With both votes still being counted in Atlanta, once represented by the late Rep. John Lewis, and Arizona, once represented by the late Sen. John McCain, presidential historian Jon Meacham discusses that symbolism. Aired on 11/04/2020.
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#JohnMcCain #JohnLewis #MSNBC #Election2020 #Decision2020
John Lewis, John McCain Loom With Georgia And Arizona Undecided | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Honor Lewis and McCain. Arizona going Blue is McCain’s revenge.
YES!!! Thanks John McCain. It was country first with John McCain, A man with honor and class
@Michael Sadach….you can’t think of Arizona without thinking of JOHN McCAIN.
@TheBase1aransas if MSM is so evil, why are you here?
I’m here in Phoenix. Said to my friend yesterday, not only did trump lose the state, we also legalized marijuana!! It’s like xmas here! Lol.
Maybe bone spurs will regret who he said about McCain of course he still doesn’t get it because he’s a coward
A normal person would, but Trump will always blame others.
Always a traitor. Still a traitor. John McCain- some traitor the Left won’t let R.I.P. Because their Soy God forbids it.
Solomony and McCain

oh yeah!
McCain physically met with terrorists in Syria (it’s even on video) to aid them in overthrowing Assad and setting up an extremist Islamic puppet government. McCain was a treasonous POS.
@White Pride Worldwide sure he was mr skin head.. we all believe you.
@Noreb These people are salty beyond belief
“The ghost of dignity past”. I not only see a life after love, I see a future after failure.
Meanwhile, as Trump is peddling conspiracy theories calling the election rigged … at the same time he orders his Postmaster General to delay the delivery of tens of thousands of ballots so they won’t be postmarked on time and therefore ineligible to be counted. THEN, one mustn’t forget the Putin Trump team’s favorite ploy is to accuse others of doing exactly what you are doing to distract… as THEY flooded the system with fake orange ballot dumps.
@Changing of the guard they just hate trump biden is irrelevant
Democrats (Communists) projecting their own guilt onto Trump. Dems trying to steal the election that’s already won by Trump, yet accusing him of stealing it.
Just replace they with I when trump is talking about any crime
Leftists forgot their tin foil hats when speaking of “Russian collusion” … funny how “conspiracies don’t exist” unless it’s “Trump conspiring”
John McCain is once again thwarting Trump by giving him another thumbs-down from beyond the grave.
@jason markowitz he’s full of chit
and a middle finger.
@Dave Nope, just means you just subscribe to too many conspiracy theories. Good luck finding a sleepy judge that’s gonna take you up on all the nonsense.
Go John. Go John
This year’s election turns out to be “Biden McCain 2020”.
Brilliant move for Trump to use a WATERMARK for all official ballots in key states…
So between postmarking todays mail for the 3rd (confession of usps staff), wheeling in coolers & boxes of pre-filled ballots yest into secure poll counting area (video), AND having ballots without the WATERMARK… can we safely say that Bidens team has a whole lotta explaining to do…
@Dave aren’t you ashamed of yourself to be used as a tool to sow the seeds of discord? Do better and be better!
@Dave Trump lost like his supporters tell Putin it is finished!
Goofy as fuccc.
@Dave lol don’t believe everything Project Veritas tells you
Uh oh Trump is now witnessing the ghosts of past! Senators John Lewis and John McCain… Watch what you wish for Donald Trump because them guys are watching you from up above!!! #TeamBiden #AlwaysBLUE #VotedBiden
I’m almost certain John Lewis was a representative, not a senator.
Just sayin’.
Trump is always attacking people. He is so mean.
@Nehemias Ruiz great comment and well said
Glad we’re on the same page!
Trump is not mean he is a nasty man.
@Ken Bofield he wants s blaming the media for suppression
Trump is evil.
Another tRump blunder attacking dead HEROES!!!!
They’ve come back to haunt him with votes. 2 true Patriots
@Derrick Bailey Oh Thankyou!
Please stop ignoring the pain in our country, nothing is normal. The homeless population is massive and the mental health and educational supports most be exponentially increased.
National mask mandate and following social distancing would have saved 100,000 yet Bengazi was a huge deal?
Bye Bye to the orange Saddem Hussein , Uday and Q’sai, and a choir of Baghdad Bobs! Don Jr on coke complaining about fairness is a sight to remember forever.
I think I speak for all, if not, most republicans here in Arizona… trump aint loved like McCain was, and still is.
I think that goes without saying. Trump isn’t really a Republican, anyway. he ran as a Republican ONLY because he wanted to run against Hillary Clinton. No other reason.
@Tessmage Tessera
Trump is one thing and one thing only, self-obsessed. (He is other things but the list is negatively inexhaustible
Trump has really shown how corrupt the GOP have become though. I’m so thankful there are still good men there but they are few and far between now thanks to that orange clown.
Here in Florida
we love and miss John McCain
The American hero

拜登即将和中国合作,这是中国真实视频 希望中美两国能够再次和平发展!
Biden is about to cooperate with China, this is the real video of China
Please don’t be afraid of China, they don’t like war.
hope that China and the United States can once again enter the era of peaceful development.
Congratulations to Biden being elected president! Congratulations from China~~
The MORAL MAJORITY VOTED trump OUT!!! EVIL has NO PLACE in America!!!
That’s right!
@Dave Hmm…quick! Contact the National Enquirer with your scoop!
Anen.The Anti-Christ has no place in America.’
@Dave Facts? or Trumpaganda?
@Olivia trumpaganda, same tactic used in my country. and both has the same advisor
John McCain is haunting Trump beyond the grave.
Lest we forget. Heroic deeds never die.
Yes, trump is haunted by the ghosts of better men.
@Leonie Romanes Nearly all men, past and present, are better human beings than Trump!
@Mike Young yes the resounding majority are, thank God.
John and John will haunt trump throughout eternity
How prophetic!!! McCain and Lewis supporters DON’T support trump!!!
Legends of our time. Their voices continue to live and sing direction and guide America
The real question is; What does it say that 60M people voted for Trump after all they know about him…
@James Brauer Hitler’s supporters are a case in point. I don’t think anybody questions that they were evil. Trump is Hitler. I was born under dictator Anastasio Somoza. There are SO many parallel between Trump and Somoza, it frightens me. Give Trump another term and hang on for dear life!
@SuperNicaChica Wow, that sounds intense.
A number of commentators have pointed out how closely Trump’s rhetoric and actions have reflected those of the typical autocratic dictator . . . fear-mongering, sowing division, attacking/ trying to discredit the media, consolidating power, preferring use of force vs negotiation and hiding this behind “law and order” rhetoric, surrounding himself with sycophants and yes-men, threatening his political opponents with jail, flooding social media with disinformation . . . there are so many parallels. And people just don’t . . .or refuse to . . . see him for who he really is.
Trump is a neo-fascist who wants all the power of the federal government to flow through him and him alone . . . and he wants to wield it absolutely, with no checks or restrictions from anyone.
I totally agree with you that another term for Trump would be the death knell for American democracy.
It tells me that they are what trump thinks.
@James Brauer That’s EXACTLY right! The one detail that is also like Somoza is that they both came to power with the assistance of a foreign government. Like it or not, Russia’s disinformation campaign helped Trump win.
@SuperNicaChica No doubt Russia is part of the set up for Trump . . . their disinformation program (I’m sure Putin is enjoying watching Trump viciously attack the election process right now) has been remarkably effective . . . they have a political puppet in the White House (Trump is subservient to Putin . . . the body language is obvious . . . and Trump has never challenged him), and the remarkably effective divisive rhetoric that Trump spews almost daily is weakening our country, battering the foundation of any unity we had been nurturing . . . Putin wants Russia to supplant the U.S. as the dominant world power, and Trump is helping him get there (Trump is fixated on China as our chief “threat”, and I’m certain Putin is very happy about that).
“Really lost in the right-wing wilderness of mirrors” are called Evangelicals.
Evangelical = White, Racist, Uneducated people mostly living in the South!
More people have voted for Joe Biden than any other President, that’s really gotta hurt Trump’s ego.
Proof that his supporters are sick people. That shows just how sick his followers really are.
More people voted for Trump in 2020 than any other president in history except for Joe Biden. That really tells you the state of the country.
And I am filled with pride. America lives
Biden has empathy, compassion, intelligence, and decency–all the things Trump sorely lacks.