Infectious diseases specialist Dr. Isaac Bogoch explains why the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is 'very, very versatile.'
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Woha. It protects from death. J&J immortality vacine. Count me in!
Versatile isn’t the word I want to hear, how about safe or effective?
@Max Weinbach Hey, if a Youtube commenter tells you it’s 10-15 years it must be true. LOL
@Max Weinbach – I said I’m NOT here to teach you anything. Won’t waste my time.
I am here to inform you however, there is an IQ prerequisite before you post infantile, uneducated ramblings. Time for you to go back to your quarantine room. It’s padded ya?
PS – please leave some toilet paper for others to buy too.
@jonbification – Not all family doctors. I have a great one.
I suggest you keep looking for one too.
@WholeTruthNothingBut I said you don’t have the knowledge to teach anything. Check yourself before you hurt yourself.
@Max Weinbach – Angry, angry boy…
“It won’t turn you into a zombie…promise” – Johnson & Johnson
Based on the toilet paper panic buying behaviour, we are already zombies.
didn’t they pay 2 billion dollars for their products causing cancer?
That we know of.
You should warn the FDA and Health Canada. Apparently, they didn’t get the memo.
@Amelia Bedelia that’s just another inconvenient fact that you won’t look up.
@Amelia Bedelia oh they got it alright, along with a little incentive to stfu! Don’t choose ignorance!
Big smile for all the money is getting from the vaxx companies
This doctor looked like a funnyman.
Every government approved “health expert” a comedian.
He’s definitely a perv… played p*rn to his class.
brought to you from the makers of baby powder with asbestos causing cancer
didn’t Nestlé do that?
I thought it was arsenic or was that Windsor salt?
@Mary Cooper actually its both arsenic and asbestos. Asbestos is just in higher quantity.
Talc and asbestos are minerals that form naturally next to each other. Its impossible to separate them completely, and mining often contaminates the talc. Arsenic is also found in talc, but in lower amounts.
Not taking it
Nobody cares.
@Alc73 speak for yourself. Go give your kid there baby powder with asbestos if you dont care.
@jonbification I could care less what you do or don’t do. Why feel the need to announce it on every YouTube video?
. Nobody cares.
wtf asked?
The “ big smile” she’s talking about has more to do with the cheque from Johnson and Johnson he has in his pocket.
April’s Foolls Day 365 days a year
I actually use it in my spaghetti. It can also be used as toothpaste.
i keep imagining what George Carlin could have done with this: “. . . but we trust them.”
ive listened to his records more in the past 6 months than my entire life. I wish it was 2006
@TommyWashow If we went back in time to 2006 we could save Kary Mullis…
He would have trusted the expert scientists and mocked the far right conspiracy theorists
@Hannibal Barca
He said george carlin, perhaps youre not familiar that he spoke truth
@dirt rider Carlin would be mocking and destroying right wingers in everything they do
Doubles as shampoo in a pinch!
ok .. j and j .. in cort for baby powder cancer
Just too many experts these days.
The same FDA that approved GMOs, Prilosec, Zoloft, Abilify, Accutane, Cymbalta, Lyrica, Levaquin, Nexium, Risperal, Zantac, Tenafivir, Velesitan, Xeljang, Belviq and Elmiron all involved in major class action lawsuits.
He has a big smile because J&J put some money into his account, duh.
And all the MSM’s lol
take triple doze and be happy, not me!
How many lawsuits filed against J&J again?
When are the real drs going to be on TV.