John Podesta, White House Chief of Staff to President Clinton, joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss President Trump's potential pardon of his three oldest children and his plan to not attend Joe Biden's inauguration. on which Podesta says that "given the graceless way he’s handled the post-presidency, what would I expect? Nothing more than what he plans to do.” Aired on 12/2/2020.
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About Andrea Mitchell: Andrea Mitchell is NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," an hour of political news and interviews with top newsmakers that airs each weekday at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
In addition to politics, Mitchell covers foreign policy, intelligence and national security issues, including the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry, for all NBC News and MSNBC properties.
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#JohnPodesta #President #MSNBC
John Podesta: President Trump Has 'Abused The Justice System' | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
Nominee: Writes a “mean tweet”
Republicans: Now this is an avengers level threat.
America’s reputation will remain in tatters until Trump and his enablers are brought to justice
@Jonny Caviar
“@Q Wins yeah the aliens ate your brain my friend. Put your tinfoil hat back on and crawl back into your bunker”
Leftist’s last resort when they have no argument – go low, name-calling… Since I have you here, there’s something else you should know. But since people like you can’t handle the truth, or are brainwashed Soros owned/dictated NWO, Globalist Progaganda devotees, you’ll say it’s fake (I know the playbook -same as the last 40-50 years).
Trump is saving children from human trafficking and sexual abuse. When people figure out that the guilty (and protectors) are the same ones that perpetrated ALL the Propaganda, they’ll realize why the attacks on Trump, ‘If these people can do all these sick things to kids and cover it up, I can see why they would want to take down Trump.
One Reason Pedowood, the Leftists, MSM, the guilty all Hate Trump is why I Like Him.
2012 Trump tweet called for a “fast trial, death penalty” for “perverts” who abduct children. BETHANIA PALMA, PUBLISHED 22 JULY 2018
Maxwell (Epstein) Docs Unsealed, Exposed Satanic Pedophile Elites Hit Main Stream News — It’s Begun
Trump’s Executive Order Targets Human Traffickers. Lori Colley Published on Dec 21, 2017
Over 1,000 Arrested In Major Pedophile Bust – Media Blackout #SeekingTheTruth, Published on Aug 6, 2017
#SpiritCooking As Explained By The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror V. art/research Published on Nov 5, 2016
@Q Wins I feel sorry for you. Your in a cult that has brain washed you and turned you against your fellow Americans. Check out what happened at Jones Town and Charles Manson. You need help
@Jonny Caviar OK Doctor
Biden will concede,
Another low information voter
*Ahhhhhhh…sweet sweet MAGAloser tears. It’s just like fine wine.*
@Pam Johnson You can be as nice and sweet and accommodating as you want, but that will NEVER promote unity with MAGAlosers.
Grow up.
@Jesus Says Nor will being cruel promote unity. Until they are ready to unite, there will still be division. That doesn’t excuse your bad behavior.
@Pam Johnson George Carlin said it best…… the problem is the public . Garbage in Garbage out…….. and our gullible public that is laugh at around the world that we can not think on our own…… and playing the blame game
@Pam Johnson You are in love with Trump?
@Peter Morris I’ve never been in love with any malignant narcissist, and certainly not with that one in particular. Why do you ask?
Only criminals abuse the justice system!!!! Lol
@Xavier Fletcher You don’t understand. It’s called an analogy. I brought it up as an example of corrupt justice systems which is the topic of discussion. Logic matters.
@Christopher McCaul only fool around here boy is you!
@Chaos like when Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio?
Podesta the child molesta – your day is coming
@Wally Censorship True, but nothing match the level of Trump and his goons
It’s illogical to me, that a sweeping pardon, could be issued without an actual stated crime. Nixon was pardoned for a specific crime, and the reason given by then president Ford was unification after Watergate.
What they need is immunity but don’t tell anyone.
And Ford was WRONG to pardon Nixon.
I agree 100% with you point, but in fact Nixon was pardoned for “…all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.”
It was at the time, and remains, un-tested whether a total, broad, unspecified pardon was valid under the Constitution.
Actually Nixon was not pardoned for a specific crime, he was given a blanket or “absolute” pardon for his entire term of office. This is what Ford’s order stated: “Now, THEREFORE, I, GERALD R. FORD, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.”
The Republicans got away with it then, why wouldn’t they try again? No accountability is why.
SAME. It’s essentially saying it doesn’t matter what you’ve done, you’re excused from it.
Trump uses the justice system to serve his purposes. Potential to give pardons like stay out of jail cards.
@Dr No ah but your comment is completely without context or semblance of cognition.
“Of the acts of clemency, 1715 were commutations (including 504 life sentences) and 212 were pardons. Most individuals granted executive clemency by Obama had been convicted on drug charges, and had received lengthy and sometimes mandatory sentences at the height of the war on drugs.”
Are you really trying to equate someone getting a pardon from life sentences for sometimes even minor posession charges to pardoning self-admitted felons guilty of treason, tax-evasion, money-laundering and fraud because they’re personal acquaintances if not family members of Trump himself.
You completely disregard Trump taking bribes for pardons and all the crimes trump has committed and paid great amounts in fines for.
@mad-baby IMPOTUS ok now that you added context tell me how my statement was wrong handed them out like candy, what they did is a different discussion, like candy
@mad-baby IMPOTUS ca ca comparison is what your brain does to help draw co co conclusions
@The Real Donald Trump he pardoned those who were non violent with drug charges who were given harsh time that a murderer doesn’t even get. Those were people Obama didn’t even know unlike Trump who was in cahoots with those he are trying to pardon, so it’s really not the same.
@El R. no… he granted it to those who the judicial system over sentenced people such as petty hustling drug dealers who had no violent criminal history. I don’t see how they can compare Obama and Trumps pardons cause Trump pardon people he hired to cover and help to do his dirty works.
Trump has slapped down the Justice System with his outrageous contempt and left the norms reeling.
You thought for a long time about this one…didn’t ya big guy? That is some “Romance Novel” level writing! I can’t stop laughing!!!
. My god, that is some funny stuff!
@CrossCynical I hope that’s the case…because if that’s a real person attempting to be clever….
This only applies to holder. Holder is Obama’s wingman and he tried to represent Flynn.
Judge, Jury and Executioner and the Prosecution as your lawyer/defendant.
@CrossCynical Andrea Mitchell bots.
MSDNC is a terrorist organization
There’s the thing… republicons don’t want “Honest” and hypocricy IS the republicons party
Its always people like you who can’t spell. Always.
@The Germanicus it’s always people like YOU that are Republickers!

@Timothy McGuire I’m not though, so….. thanks for showing your bias and narrow mindedness?
@ManBearPig it is NOT dumb, it is spot on
@psycobleach46 tullis Enjoy your mind control you foolish sheeple.
Waaah Neera posts mean tweets. She hurt their widdle feewings

I want her to keep going, She’s got under the MAGGOTS skin.

We don’t care if Trump attends or doesn’t attend the inauguration.
Kevin Bedard I hope that trump changes his diaper before he goes. Can you imagine how bad it would be for the people who would be near his seat. The smell would be unbearable
@gamanin8 they won’t go…
he is already absolutely unravelling in front of the whole entire world ..I don’t think he’s going to last until then
he couldn’t bring himself to attend..I don’t think it would be possible for him…mentally
@Ronaldo61 True, and today is 2016
good little sheep
My sentiments exactly…good riddance, and don’t let the door hit you on your way out!
no i want the door to hit him on the way out.
I like the part where t’rump is going to pardon himself and his family, which will just make the states more determined to send them all to prison.
Why would he and his family be sent to prison? Do something YOU Liberals loathe, provide specific, verifiable facts!
Don’t waste your time on explaining anything to these people anymore. If they don’t get it don’t waste your time on it.
@Wonder Wonderful But it’s kind of fun messing with them tho!
@annapolismike From tax fraud to forgery to embezzlement and money laundering….take your pick!
A strange thing for a law and order president
The length of his term has been one never ending series of unmitigated disasters. Covid topped it!
You people need to start watching some real news. Unbelievable how much you have been brainwashed.
@Sweetbriar Real news? You mean the way Trump handled Covid is wrong? There aren’t 275,000 lives that have been lost? FYI, I don’t live in the US & watch mostly global news so I am probably in possession of a far wider range of news than what would ever exist in your little mind. No brainwashing here, sunshine, not like you.
Sweetbriar Yea we should watch Carlson tucker and Hannity for the truth. Yes
@Pete Pav Thank-you!
This man is a predator. But he knows the end is near. Gitmo SQQN
Get in the popcorn. Military tribunals are on the way
Due really never going to happen wake up. You can wish and I wouldn’t hold it against you but it will never happen. Wake up and work for real solutions
Trump has justice on his side he has sworn testimony and written affidavits.
Pizzagate Podesta back in business. Thanks to Bejing Biden.
@Ted Longe Yore Right ! Because Democrats are COTTON CANDY ! Untill they grow up to 2020 reality politics ! They’re playing checkers , Republicans are playing 3D Chests ! These are not Republicans ! These are Trump Childrens !
This is a case of the kettle calling the pot black.
yep. These people are corrupt to the core, and Trump has exposed it by how much they hate him and played all their cards and got caught. Kinda funny the orange man got to them so bad
@Lethal Pain trump has NOT exposed anything except himself being corrupt right along with his idiots
This coming from a peedoughfyle
Isn’t John Podesta part of pizzagate?
“This map seems pizza-related”
REAL NEWS WITH THE NEXT NEWS NETWORK. BREAKING: Sen. Mastriano Discloses Trump Victory Path Following PA Election Fraud Hearing
@Christopher Colon unfortunately trumps case was thrown out in PA, and PA has certified it votes
Lol he just want some cheese pizza thats all….