bank, *every* insurance company and *every* country that #45’s *LIED to* in his financial filings *ARE* now ‘comparing notes’…and *finding ‘discrepancies’.* 📑
      And *VERY soon* #45’s life becomes…a *neverending nightmare* of litigations and losses *(and/or blackmail).* 💸

  2. Romney stayed true to his oath of office. No Senator or Congressman swears an oath to the president. They swear an oath to the Constitution, and to the people of this country. However Trump, being the megalomaniac that he is, believes that everyone should swear an oath to him. And anyone who doesn’t,  should be called a “never Trumper.”  As if being a never Trumper comes with some sort of negative connotation. Being called a never Trumper is like having a badge honor bestowed upon you. It simply means that you put your country, and the Constitution before an undeserving and illegitimate con-man. Being a never Trumper is something we should all aspire to be. For there is nothing more righteous, than being a never Trumper. I salute Romney, Schiff, and all of his colleagues, for having the courage and the integrity to remain true to their oaths, and for standing up for our Constitution, the country, and the American people.

    “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
    ― Thomas Paine, The Crisis

    1. Yes & God bless him for it. Mormons are beyond crazy in terms of their beliefs as “Christians”, but Mitt Romney is a man of true character & honesty.

    2. Trump has upheld the Constitution more than any other President I have seen in my life time. You are either delusional, ignorant, or both.


    2. @Twig Spinner I can’t believe anyone liked your bike comment. Go back to Fox or better yet, a psychiatrist, to figure out why you have such sick fantasies and why you project them onto others. In the meantime, stay 500 feet from schools, parks and anywhere else there are children.

    1. @Sabine Around the World – #45’s *fawned for dictators* … *over and over.* 👎
      In fact, let us ‘count the ways’:
      1. #45 smiled, *saluted* and shook hands…with the men *who murdered* collegiate Otto Warmbier.
      2. #45 smiled, danced and dined…with the men *who murdered* journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
      3. #45 posed, preened and puled…with the former *KGB agent who attacked our country* in 2016.
      *’Three strikes’* …and *#45’s ‘out’.*
      It’s *BEYOND* shameful…and yet *utterly* unsurprising, considering #45’s affinity *FOR* our nations adversaries. 😒

    2. @Dave Schultz
      NO IT ISN’T, LIAR!! It’s the gullible Repubs fault and if Impeached Trump starts a War, the dead’s blood will be on your and Repubs hands. PERIOD.

    3. @CynAnne1
      Impeached Trump is the same stupid, Mafia wannabe since the 70’s. He and his big ideas always sound great but then they fail, all of them. I almost hope he wins again to show the gullible, henpecked, RedCapSaps, what we’ve been predicting all along. Can you imagine the horror today if President Obama hadn’t gifted Impeached Trump a roaring economy.

  3. Republicans have volunteered the Republic for servitude by removing the guardrails. At least Romney had the courage of his convictions and was willing to stand alone. I respect that.

    1. @Real Talk76 I’m sure your brilliant leaders will consider your suggestions. Then we’ll see a repeat of people trying to disguise Nancy’s next temper tantrum as “strength”. She just sees the writing on the wall, with 10 minutes(months) left in the 4th quarter(until November). She swung and missed lol.

    2. @Real Talk76 however you wanna sugarcoat her embarrassing display. Trump is constantly embarrassing her so it’s understandable. The Republican voter base has it politicians in check, as the base wants Trump.(see RNC 2015) Nancy and Shumer had to make threats in the house to ensure the articles passed. The right doesn’t feel a connection with the left obviously. The lefts constant subversion saw to that. Don’t expect any republicans who want their job to take your side.

  4. I hunger for the America of its aspirations, not the America of its nightmares. I pray for the America the moral leader of liberal democracy. I want evil to be vanquished and the light of civilization to survive and prosper. I worry that the forces of entropy, self-indulgence and selfishness will allow this great experiment to slip away into nothing worth saving, riddled with the maggots of decay. Despite setbacks and blockades, America you can do better. Make it happen!

  5. S. Pope your comment was a simple one. Thank you for your deep insight.
    Innocent people having been dying and being killed long before Trump was born. Your point?

  6. Thank everyone for your personal comments. We all have a voice and our respective voices should be heard. Please be respectful and mindful.

  7. We now have the ONLY man to EVER be ABOVE THE LAW! I HOPE HE DOESN’T RENIG on your payments like he does his other bills! Fake trial for a fake president. SHAM!

  8. Jon Meacham is one of my favourite political analysts. History adds such a powerful perspective to his analysis.

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