John Kerry: Paris Agreement ‘Absolutely’ Needs To Be Stronger | MTP Daily | MSNBC

In an exclusive interview for NBC Nightly News, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry tells Geoff Bennett that the Paris Agreement needs to be stronger. Aired on 12/09/2020.
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#JohnKerry #ParisAgreement #MSNBC

John Kerry: Paris Agreement 'Absolutely' Needs To Be Stronger | MTP Daily | MSNBC

John Kerry: Paris Agreement 'Absolutely' Needs To Be Stronger | MTP Daily | MSNBC


    1. Your a moron and stop letting the democratic elites push marxism on you as the put laws and rules on you using covid19 for corruption fraud to make Americans slaves to government control and look at the radical Marxist Nazi’s on the left there elites and there marxism laws and rules don’t apply to them just us peasants because bots lesson to moron AOC and someone should tell that moron stupid has no fix

    2. The United Nations is calling for a 5500$ per ton carbon tax which is equivalent to 49$ per gallon of gasoline…good luck with the Paris climate fraud…..

    3. BREAKING: New records reveal ex-Secretary of State John Kerry’s chief of staff had briefed him about Hunter Biden’s Burisma role & a senior adviser had sent him press clips about it, putting lie to Kerry’s claim to NBC News Amanda Golden in ’19 that he had “no knowledge” about it. Paul Sperry reporting

  1. Michigan (Dem) Rep. Cynthia Johnson literally sending a message to their “soldiers” to make Trump supporters “pay”.
    That’s a threat and incitement to violence. She should be arrested.
    Citizen arrest, is that still a thing?

  2. There has been 5 extinctions that happened on earth. We are not special folks. Some already believe we are on the brink of the 6th.

    1. @Sun Wukung I think you were being a little emotional and far-fetched. We are far from the sixth mass extinction. Humans have not wiped out 60% of formally existing animal species. The source you are using is also providing the data as a means for fundraising.
      And you also talked about climate change. Climate change used to be called catastrophic anthropological and global warming but the name was changed when the globe did not warm for at least 18 years which far surpassed the Santer minimum for human caused activity.We have to understand that the climate has been changing since the earth formed. In the last 10,000 years the earth has been warmer than it is today over 90% of the time. We are also at a very low ebb for CO2 which averages 1200 to 1400 ppm throughout most of the history of the world.
      It is most interesting to note that 10,000 years ago humans began moving from a hunter/gatherer society to an agricultural society. That was a time when CO2 naturally increased from about 140 PPM to 180 PPM. Plants were able to grow much easier and provided more grain and fruit. CO2 is plant food. We also might note that most recently today agriculture is producing grain crops in a record amount.
      Let us stay away from that stupid Paris accord which has nothing to do with climate and everything to do with globalism. Go ahead and live your life, and enjoy life.

    2. Actually we _are_ special. We are the 1st major spieces on this planet with the _capacity to prevent_ our own extinction. If we so choose. Sealing the United States inside an airtight dome, would go a long way towards saving the rest of the planet though.

    3. @pr0xZen I have to strongly disagree. Americas environmental stewardship is very robust. We have made great progress. We must look at other countries and pay particular attention to the two greatest polluting countries in the world which is India and China. These two countries would get a free pass from the Paris accord and would not have to do a thing about their pollution until sometime in the 2030s. The Paris accord is so ridiculous that even the French can’t control their pollution.
      Let’s present to the world the American accord. Let the polluting countries pay us to show them how to control their runaway pollution. Of course, that is just a pipe dream because they will not do that. They prefer to pollute.
      Stop always blaming the United States for the problems of the world.

    1. Not only did representative Stalwell have a very very good and close female friend who was a spy for the communist Chinese but we also have to remember that Diane Feinstein had a chauffeur who was the communist Chinese spy. Somebody is making us look the other way at Russia while it appears that the Chinese communist are the actual threat and are finding easy marks by targeting Democrats.
      By the way, Stalwell doesn’t have the courage to admit that he was wrong and apologize to America, he is blaming this on Trump. I’m beginning to wonder about his credibility.

  3. AMEN ! The end of the TRUMP chaos administration will bring USA back on the international leading stage on environmental issue and health. bravo Mr Kerry

    1. BREAKING: New records reveal ex-Secretary of State John Kerry’s chief of staff had briefed him about Hunter Biden’s Burisma role & a senior adviser had sent him press clips about it, putting lie to Kerry’s claim to NBC News Amanda Golden in ’19 that he had “no knowledge” about it. Paul Sperry Reporting

    1. BREAKING: New records reveal ex-Secretary of State John Kerry’s chief of staff had briefed him about Hunter Biden’s Burisma role & a senior adviser had sent him press clips about it, putting lie to Kerry’s claim to NBC News Amanda Golden in ’19 that he had “no knowledge” about it Paul Sperry Reporting.

  4. The science deniers will ultimately lose, the question is whether we allow them to cause us all to lose along with them as a result of their mendacity.

    1. @T. R. Campbell “I fully understand. I fully understand that you are in tune with authorities but very often the authorities are incorrect and that has been proven time and time again.”
      No, don’t be cute or asinine, or both.
      In respect to science I’m in tune with the world’s scientific community and their representatives.
      That’s the sensible thing to do. They are authorities because they represent the consensus position (understandings) of the science as well as being portals to current research.
      I don’t rely on magazines, or blogs or newspapers for scientific information.
      For science, original sources and the organisations that represent such sources are the best sources.
      In terms of climate science, NASA kindly provides links to the position statements of many of the world’s leading scientific organisations from this page:

    2. @Richard Christie if I were to publish my short dissertation I would be guilty of plagiarism. The world has been warming since the last Ice Age. Also for your information there are no unicorns. Thank you for the post I found it most amusing.

    3. We are in agreement. The science deniers will indeed lose. But we basically see this most often with the failed computer models. We saw them lose when they predicted and ice free arctic by 2013. We see them lose. What is undeniable is that climate is driven by solar, geological, and astronomical events. Have trust in true, replicatable and provable science.

    4. @T. R. Campbell “The world has been warming since the last Ice Age. ”

      You really are very silly posting that statement as if it means anything of import in regard to the scientific consensus surrounding current and projected climate change trends.
      It’s the sort of meaningless statement intended to impress young children, the scientifically illiterate and the terminally bewildered.
      I’m with the global scientific community, I’m in good company. You, well, not so much.

      You are with yourself and science deniers such as Alex Jones. You have nothing.

    5. @T. R. Campbell Which computer models? Name them and explain why they have failed.
      It’s no good parroting what you’ve read on blogs like “What’s up with that”. Bring the goods. Your statement reads more like that of someone who suffers from a complete misunderstanding of the role and limitations of scientific modelling.

  5. Every elite and politician who have oceanfront property and private islands definitely know climate change is real. Hahahahaha. What a joke.

  6. They have their playbook (dark) and we have ours (light)……..
    This isn’t about political parties or income disparity, it’s BIGGER…….

    1. BREAKING: New records reveal ex-Secretary of State John Kerry’s chief of staff had briefed him about Hunter Biden’s Burisma role & a senior adviser had sent him press clips about it, putting lie to Kerry’s claim to NBC News Amanda Golden in ’19 that he had “no knowledge” about it. Paul Sperry reporting.

      Getting closer to declass every day.

  7. These kind of appointments And irresponsible policy are exactly why you got Donald Trump in the first place.

  8. I think before the US has any fantasies about “showing them the road”, it gotta get _anywhere close_ to catching up. Because the US is 4% of the global population, yet produce _at least_ *20%(!!)* of global emissions. And that was _before_ The current admin cut all these industry emission regulations, and emission-reduction incentives. By comparison, China with its 1.4Bn people, has _less than half_ the emissions of the US, per capita, and India with its 1.35Bn has _1/8th_ of the US emissions per capita.

    1. BREAKING: New records reveal ex-Secretary of State John Kerry’s chief of staff had briefed him about Hunter Biden’s Burisma role & a senior adviser had sent him press clips about it, putting lie to Kerry’s claim to NBC News Amanda Golden in ’19 that he had “no knowledge” about it. Paul Sperry reporting

    2. @Drought Tolerant
      Doesn’t matter as Liberals get away with everything…just look at Clapper Brennan Comey McCabe Stroyzx..etc…CNN and rest of MSM buried any negative story about Biden or any other prominent Liberal until after he got fraudently elected..

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