Morgan State University journalism professor Jason Johnson blasts Trump’s election lawsuits and warns that our system needs reform, because without a few key people, Trump could have ruined our democracy. Aired on 11/19/2020.
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#JasonJohnson #Election #MSNBC
Johnson: We’re Lucky That The Autocrat In The Oval Office Was Too Incompetent To Pull Off This Coup
I doubt Trump knows the meaning of the word, coup. He probably thinks it is a sexual term.
Maybe a henhouse?
Its the French term for covfefe
@Don Quixote lmao
Just take a look at just how many Liberal males are BISEXUAL and or HOMOSEXUAL
Or maybe he thinks they’re talking about his hair LoL
I literally posted this morning that Donald Trump and Republican party has shown that the constitution, laws and our perceived democracy isn’t worth the paper it’s written on if the wrong men choose to abuse it!
@The Tweatles Little Willie supports AGALMOTOPHILES. FACT
@Don Balladurio the fact that you can say with a straight face that Trump hasn’t violated/broken any law is laughable! Please spare me the show proof rebuttal, because it’s obvious your mind is made up! The Hatch Act, the emoluments clause, paid off a prostitute with campaign money, obstruction of Justice, he broke the law asking Ukraine to “do him a favor tho”, but tbe Republican party gave him a pass! I could go on but for what? Trump has broken many laws, but a sitting president can’t be prosecuted and that’s the only reason he’s not been in court repeatedly thus far!
@Don Balladurio also, it’s people’s right to believe in Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, alien abductions, true equality for all people etc? Doesn’t make anything I just said true or real!
@Don Balladurio Emoluments is one unconstitutional behavior of Trump’s. Removing peaceful protesters from Lafayette square using paramilitary means was another. There are more. In addition, the NYC AG is going to hit him with funding violations, tax evasion, etc. He is facing charges, and he knows it…he can’t be pardoned for state crimes. Plus, the lawsuit for sexual abuse of a minor. Funny thing….Trump accuses Biden of what Trump and his family are guilty of…good ol’ projection.
@The Tweatles Trump thinks gays are great. After all nobody else could sing “Macho Man” for him to dance to without bursting into tears of laughter.
Giuliani went to Four Seasons Total Hair Dyeing.

That’s Rudy”s attempt at blackface.
Not as shameful as it must be to Trump ,his Cult Followers and the Republican Party to admit that he will be a one term President losing to Biden . Imagine the humiliation Trump is feeling knowing that on 01-20-2021 He and the Whole World , will be referring to Joe Biden as the 46th President of The United States of America !

@Just Say’n Now that’s Funny !

@Elizabeth Joseph lol, after he’s out of the WH ,the news channels should start rubbing it in his face about how Obama was a 2 term president.
that would just push him over the edge of the cliff.
100% agree with this.
Constitution is hanging on by a thread
The constitution was a great idea in 1789, but it is showing its age and lack of maintenance.
@RogerWilco Thing is though, the Constitution was always intended to be a living document that evolved with time. It’s the reason why Amendments were almost immediately instituted. First with the Bill of Rights (which were ‘no duh’ items that should’ve been included from the start) and then 11th to the 27th. We need new Amendments desperately.
As he said; “it’s not worth the paper it’s written on”, if you have a
sitting in the WH and his enablers going along with everything he says
Amen, Jason Johnson! Amen! We’ve got to put concrete laws on the books so the next Dumph and the Repubs, the party of cowards, can’t screw the US over again. Only next time they could do an even more thorough job.
They would need control of the Senate for that to happen. GA?
they need to be held accountable because they will continue the destruction into 2024
He’s correct.
Republicans said “we don’t care about our oath to the constitution. We are going to betray the country and there is nothing that you can do about it.l
If there was actual enforcement, it would have stopped the coup, but there was none.
Democrats: Repubs hate the Constitution
Also Democrats: Let’s get rid of the Constitution
@Irish American How about getting the people to vote them out of office? Maybe make laws that stop lobbyist from financing elections. Making laws against PACS. If you are an American, why would you like to get rid of the Constitution? That doesn’t sound very American to me.
Really ? Search creepy joe video’s
@upinya37 He is no creepy.. he is the president of the United States … didn’t you know?
Jason Johnson, is absolutely correct. There needs to be actual qualifications outlined, so that a Donald Trump, can’t even qualify to run for President. Mandatory political/attorney (min.10 yrs), and/or military/law enforcement experience (min.10 years), full tax and financial disclosures, government administered physical, drug and mental examinations, full background checks to include morality competency. Having these guidelines would have eliminated Trump, and most of the potential candidates.
They should be required to qualify for a security clearance as well. Trump would not qualify for even the lowest level clearance if he were not President. He should have been disqualified from the start by the GOP during the 2016 primaries.
I’ve often said some form of military/civil service/political 4yrs min., full disclosure and be able to pass basic high school civics exam. Be between the ages of 40-65.
So very true. Impeached trump is a clear and present danger still to our democracy. Impeached trump needs to be arrested for election interference.
Chris Krebs should get that citizens medal when trump is run out of washington on a rail.
@S RKH Ill be kind only when they stop accusing liberals of being part of a Satan worshipping, cannibalistic pedophile cult that will end when Trump rounds us all up, puts us against a wall in Guantanamo and shoots us. Till they do that they can sit on a iron spike and rotate for all i care.
@TheOffkilter What brain?
@The Tweatles Hey Willy Wanker. We’re all gonna miss your hilarious, homophobic comments when you have to crawl back under your rock. Nah, just kiddin. It’ll be epic
Krebs should get his job back to
@The Tweatles Reality check: Biden 306 Trump 232. Trump LOST. Get over it.
There will be another autocrat in the White House. Trump supporters have already proven that they are willing to shred the constitution and any semblance of democracy in the name of the R next to their presidents name. Time to end the Republican Party.
There is know Republican Party, its been gone an replaced with trumpism
Anyone who supports Trump at this point is a traitor to the United States of America.
@Ricky Marasigan they make the US the laughing stock of the world
trump is a Evil creature
EXACTLY. thank you.
And what do you suggest doing about this?
Let me remind you that this IS a democracy. People who support him have every right to do so as long asthey dont promote violence Asylum for Trump in Finland???
Ive been saying for a while that the Trump presidency has definetely stress tested our Constitution and our Republics institutions for quite a while and found its nooks and cracks and overlooked and ignored corners that allowed him to get by with his lawlessness for four years. I agree we need serious legal reform to correct ourselves, which will not happen in our current political environment sadly. As far as the Constitution being a “gentlemen’s agreement”, id say that is true only that the Founders didnt really consider that one day our citizenry would elect someone like Donald Trump, nor that a political party would allow him to run amok as he has. The true weakness of the Constitutions checks and balances on tyranny is its dependent on enough of both the people and our political class having a sense of duty, honor, and courage that is lacking in many of us today. They said we have made a republic, now it is up to US to keep it. Well sadly it seems that alot of people today are completely fine with letting it go, and others are actively trying to put it in cement shoes and throw it into the Potomac.
totally agree kilter
@Nancy M. Ross I completely agree that a great accounting is necessary of all the numerous wrongs done over the last four years, problem is this will(although i think this is going to happen anyway) ignite actual internal violence, like more domestic terrorism and such. Also I fear Biden and his generation of Dems are going to simply not hold anyone accountable in the name of “unity” and letting bygones be bygones. Like Ford did with Nixon. Hopefully once the new AG comes into office ill be proven wrong.
@Sheila Jones Not facts
@Irish American Im curious did you just make this account to “troll” non Cult of Trump members, keeping it separate from your real account or are you working for an entity dedicated to misinformation? Because i cant think of another explanation as to why youd make one on Nov. 11.
@TheOffkilter l honestly believe that if Trump is let off the hook the way Nixon was it will the beginning of the death knell for our democracy. In a democratic society, responsibility is a must. Letting Nixon off was a terrible mistake. It made him above the law. We cannot afford to have that happen again. Glenn Kirschner had an idea for an independent council, rather than a special counsel that reports to the DOJ, investigate the multitude of Trump’s criminal acts. It would be independent of Biden and either party and would be bipartisan. They would investigate freely and without constraints. Meanwhile, Biden could pursue other presidential things. I am not explaining it as well as Mr. Kirschner did. You can find him on Patreon and You Tube, probably google the particular broadcast where he suggested it. It sounds like a constructive winner to me.
The next Republican president might not be so incompetent.
The Republican party needs to purge its leadership
No the Republican Party needs to die, it’s diseased and disgusting.
Purge? You mean like twitter and YouTube has been doing to anyone who doesn’t agree with their ideology. This is an all out coup if you hadn’t noticed. The Dems and the Deep State picked on the wrong guy. Biden will not be taking up residence at the Whitehouse. Upset is coming.
J. Ricker: That is my worry. What if T**** didn’t just phone-it-in and actually had even only slightly brtter political chops? The race would have been much closer or he would have won. . . surprising and as frightening as that my be. He just ended up saying all the autocrat stuff out loud, whereas Mitch McConnell and Graham do it much more stealthily.
@Ronaldo61 Joe Biden IS president number 46 of the United States of America
There won’t EVER be a republican president again!, they need to reorganize and as long as Dems outnumber them 3 to 2. They can’t win when there is a high turn out that’s why they try to suppress the vote so much!
Exactly. The person in the WH is too incompetent.
Republicans are the enablers of Trump’s behavior. During Nixon the party was against him but now they are in lockstep with Trump.
Another prime example of a constitutional breakdown.
Nixon didn’t have rampant rightwing propaganda.
Really ? Search creepy joe video’s
Wow, upinya think’s Biden has right wing support. Must have forgotten her/his script. Love it when they get all confused.
Yep. If Trump was 5% less stoopid, your democracy was over.
But they did attempt a coup, that calls for prosecution.
It’s still going on
Chicken Coup
That loser couldn’t even manage a coup.
This is embarrassing and draining and I’m not even American.
me neither and I truly dislike Trump for the POS he is and making the U.S.A. a place I never want to ever visit ever again.
Problem is, Trump isn’t alone. No dictatorship works without enablers and supporters, and people who profits from it. Trump has all of that.
fu taco
Donald Trump if you’ve noticed loves to talk he doesn’t like anyone talking to him