John King breaks down how coronavirus may affect the presidential election

CNN's John King examines how the politics of the coronavirus pandemic may impact the presidential election as the nation averages over 50,000 cases of Covid-19 per day.

#CNN #News


  1. If Biden wins, someone is going to have to remind him everyday that he is the president and how to tie his shoes.

    1. @Common Sense Trump explains what hes doing and puts it public so u can see/hear plus has press secretary on almost every day saying what hes doing and why

    2. @Lopici bs they all ready have 1 the attry they hired Schumer and them that’s being charged and there’s alot more to come they said

    3. @Lopici you have no idea what I’ve read. I went through the muller report and found that there was NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, if so Trump would have been impeached on the spot. But hillary and obama are on trial right now for spying on Trump well into his time in office. They tried to impeach him on unconstitutional charges of obstructing congress, and it was dropped again because that’s a bs charge. You cant even source your facts, you believed the people bringing charges against Trump AFTER they had already said they couldn’t find evidence, then went on cnn and said the opposite. Learn to do your research before you assume the other person you are speaking to hasn’t.

    1. @WW1 German C.S.A. Riflemen argument? All you had was typical t.d.s ‘ orange man bad’ nonsense. People like you have been programmed

    2. i love the fact that every side says, the opposing side is being manipulated and is brainwashed, imo there’s a difference between brainwashed/manipulated and just being in a certain environment, if someone lived in a christian area, with his friends and family being christian, he will likely be christians, so dont just say, oh he’s being manipulated bcs he has different opinins with me

    3. El Stonke something like “oh this guy is so stupid he doesn’t know anything so instead of trying to convince him i will just say he is manipulated and is being fed brainwashed information” when in reality there would usually be evidence for both sides, each person just knowing more stuff about their own side.

    4. New GALLUP SURVEY on COVID 19:
      Americans think people aged 44 and younger made up about 30% of coronavirus deaths (Actual figure < 3%); AND That those aged 55 and older made up 57.7% of coronavirus deaths (Actual figure >90%)

      And bet you there are Americans who blame Climate Change for Coronavirus and maybe even teen pregnancy too? We are still waiting on CNN to make that claim .

    1. @Dave S Not true. This however is true, nobody here knows anybody that has this virus or anyone who has died from it. That’s a fact.

    2. @Ed Yes Indeed. Win or lose, Trump will be the last Republican president.
      We are now looking at the beginning of End Times.
      They are already prosecuting Christians. When the commie democrats achieve power, it will be the end.

    3. @There is No God I know five people who have recently passed away from this virus. All doctors can’t be wrong!! I hope and pray you or anyone you know never gets this virus! Have mercy on your soul!!🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

    4. @Long Range Rifle Orange man child is the end of times. A true president brings people together and not divide them. They don’t promote hate, and work for the people. He messed this country up so badly and he should be ashamed of himself but he’s not just like anyone who supports him. I care about all mankind and not just certain people 💯. Its the way I was raised. Think on that for awhile. God bless you and the world!!!

  2. Know how much the Coronavirus is going to affect the election for Republican voters, 0%. We’re going to find a voting booth no matter how far we have to go to find it.

    1. @TDS, formerly CNN not the least bit funny, I know u don’t realize it but people have lost their children and families their family members to the terrorist destroying our cities , so ur response was irresponsible

    2. @Dumpty Humpty bs , there’s 0 criminal about Trump, go to Judicial Watch , Google it they r our attrys for the people on left an right

    3. @Grace Sanders read the comment again!
      If trump predictions are true (it would take months before the election results are called Nancy Pelosi will be president not trump

  3. So the message that King is implying….”As long as you protest, riot, and loot, and do funerals for democrat politicians, then you are immune to covid.”

    1. @Roman Because the numbers are being manipulated. Why not ask why we have a lower death toll in the USA during this pandemic then we did in previous years without it? How come as “Covid” deaths have risen, death by pneumonia has decreased? How come South America and most the world never shut down and yet are not being hit by the corona and mass dying like our “experts” are telling us would happen here?

      The whole things a hoax, is pretty fucking obvious is jut another nothing burger like the Russian collusion was.

  4. Oh cool, CNN finally being semi-honest with one of their headlines. I wanted them to be completely honest, but that’s like asking a crocodile to not bite you or produce tears.

    CV is about the election, not the virus

    1. Again. They are defunding police in Democrat cities. Major opportunity to help the number of Democrat votes drop. This is how you make blue cities red.

    2. Trump is smart he is running on policies like cutting taxes and deregulation increase the military budget like every republican in the past 40 years.

    3. Already covid is decreased by 500 deaths most high states they said on tv and will really drop after aug.

    1. @Subnet Mask Because most of the population has been completely brainwashed by the media. They have no clue that what’s coming is gonna make this scamdemic look like a joke!

    2. Dianna Wilson Maybe it‘ll happen one day, because Russian Collusion and Impeachment were definitely not witch hunts, lol. Third times the charm? I love watching Dems try to win by playing dirty.

    3. Dave S But non-peaceful protest isn’t a cult, Anti-fa isn’t, and letting murderers/racists out loose because of this ‘systemic racism’ isn’t? I think I need clarification rather be in a pro-American, low-tax, large-military, strong border ‘cult’ than supporting protests that cause millions in property damage, make several business suffer and burn down communities and homes to satisfy a bullshit racist narrative. Now that I think of it, you’re in the cult of silencing and racist fascists taking away free speech, freedom to bear arms. You’re the blind ethno-nationalists!

    1. @Jock Young they had him reading a prompter turning his head back in forth at first with no one there now they switched to slow mo with ear piece so they can tell him whst to say them they redo it at normal speed, there’s slot of tricks can be done with video stuff

    2. @eV01ve truth is your azz is gonna starve with no where to live and us in depression if people don’t go back to work smart azz. We may not make it spring with adequate food anyways. They were on frozen meats with very little in stores until Trump opened up what he could but I’m gonna b straight with u states have a choice if ur state stayed closed and food shortage comes ur azz can go hungry cause we worked an u didnt.

  5. Asked my doctor how much longer covid-19 would last…And he said, “how would I know. I’m a Doctor Not a Politician”.

    1. @Pam Deshane
      Now that is a good video!
      I hope people watch that.
      You would really have to argue the science and math to discredit that

    2. Thanks there Scotty. It is what it is and so if you don’t get re-elected ,that’s life.And if you get jailed for tax evasion,it is what it is

    1. @Dave S I like how your group can call someone dumb for not being able to figure something out even thought people who have spent their whole lives in this career field cant figure it out but then you have the audacity to turn around and blame the guy you called dumb! Let me ask you do you wipe before you take a dump?

    2. @Dave S what Democrat came out and warned us about the Wuhan Bat Soup flu before Trump?
      Nancy Pelosi?
      Bill Deblasio?
      Joe Biden?

    3. New GALLUP SURVEY on COVID 19:
      Americans think people aged 44 and younger made up about 30% of coronavirus deaths (Actual figure < 3%); AND That those aged 55 and older made up 57.7% of coronavirus deaths (Actual figure >90%)

      And bet you there are Americans who blame Climate Change for Coronavirus and maybe even teen pregnancy too? We are still waiting on CNN to make that claim .

    1. @Baby goat So we should just accept Fox because it lies less and spins the truth instead of lying? That shouldn’t be the standard for news.

  6. Maybe we should set up voting booths in food stores and home repair stores. Because that’s where all the essential workers are and they’re not dying by the thousands. They must be the safest places on the planet.

    1. They’re dying by the thousands you tard. 1,000 people are dying, most in average Joe type of employments.

    2. In 2017, during a presentation at Georgetown University Medical Center, Fauci told an audience that there would be a “surprise outbreak” in the coming administration.

      Look up Event 201 A Global Pandemic Exercise that took place in October 2019. The scenario mirrors our current “crisis”. Paid for by The Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation. Establishment fact check sites will have you believe this is just a “conspiracy theory” and a coincidence. You decide.

      Look up The Rockefeller Foundation 2010 document Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development (page 18 Lock Step). This talks about a pandemic being used to lock down society.

      Look up the 2020 US Quarter. Why do you think they chose to use bats on this quarter? Just a coincidence? Unlikely… Everything happening has been meticulously planned by these evil POS!

      Truth is treason in the empire of lies.

    3. We are being played by the media (GE, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS), politicians (left AND right – think WWE), non-governmental organizations (The Council on Foreign Relations, UN, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Royal Institute of International Affairs) & elitist tax exempt foundations (The Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, etc.)!

      The job of the media is to Deceive, Distract, and Divide! There are no real journalists on TV. Get that through your head! This SCAMdemic is CLEARLY being used to turn us against each other (Divide & Conquer – oldest trick in the book) and push elitist agendas (mandatory vaccinations (that have never been properly tested for safety), vaccination certifications, immunity passports, total police state surveillance & control system).

      If you think you’re too smart to be fooled (yes I’m talking to you), if you get off on virtue signaling, cult of personality worshipping, appealing to authority and the media AND you’re too dumb and/or brainwashed by academia and the media to see contradictions and OBVIOUS agendas… may your chains (and your family’s chains) rest lightly upon you.

      What side of history are YOU gonna choose?

  7. Is this about a disease killing people or is this about politics. If we can still go to Walmart and homedepot we can go vote at the polls.

    1. @Ed No I did not see all the dead people. No one is going to travel to all 50 states to see all the dead people.

      A conspiracy to “make up” 170 thousand dead people and fake all the news reports from thousands of hospitals around the world is just too big for it to work for so long. Too many people would not have never gone along with it. To get that many people to play along, someone would have to pay a lot of people a lot of money – all the doctors, nurses, the people shutting down their own businesses, etc. You have zero evidence for that. People have far better things to do than participate in a global pandemic hoax. There is nothing in history that would indicate a hoax on a large scale would even be possible… with the possible exception of religion. But even they have never come up with a hoax you couldn’t disprove.

      If it was a hoax, Rump would be the last person to play along – it hurts his reelection chances. He wouldn’t have sent hospital ships to New York and Texas. He wouldn’t have been pushing hydroxychloroquine – no one in a hoax needs it. And in the beginning, he figured the whole CV-19 thing was a hoax too.

      The very same states that were itching to open up again and get kids back to school are now closing down their schools because of too many CV-19 infections. They simply wouldn’t be doing that if it was a hoax – and like you, many of them were convinced it was.

      Congratulations. You have fallen victim to a conspiracy theory. You are not the first, nor will you be the last. In the 1970’s my step-father was convinced the “trilateralists” were out to take over the world. Most Republicans these days however have moved on to newer conspiracy theories.

    1. Tim King I don’t know why COVID needs a racial brake-down? That’s one state and this data doesn’t have many implications, and is conclusively circumstantial.

  8. I like it when CNN breaks things down for us.
    Their ability to pretend like they care or know what they are talking about are admirable.

  9. “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Barnays, Author Propaganda

    1. Marxist, Socialist Propaganda being spread by Democratic, Liberal Media. Failed Plandemic , Failed character assasination of president. Now, they are “all in” and we know what is next… Another false flag attack.

    2. @There is No God

      Come on now…
      The powers that be own all of the media outlets. This is the beginning of them ushering in a digital currency. This is the new world order afenda unfolding right in front of our eyes

  10. “The further a society drifts from the truth the more it will hate those that speak it.” – George Orwell, Author 1984

    “It’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they’ve been fooled.” – Mark Twain, American writer

    “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William Casey, Director CIA

    “The American people don’t believe anything until they see it on TV.” – Richard Nixon, US President

    1. absolutely! Unfortunately, we continue to elect politicians with no moral compass. It is all about the self and pitting the citizens against each other to gain power and wealth. Example: You hear republicans spewing about how bad California or Seattle Washington is (dens of inequity n stuff) Well when Texas and Florida were inundated with floods, California and many other “blue” states sent first-responders and aid to those “red” states. When California experiences wildfires and earthquakes those same “red” states sent us aid. I don’t really care much for either party right now;but, if we continue on the path of ignoring the lying, cheating and stealing of this administration, we may look a lot like Belarus in the coming months and years.

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