Former Secretary of State John Kerry said that President Donald Trump is has “shut the door” on diplomacy while discussing the killing of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani during an interview with CNN’s Brooke Baldwin. #CNN #News
John Kerry: Trump has been reckless and impulsive

Why can’t they give intelligence comities that are safe to tell in both the house and senate? Only reason I see is they don’t have valid reasons.
Have been asleep the last three years? What makes you think the Democrats would tell the truth? We already have unequivocally proof in the Horowitz and Mueller reports that Rep. Adam Schiff lied when he contradicted Rep. Devin Nunes and said he had seen PROOF of Russian Collusion.
If six years ago you thought Obama’s diplomatic prowess would turn Iran away from sponsoring terrorism, your filter on reality was defective.
If the other you thought you were seeing the opening shots of WWIII, your filter on reality is still defective.
Because those committees leak like fucking sieves as we have seen. You only tell them anything if you also want the rest of the world to hear it.
Because people like Ilan Omar and the talib lady are domestic enemies who can not be trusted.
Umm, so now we don’t have the right to know when we’re in danger?
@Louis Ramos All the networks are owned by the old Jewish boys as is Hollywood. Your only free press is by watching multiple independents and foreign news. Do not rely on American news networks they are all grossly biased and are basically just trying to distract you.
Keep whining trump took out islamic terrorists and see how that works out in the voting booths…
You are always in danger dumbshit.
“I believe” trump said you have to listen carefully, well sometimes lol
And, probably..
@Purple Flame Tarot Some people say…
John Kerry needs to be arrested and tried for sedition.
The ugly dude worships moloch and im not making it up!
Sounds like you’re still mad about Hillary getting 2 million more votes than Trump!
Whatever happened to “lock her up” you gullible hillbilly?
@Victor Wadsworth kerry
@Ron B Sounds like you are mad just finding out that the popular vote doesn’t matter lol you soy loser. In fact just the largest county in california would decide the election if that was the case, but it is not! I think the sky has about had it with your screams, try something new, like waking up and being honest!
Maybe we should give Iran another 150 billion so they can continue their aggression and terrorism like Kerry and Obuma did.
John Kerry: Trump has been reckless and impulsive ( schizophrenic )
*Kerry will be fighting for his freedom soon enough, violating the Logan Act. is pretty serious.*
Mr. Fitt. Please don’t use words like schizophrenia. You have no idea what they mean or even the correct context in which you’re using.
I’m John Kerry reporting for duty
He is avoiding answering the question
Trump has spent his whole in avoiding questions as well as military draft. Can somebody in the military put a bullet in his head?
@looes74 looes74 The military loves him. The dems hate the military.
@will Henry are u so sure? By the way, why are u in the military? In iraq somewhere
@looes74 looes74Yes I am sure. You should know basic fact.
@will Henry but yet you are not in the military. Talking is cheap……hahahaha
Frankenkerry is due back at the laboratory to get the bolts in his neck tightened.
MrAmc1291 does he trigger you snowflakkke?
They had nothing just trying to make excuses
Come on Kerry I could of told you that myself
Just like the hurricane headed for Alabama 😆
How could trump just lie and make up ish like that? Omg, how could he lie so much like it’s nothing? Wow
If the GOP is going to insist we have a dictator, the least they could have done was put one in office that was NOT an idiot.
Lurch needs to be charged with treason for working with America’s enemies.
Hahaha Lurch. Yeah he even admitted Iran used the 150 billion for terrorism
Kerry is spot on. You criminals are supporting a treasonous lying pos for office because that is what you are.
Chris Johnson are you racist or poorly educated?
“Probably?” “I believe it would have been?” That’s what they are calling Intel?
i rather listen to kerry than the chumps occupying the whitehouse
Trump is the greatest negotiator in the history of mankind.
if you’re mentally ill and haven’t been paying attention, maybe.
tRump “‘”is””” a natural born reckless and impulsive, whatever he fits in the animal kingdom.
Does our president have a mental illness.