Andrea Mitchell is joined by former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson to discuss the first hearing for the January 6th Select Committee, saying "the principal terrorist threat to our nation is domestic-based". Amid testimony of racist slurs targeted at law enforcement of color on January 6th, Secretary Johnson explains how studies show the Capitol rioters were motivated by their support for former President Donald Trump, but also "a fear among white America that somehow people of color are replacing
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#JehJohnson #HomelandSecurity #MSNBC
Putin gave us that clue years ago!!
I left the Republican Party when ‘The Tea Party’ started. I thought they were messed up then. Trump came along and drove the party off of a cliff. They aren’t really Americans anymore. They’ve become very dangerous.
@Nick Dionne It figures.
@Arma Ellis Are we neighbors.????? You seem to know all the trollers. There is nothing wrong with loving the United States of AMERICA. GOD BLESS YOU.
@Frankie d KKK belongs to the repugnant republicans.
Mr Trump
and this current incarnation of the GOP
have become
after a mere 4.5 years
representative of a malevolent malignancy
anchored deep within America
and one that will continue to grow
as long as they insist
on flouting responsibility and flaunting ignorance.
Of course the end-game here can evolve in many ways
but to be realistic
far too many of the possible outcomes appear to suggest
that unless the GOP can regain a realistic footing
they can unfortunately only ensure
that uglier times lie ahead
for *_all_* Americans.
@Pedro Santos
If I host a tea party for the bankrupt losers, I’ll have it at my local garden center that needs plenty of manure.
Sympathetic enough?
@daniel guth WHAT to many big words 4 YA, knobjockey!
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 Donald Trump was an accidental fluke president from the start…..he lost the popular vote the first time around. Yet you idiots run around like chicken little with the sky falling, wondering how he could lose?? Like it’s just IMPOSSIBLE? What ROCK were you laying under from 2016-2020? The majority of people despise the man. There’s a big COLORFUL world outside of your cult and we are no longer taking it. You have to learn to deal with that.
Keith Johnson-Shelby500GT, Joe Biden is the legitimate president elected by the majority of Americans, in a majority that voted in record numbers AGAINST Trump. Anyone who supports Trump after his failed January 6, insurrection and attempted coup is a seditionist and has no right to call themselves Americans much less patriots. They are seditionist Scum, who should have their rights revoked.
@RawStickySweet Bingo. Well put.
End the Charity Status of American Churches and fund Education! End this ignorance!
That has to be one of most intelligent statements I’ve seen lately. Organized religion has turned into a politic propaganda machine while the GOP continues to gut education.
@David Guelette In Light of Recent Events the GOP are renaming their Senators Gauleiters.
@J D Got any evidence JD or is it another Qanonsense Post
@BlueDragonfox Pasons Those Grifters do love the Apricot Anti Christ
@Grayson Anta The reason they are not audited is they don’t do what they claim to… they are lying and thieves… and if we actually audited them we would have known that years ago.. they use the law to hide their crimes..
We should be preparing for the nonstop insurrection happening now. Otherwise known as an insurgency.
@Robert Womack So you think you’re smart? That’ll be the day.
@Harry Longabaugh smart enough to not be duped by a reality star has been into betraying the country…
@Harry Longabaugh most were just dupes. Only 5% were your boys.
@Mike Hunt nothing patriotic about treason
@Mike Hunt you are living in a fairytale. You and the rest of the trumpanzees would have brought guns you would have been killed quickly by the national guard. The fact that the trumpanzees were mostly unarmed is the ONLY reason why they/you still draw breath.
“We are totally Unable to see ourselves as the threat that we posse to America” said one FBI Agent about Domestic white Extremism.
@SuperThumpasaurus Not a great argument. If the protests had gone as long as your terrorist attack, then there would be hundreds dead.
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 How long did it take for Trump to give us an infrastructure week again? Four years?
Biden can do in months what Trump cannot do in years.
Their “Civil War Flag” is all you have to know about the insurrectionists…
The problem whit people who are part of the problem don’t see themself as such. They all think they are the solution. Hitler didn’t look at himself as evil. But just becouse you think your not evil doesn’t make it so.
@Loriann Richardson …The irony in your screed is I made no mention of my political ideology nor my personal biases. The air up there in your ivory tower of self-righteous indignation is clouding your judgement. Btw, there are roughly 1,000 police involved shootings annually. There are 1.2 million people in law enforcement who have documented interactions numbering in the 80-90 million range. Less than .01% of people in law enforcement fire their weapons in any given year, while statistically you’re more likely to win $10,000 in the lotto than getting shot by a cop. Tell me again how the police are hunting people down.
An Act Of War
To Over Throw Constitutional Law,
Even When ROE Limits To Primitive Weapons,
Is Still An Act Of War, And Thereby An Act Of Treason.
It was an act of war.. these people are traitors to the constitution and our democracy.
@Oneal Jones So be it if you did not accept 2016 election, if you are against voter id, if you are against limiting mail in
@Sandi Harris A’hem, “so be it”.. sooo you’re a traitor? Ya know, if you’re against the constitution, you’re a traitor. If you want authoritarianism, move to North Korea. We dont want a fascist dictatorship in the United States of America. GTFO.
Yes the blood eyed passion, the seizing the moral imperative, General Custer’s war upon the savagery. What is a savage? I truly have no clue. This black hearted harlot and her “Abortion is love” war upon the Patriarch, of the hypocracy. What is a hypocrite? I have no clue, it is a thrill killer’s secrete I reckon.
@Sandi Harris Whether you accept it or not, remind us, was there an attack on Congress back then? An attack on the constitution? Was there anything resembling a prolonged hate filled rhetoric lie dividing the US? Remind us again, was there not a concession and a changeover full of integrity? All this lacking from the great bloated orange liar.
And it’s trumps Republican party
Religious sects in America have already broke off in their own communities
Most if not all great empires fall by its only crocked politics.
Why is Trump still a free man?
@Mike Hunt do you have a smelly hunt?
Bc we are a country of law
Do you doubt dozens of people are gathering evidence, witnesses, and filing docs?????
@alyson easton Bc we are a country of law we always lock up all of our criminal ex presidents.
Yes the blood eyed passion, the seizing the moral imperative, General Custer’s war upon the savagery. What is a savage? I truly have no clue. This black hearted harlot and her “Abortion is love” war upon the Patriarch, of the hypocracy. What is a hypocrite? I have no clue, it is a thrill killer’s secrete I reckon.
Because he’s not in jail. lol
Just read Carol Leonnig’s Zero Fall re extremism within the secret service and Carol Leonnig Philip Rucker’s: I Alone Can Fix It re (in part) details of the Jan 6 insurrection; so needless to say I’m terrified.
Billionaires and Churches MUST PAY TAXES!
Definitely churches should pay taxes!
a foreigner and a troll, how nice…
Yes the blood eyed passion, the seizing the moral imperative, General Custer’s war upon the savagery. What is a savage? I truly have no clue. This black hearted harlot and her “Abortion is love” war upon the Patriarch, of the hypocracy. What is a hypocrite? I have no clue, it is a thrill killer’s secrete I reckon.
Thanks, Andrea! Thanks, former Secretary Johnson!
Domestic threats don’t deserve citizenship. tada, problem solved. There are plenty of deserted islands where they can be dropped off in their boxer shorts and maga gear with their guns and weapons and they can play soldier and “patriot” for the rest of their days. Strip them of their citizenship, ship them out.
*The visual I got was hilarious! I think there should be remote cameras on this island so we can watch their “Survivor” story play out. We could call it “Insurrection Island”.*
Yes I have been saying that for decades, all gangs are terrorists also….. get rid of them
@Darius Baca With luck those two problems would solve each other.
Yes. Will the right wing males involved in law enforcement recognize white supremacy terrorism because it’s much more dangerous than ANTIFA ever was.
August 13th should be interesting.
By the way it falls on National Kool Aid Day (look it up). It is fitting. I think I’ll go out that day and by a packet of powder and make a jug.
Power is a hellava drug especially for those in politics.
There were mercenaries there, the militias- they didn’t work for free, trust me- who paid and directed them?
They’re upset about white replacement theory because that’s exactly what we’re trying to do.