CNN's John King discusses former vice president Joe Biden's super PAC reversal as his campaign struggles to keep up with leading 2020 Democrats' fundraising numbers. #CNN #News
John King on Joe Biden’s fundraising remark: That’s just not true and he knows that

No. He’ll be given a fourth mansion when he sells out.
Nikolai Collushnikov He has no mansions. Show proof he has. He has three houses. One in D.C., one in his state (unlike many members of Congress) and the one his wife’s family left them. Sorry his wife’s family are kinder people than yours.
@Nikolai Collushnikov Ooo, the Ruskies are out today.

Like with a cloth ? Duh
Joe Biden lied he’s an established Democrat with super pac
I know I’m the frontrunner
@Don Schilling
C linton
N ews
N etwork
This is a good week for Trump.
1) Isis leader is dead
2)Katie hill resign..wouldn’t be surprised if she got offers from adult film industry.
3) received an african American award
4) Cummings Conyers Kay Hagen dead
5) DOJ is in criminal phase of Russ. Coll
@Janet Airlines proven to be true.
Yeah I believe that when Wyoming funds to wall around Colorado

It’s Monday afternoon. I don’t even know what time it is. But I’m drunk
@Uncle Ed Hell yeah!!
Slangevar! just finished a night-shift looking after American ‘Nukes’ wondering when Trumpet will launch them at California.
Joe Biden is what you call a RepubliCRAT. We the People deserve MEDICARE FOR ALL, not Joe Biden the republican lite. Bernie2020!!

@Adaryll Kelly Simpler just to say they are all politicians and not to be trusted. Then have another beer.
please Biden be kind, step down.
@Josephina Vomit Not gonna happen! You should start getting used to saying President Biden for at least 4 years!
Nikolai Collushnikov he’s not those are just what the polls say. Joe Biden’s campaign has no energy behind it and no grassroots support. To be honest it’s only leading in the polls because people recognize his name.
Trump’s going to be a two term president .
Dud that knows nothing you say he’s not leading in the polls yet admit he’s leading in the polls. LOL your username says it all. It’s scary to think people like you are allowed to operate heavy machinery such as automobiles…
At least Pete’s support isn’t “too urban”
@Jay Kline Ewwwwww…. T.M.I.
@Donald Trump You really did not get Jay’s point, did you? You are dim, Donald Trump, and I don’t mean Dem in a good way.
Pete is just racist.
Money is not everything. Hilary Clinton had nearly three times more money than Trump.
@The Home Plate Special Did you see how the Rashneesh in Oregon poisoned the Dales community to suppress the vote so they could get Rashneeshees into prominent positions? I’m wondering if a similar thing was at play here – only the poisoning is done by the constant media bashing….I know George Soros family is trying to destroy America – so watch for their associations too. Soros owns NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, Wapo, NYT, etc. And coming to a town near you!
@H J no it is not. an inconvenient truth perhaps, but no lie
@joris suffuhrt And not counting Russian hackers and Cambridge Analytica spreading lies on Facebook for the NaziPig in chief.
@The Home Plate Special???? 3 million more voted for her than the NaziPig in chief.
@JC//DC The biggest problem in USA is the many Nazis that don’t even know they’re Nazis. People supporting the disgusting Antichrist NaziPig in chief are NaziPigs. Supporting a communist makes you a communist. Supporting a NaziPig makes you a NaziPig. USA’s president is a NaziPig. Period.
99% of the comments are anti Biden lmao
@Garry G Biden is too white and too male to win the Democrat party nomination. The modern Democrat Party is the party of not male, not white and not America. The nomination will go to Harris or Warren.
@Garry G bro you’re acting out. Trump is one of the most liked and well funded presidential candidates in history. He’s done good things for this country. And honestly I’m unaffiliated with political parties but I suppose I lean towards conservative. I’ve seen all sides of the news and of you believe the man’s a racist you’ve been lied to.
Not one Bernie Sanders supporter will vote for Joe Clinton…..or Hillary Warren for that matter.
Hell no, Biden has got to go. trump will grind him up
No please let biden be the dem candidate so we can end the democratic party
How come his good buddy Barack Obama won’t endorse him?
Barrack endorses Trudeau…….why not a fellow American like lunchbox Joe?
@Letty Arámbula lol,,, because Obama knows Joe, and Joe may bring Obama a brand new legacy !!!
They are not really friends.
He’s probably still disappointed at Joe for almost convincing him to CUT SOCIAL SECURITY, while calling it “The grand Bargain.” Joe Biden is no friend of Black America nor the working middle-class families
The Rocker
what little legacy will be left after DOJ get done.
Do not worry!!! Sorrows and CHINA will give him all the money he needs and more, takes one to know one!!!!
sometimes you look at these CNN talking trash in a very seriously mood just too funny
Did you let the ‘suggested text’ write your comment?
@princeoftidds Yes, by Google
Biden now has about as much chance of winning the nomination as I do
What are your policies?
@The Home Plate Special

Creepy old Joe going broke!
Gabbard will pass him soon in Wisconsin.
I will only vote for Biden if I can’t vote for Bernie or secondarily Warren. He’s far from my first choice.
Vote in the primaries folks; it’s just as important as the general election.
keir farnum glad that you’ll be voting for Biden!
keir farnum
Its the right attitude, the prize is to get rid of trump.
Those who wont vote at all if their prefered candidate doesnt win the nomination, is as bad as anyone who votes for trump.
Liar liar he’s on fire!
Poor Joe, he is circling in the toilet bowl, we are just waiting for the final flush!
I started laughing

when he said “I know I’m the front runner”

“I’m a front runner, find me a dancing pole”, I think this is what Biden said
“You have reached the Joe Biden for 2020 hotline.”
“This number is no longer in service.”
Bravo!!!you are the best…