Jon Favreau, the former speechwriter for President Obama, tells Lawrence that Democrats need to reach voters in their home states and overcome the “cynicism and distrust” voters feel about politics in order to beat Donald Trump in 2020. Aired on 01/20/20.
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Jon Favreau On How Democrats Can Beat President Donald Trump | The Last Word | MSNBC
**waves hand** This is not the Jon Favreau I was looking for
Yup, I thought that this was the more important Jon Favreau.
Same here… Dam!
The other Jon Favreau knows more about the world.
The real Jon Favreau is so money and he doesn’t even know it.
Pod Save America
It has become clear as day. The only way to have a government that can function correctly is to get rid of all bought and paid for politician s.
Then go to and just follow the prompts and you’ll find out right down to the dollar amounts which corporations your congressional critters *really* work for and it isn’t you nor me. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m *including* dems in this since most people tell themselves ‘it’s not *my* rep’ when indeed it usually is. We have the oldest Congress in the history of this country and during the meantime, we have been slowly evolving into a facist country.
Totally right! In any other profession Lobbying is call bribery and will put you in jail
@Jason Perez Thank You! Furthermore, they are the critters that are actually writing the bills that the congress debates (if you can call it that) and votes on and passes into law.
Demond Kemp who determines that?
Do Democrat’s have a time machine or any other way to stop themselves from going full on America hating radical socialists …because if not….they have no chance.
Doesn’t sound crazy to me.
Would you enlighten me on how I hate America?
Fully agree
@audiofunkdialect you support democrats. That was easy.
Why is this “stop the hammering ” guy in YouTube trending?
Because YouTube manipulates the algorithms that have the corporate media trend. look at all MSNBC Washington Post CNN videos compare the likes to dislikes ratio always a negative ratio yet they trend
Paul Boccuti thanks for the explanation. I didn’t know it was a thing until now. Maybe I’ll start hammering too
@Paul Boccuti Nailed it!

My favorite: “we don’t know whether the information is inaccurate”- Larry the dork
What is up with all the childish Jibber Jabber can any adult in America speak adult?
@Amanda Billings blah blah blah
Yeap, when asked people will tell you that they “absolutely” will not vote for Trump. Did that ever happened before, uh…. , let me seeee…,…, oh yes! In 2016
*looks like MSLSD is getting ratio’d on this video. #FakeNews
Shut Russia
Same two comments as the previous comment.
Shut up Russia and “trumpanzees”

Weak minded morons
And yet another cowardly follower of a cowardly clown repeat everything it says. That makes you look very intelligent.
Keep smearing Bernie and promote a centrist. That will be a winning strategy for dems…

Nicky Krystals
that, sadly, is all you have.
Triggered party of one your table is ready

Here we go again
How absolutely pathetic. Sure we have no message, no reason for you to vote for us other than just don’t vote Trump.
Go out on the streets and ask people who they are voting for
The dislikes on this channel signify the attitude of the country right now! Can you spell L-A-N-D-S-L-I-D-E?
Independent here, I will never vote blue again for the rest of my life. They have exposed themselves completely
A vote for Democrats is a vote for your own enslavement.
@My Goddess Shasta
Same here.
Trump 2020
Ah yes, a sample size of ten. ReSErcH

Noob101 ten homeless people voting.
It looked to me you all completely missed the point. 7 out of 10 said they did not want to vote for Trump and but also did not want to vote Democratic. That tells me that the Democratic party can still lose via the electorial college again. The party and the media needs to wake up and start supporting canidates who will actually work for the people and not party agenda that has been so blatant for the last 20yrs
Dems have to start a new impeachment inquiry and hold more public hearings to inform the stupid doubters before and until at least october
“Are we the baddies?”
I was expecting a different Jon Favreau…
The Iowa “carcass.”
Love this guy and his podcast Crooked Media