Former Secretary of State John Kerry tells Lawrence O’Donnell how Donald Trump is possibly “completely intimidated” by Vladimir Putin and he is “not protecting our troops, not protecting the interests of the United States of America.” Aired on 9/08/2020.
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John Kerry On Trump’s Refusal To Confront Putin | The Last Word | MSNBC
If Biden wins (and I truly hope he does), I cannot begin to fathom the laws that will be put in place after Trump is gone. I’m truly hoping that our system will ensure this lunacy never happens again.
@Mark Hepworth wow, you get outsmarted by a 12 year old. You must feel as small as your weewee.
Go ahead and block me. That’s what cowards do
I’m George W Biden and I approve this message!
You are the only one assessing yourself as smart here my boy,Dunning Kruger strikes again.
Now,carry on digging deeper
Oh Yes, Please! I’ll Have Another Bowl Of TDS!

@Mark Hepworth This is the best argument you can put forward. This is you…at your best. Shall I guess? You have a PhD from Trump University?
Whomever you vote for it better be from your heart and not your ignorance.
Trump only loves Trump… but he really likes Putin.
He pretty much despises most Americans
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel What you have just written has no substance to it. It is not based in anything factual. It is just a series of insults, made up words and nonsense
and stop the sanctions on the east and send all of our jobs back to china so we can all loose our jobs that were created. and take away our second amendment and heck our 1st amendment cause I don’t like what you say. .
brilliantly said, ty sec kerry and mr o’donnell. we must vote out that traitor!
@mary jones no one cares what you like, DNCbot. That’s why village idiots like you will be disappointed on Nov 3
@Oh Yes, Please! I’ll Have Another Bowl Of TDS! bye-bye little one. take your America-hating self elsewhere. oan, qanon, and trumputin will be happy to see you.
@mary jones you’re a parody of an actual person
Trump on Tuesday finally admitted that Mexico did not agree to pay for the border wall as he has repeatedly lied about!
@Mike Pelligrino You’re a well trained CNN stooge. Just as they work hard to change the truth to meet there daily need to slander President Trump, the words you wrote are a bald faced lie. At any time that the President discussed the wall, he said that Mexico will pay for it and he laid out several options that we can use to make them pay. Why don’t you cite the article and where it came from? It’s simple; doing that would have many more people checking to verify your claim, and you know that means more people would discover that you’re lying.
I’ve probably checked 20 or more accusations made by CNN over the last few years, I found in each instance that they were lying, not once did they tell it straight. They used a first grade trick in order to manufacture things that you could then lie about, the idea was to have ammunition against President Trump at the ready so that you had enough contrived venom to spew every day until the election.
Tell me the difference between being unpatriotic, anti-American, a back stabber and a coward and lying about the president of the U.S.? You’ve told the world for 5 years now how terrible, dumb, and dishonest Trump is, then you come up with a headline story claiming foreign leaders say bad things about him and so on. You present a false image by lying, repeat the slander and lies ad nauseum to reinforce these things in the mind of others, then you tell us how effective your cheap tactics and outright lies were in getting world leaders to think poorly of him.
If CNN had remained neutral, the way journalism was meant to be, there would be no hatred or disrespect toward our President. It was you that deceived foreign leaders about our leader;…………….. being a ‘traitor’ defines your childish double talking games. All this time you pounded the table, lying about the situation between Putin and Trump, yet you implanted and reinforced to foreign entities that our President couldn’t be trusted, was ignorant , you defamed his family, and that makes CNN an enemy of the people by any measure. It also makes CNN guilty of what they accused the president of, committing treason in effect by belittling your own president and slandering his name in order to belittle and diminish him in their eyes. Patriotic Americans would never do such an evil thing.
A draft-dodger, an NRA member and a criminal walk into a McDonald’s …
The cashier asks: “What can I get you Mr.Trump?”
david paglia : more likely Barr

You are very funny
Hamberder bigly.

thank you for making my day
And yet his poll numbers suggest a fair number of citizens dont care and its deeply disturbing.
@Oh Yes, Please! I’ll Have Another Bowl Of TDS! Fine. Light a trash can on fire. It will make you feel better.
You President Trump haters insanity and laughably irrelevant stupidity and Trump Derangement Syndrome has been a continuous laughable joke since before the 2016 election.
If you get off the public computer at Bellevue Hospital which you patients are not allowed to use, I will not call Bellevue on you.
O’Donnell will be crying “RUSSIA!!!” all over again after November 3rd.
He probably blames “Russia” for the downfall of Michael Avenatti and Robert Mueller not working out so well too.
God is rising again you President Trump hating liars!
God has the 2020 election all covered.
They will blame “Russia” again as usual.
Did you know that:
“Donald” means “world ruler, world leader” and that…
“Trump” means “to defeat someone or something often in a public manner and in a public way?”
That is no “accident.”
“I have named you, though you have not known Me” Isaiah Ch. 45.
For you honest ones:
Read Isaiah 45 ( see that number? ) and ask God The Holy Spirit to show you the correlation between King Cyrus then and President Trump NOW FOR OUR TIMES.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have chosen Trump to be President for 2 Full Terms and all of Satan’s false accusations against Trump ( “Satan” means “false accuser” which tells you who has been speaking through all the President Trump haters), fallen angels, nothing and nobody can or will be able to stop it.
God is neither liberal nor conservative, republican nor democrat.
Welcome to The World of The Living Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
“Antifa, BLM, Trump Haters, Lawless Anarchists Being Judged By God – Trump Wins November 3rd”
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel And what if Trump loses? What then? Your religion is complete bunk?
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel i think you need to go back and read about the teachings of Jesus, love & compassion. There is nothing about Trump that parallels that. The Bible also warns about how “satan” can trick you. It seems a lot more if that is going on.
But hey, you do you. And dince God has 2020 covered, no reason gor you to go & vote eh?
@Florian Eimer so incredibly well-said!!

Vote by mail
Vote by person
Vote by absentee ballots
Vote for Biden!!
The Political Talk Biden is traitors get dementia , what kind of people choose what kind of candidate .
@Iove America
Why don’t you take a listen to Biden and make up your own mind?!!
Went by mail and went to
fake election
help China
@Iove America You are stupid.
… but vote only once, ok? lol. Remember, voting more than once is an imprisonable offence. it doesnt happen often at all, very rarely. But when it does, they DO go to prison. so only vote once

Trump = Russian Agent
I do think so ,
When is someone going to make the connection between what the GOP house committee did on Feb. 7th 2017 & trumps war on mail in ballots. It is obvious to me that trump/russia is planning to hack the now unprotected walk in voting machines on election day. This is why he is actually suing states that want to do ALL mail in voting..because he cant cheat at all in those states. Only mail in ballots are safe at this point. When the Russians change votes on election day…exactly as they have for Putin, what will Democrats be able to do? If we do not get our top tech people on this immediately…we will be stuck with a man we did not vote for….our first dictator.
@Iove America why not?
@Iove America that’s just it…you don’t think at all!!! Bot
Trump doesn’t have to say anything. His silence on this issue speaks volumes. It tells you everything you need to know.
@Daniel Borrelli You said people who insult have no honest or real input while insulting people, claim you won the “debate” even though you had no honest or real input, and you’re now claiming that I missed the point. LOL I’m guessing you don’t really like the idea of being taken seriously.
@Tyler Moore I had a little girl tell me I was her boyfriend at 9 and every time she saw me said we where a couple and wanted to marry me, I said I would marry her when shes old enough and we still joke about it 30 years later, Its normal
@Tyler Moore Attacks on spelling and grammar, another sign of failure in this fast paced world of abbreviated text and fast scrolling
His firing of anyone who could protect us from Russian interference speaks even more of his traitorous intent.
Time and time Trump has proven he cant go against Russia…Putin’s pawn…
Off course Trump with his toddler’s brain can’t win against the smart Putin, he plays well with Toddler Trump.
Time and time you laughably stupid President Trump haters have been nothing but irrelevant screwball jokes.
You President Trump haters insanity and laughably irrelevant stupidity and Trump Derangement Syndrome has been a continuous laughable joke since before the 2016 election.
If you get off the public computer at Bellevue Hospital which you patients are not allowed to use, I will not call Bellevue on you.
O’Donnell will be crying “RUSSIA!!!” all over again after November 3rd.
He probably blames “Russia” for the downfall of Michael Avenatti and Robert Mueller not working out so well too.
God is rising again you President Trump hating liars!
God has the 2020 election all covered.
They will blame “Russia” again as usual.
Did you know that:
“Donald” means “world ruler, world leader” and that…
“Trump” means “to defeat someone or something often in a public manner and in a public way?”
That is no “accident.”
“I have named you, though you have not known Me” Isaiah Ch. 45.
For you honest ones:
Read Isaiah 45 ( see that number? ) and ask God The Holy Spirit to show you the correlation between King Cyrus then and President Trump NOW FOR OUR TIMES.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have chosen Trump to be President for 2 Full Terms and all of Satan’s false accusations against Trump ( “Satan” means “false accuser” which tells you who has been speaking through all the President Trump haters), fallen angels, nothing and nobody can or will be able to stop it.
God is neither liberal nor conservative, republican nor democrat.
Welcome to The World of The Living Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
“Antifa, BLM, Trump Haters, Lawless Anarchists Being Judged By God – Trump Wins November 3rd”
I would like to see Amendment 25 used on Trump immediately
@Jim Alley After the election trump can pardon between November 2020 and January 2021. Barr and trump will be leaving which gives Barr an opportunity to spill his guts out if he chooses to about trump. However, if trump was to win, then Barr’s term is over unless trump changes the laws governing terms of office, as I expect that to be the case, especially term of office of the president to dictator.
I would like to see you get off the public computer at Bellevue Hospital immediately.
You President Trump haters insanity and laughably irrelevant stupidity and Trump Derangement Syndrome has been a continuous laughable joke since before the 2016 election.
If you get off the public computer at Bellevue Hospital which you patients are not allowed to use, I will not call Bellevue on you.
O’Donnell will be crying “RUSSIA!!!” all over again after November 3rd.
He probably blames “Russia” for the downfall of Michael Avenatti and Robert Mueller not working out so well too.
God is rising again you President Trump hating liars!
God has the 2020 election all covered.
They will blame “Russia” again as usual.
Did you know that:
“Donald” means “world ruler, world leader” and that…
“Trump” means “to defeat someone or something often in a public manner and in a public way?”
That is no “accident.”
“I have named you, though you have not known Me” Isaiah Ch. 45.
For you honest ones:
Read Isaiah 45 ( see that number? ) and ask God The Holy Spirit to show you the correlation between King Cyrus then and President Trump NOW FOR OUR TIMES.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have chosen Trump to be President for 2 Full Terms and all of Satan’s false accusations against Trump ( “Satan” means “false accuser” which tells you who has been speaking through all the President Trump haters), fallen angels, nothing and nobody can or will be able to stop it.
God is neither liberal nor conservative, republican nor democrat.
Welcome to The World of The Living Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
“Antifa, BLM, Trump Haters, Lawless Anarchists Being Judged By God – Trump Wins November 3rd”
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel I feel so sorry for you you really do need some mental help
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel Donald is also rhyming slang for Donald Duck= Fxck, Trump is a euphemism for Fart.. Therefore; Fxck Fart. as in “You are a deluded Fxck Fart”…. This is also no accident.
as nice (and necessary) as this would’ve been at the beginning of all this, such a move unfortunately requires the enactment of 25 by a full-time cabinet… And that cabinet in question, defandant 45 has had put on part time basis since he took office, specifically so they cant enact the 25th
everything he does, he does it with setting himself up to be able to break laws without any consequences. he either gets others to break laws for him, or he corrupts and compromises the very systems and institutions put in place to prevent these things from happening. Not my opinion, an observation based on verifiable facts and documented events over the last 4 years.
This interview was refreshing; if only to listen to someone that speaks in facts and is infinitely more capable of thinking for our country’s best interest.
Andrew S he’s lying. Him & Putin are behind the unrest in Belarus. Go to Research it. Read everything you can find. Lushenko, Belarussia, Germany troop removal. You have to use your brain. He only wants wars where him & Putin will benefit & help rebuild USSR & help him become a dictator. I’ve been reading all the books. Including BIOHAZARD about BIOPREPARAT Russia biowarfare program. China is a scapegoat. You will see!!! No need to argue. I will bury you with verifiable facts whole you parrot
information we’ve heard a million times that doesn’t fit reality.
Trump on Tuesday finally admitted that Mexico did not agree to pay for the border wall as he has repeatedly lied about!
You President Trump haters insanity and laughably irrelevant stupidity and Trump Derangement Syndrome has been a continuous laughable joke since before the 2016 election.
If you get off the public computer at Bellevue Hospital which you patients are not allowed to use, I will not call Bellevue on you.
O’Donnell will be crying “RUSSIA!!!” all over again after November 3rd.
He probably blames “Russia” for the downfall of Michael Avenatti and Robert Mueller not working out so well too.
God is rising again you President Trump hating liars!
God has the 2020 election all covered.
They will blame “Russia” again as usual.
Did you know that:
“Donald” means “world ruler, world leader” and that…
“Trump” means “to defeat someone or something often in a public manner and in a public way?”
That is no “accident.”
“I have named you, though you have not known Me” Isaiah Ch. 45.
For you honest ones:
Read Isaiah 45 ( see that number? ) and ask God The Holy Spirit to show you the correlation between King Cyrus then and President Trump NOW FOR OUR TIMES.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have chosen Trump to be President for 2 Full Terms and all of Satan’s false accusations against Trump ( “Satan” means “false accuser” which tells you who has been speaking through all the President Trump haters), fallen angels, nothing and nobody can or will be able to stop it.
God is neither liberal nor conservative, republican nor democrat.
Welcome to The World of The Living Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
“Antifa, BLM, Trump Haters, Lawless Anarchists Being Judged By God – Trump Wins November 3rd”
@Andrew S I loved it when the Swift Boat soldiers tore him a new a-hole.


That’s scary when you actually hear John Kerry say Trump has surrendered the presidency to Putin. We new this anyway but to hear it.
John Kerry voted FOR the Iraq War. He is a warmonger and he cannot be trusted.
Putin did a deal with China to supply agriculture from Russian farmer’s while American farmer’s went bankrupt under Trump’s trade war.
Russian farmer’s laughing all the way to the bank.
Trump is a failure.
No. He’s succeded in everything Putin wan’t him to accomplish.
Putin smiling and trump looking like he was just given an ultimatum
You President Trump haters insanity and laughably irrelevant stupidity and Trump Derangement Syndrome has been a continuous laughable joke since before the 2016 election.
If you get off the public computer at Bellevue Hospital which you patients are not allowed to use, I will not call Bellevue on you.
O’Donnell will be crying “RUSSIA!!!” all over again after November 3rd.
He probably blames “Russia” for the downfall of Michael Avenatti and Robert Mueller not working out so well too.
God is rising again you President Trump hating liars!
God has the 2020 election all covered.
They will blame “Russia” again as usual.
Did you know that:
“Donald” means “world ruler, world leader” and that…
“Trump” means “to defeat someone or something often in a public manner and in a public way?”
That is no “accident.”
“I have named you, though you have not known Me” Isaiah Ch. 45.
For you honest ones:
Read Isaiah 45 ( see that number? ) and ask God The Holy Spirit to show you the correlation between King Cyrus then and President Trump NOW FOR OUR TIMES.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have chosen Trump to be President for 2 Full Terms and all of Satan’s false accusations against Trump ( “Satan” means “false accuser” which tells you who has been speaking through all the President Trump haters), fallen angels, nothing and nobody can or will be able to stop it.
God is neither liberal nor conservative, republican nor democrat.
Welcome to The World of The Living Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
“Antifa, BLM, Trump Haters, Lawless Anarchists Being Judged By God – Trump Wins November 3rd”
Trump looks like he’s under Putin’s foot . He knows this transgression between American and Russian troops happened but why won’t he call out the Russians about the injured American troops because trump is a weasel and doesn’t deserve to be president iff he isn’t going to stand up for his troops
You President Trump haters insanity and laughably irrelevant stupidity and Trump Derangement Syndrome has been a continuous laughable joke since before the 2016 election.
If you get off the public computer at Bellevue Hospital which you patients are not allowed to use, I will not call Bellevue on you.
O’Donnell will be crying “RUSSIA!!!” all over again after November 3rd.
He probably blames “Russia” for the downfall of Michael Avenatti and Robert Mueller not working out so well too.
God is rising again you President Trump hating liars!
God has the 2020 election all covered.
They will blame “Russia” again as usual.
Did you know that:
“Donald” means “world ruler, world leader” and that…
“Trump” means “to defeat someone or something often in a public manner and in a public way?”
That is no “accident.”
“I have named you, though you have not known Me” Isaiah Ch. 45.
For you honest ones:
Read Isaiah 45 ( see that number? ) and ask God The Holy Spirit to show you the correlation between King Cyrus then and President Trump NOW FOR OUR TIMES.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have chosen Trump to be President for 2 Full Terms and all of Satan’s false accusations against Trump ( “Satan” means “false accuser” which tells you who has been speaking through all the President Trump haters), fallen angels, nothing and nobody can or will be able to stop it.
God is neither liberal nor conservative, republican nor democrat.
Welcome to The World of The Living Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
“Antifa, BLM, Trump Haters, Lawless Anarchists Being Judged By God – Trump Wins November 3rd”
The Blessings Of Jesus Channel u really are a tripper
The devil that wants people to think he is a man of faith
And biden is

he supports abortion mass killing of unborn children that’s Biden and the Democrats for you murdering child killers.
@Calvin & Hobbes Wrong, do actual research before speaking. Christianity has always promoted and been seen as a leader in equality, harmony, peace, racial justice etc for around two thousand years, as many other faiths do, in fact Christianity was founded on the ideals I mentioned. The reason Chrisitianity is growing so fast worldwide in various forms and is seen as beng such a positive influencer in the present day is because these ideals hold strong and true. In fact almost all causes and social groups have been inspired by Christian ideals in the west, the same is true for other faiths in other parts of the world. We know from evidence that the majority of LQBTQ people are religious, many are Christians and as we know Jesus said the door and love is open to everyone. For many centuries Europe was largely at peace to to the unity the various christian communities and the church itself created following the fall of the Roman Empire, it was Christianity and Christian intellectuals that changed the Roman Empire from a military state to a peace making one. The EU and the UN were based largely on Christian Ideals of peace and equality. No academic, politician, scientist etc would agree with you. You do not have to be part of the church to be Christian, the majority of the world is inspired by Christianity and in theory could call themselves Christian.
california SB145 , soon to be a national retraction.
brought to you by progressive left
@Michael McLaughlin your media must be as bad as the uk and ours. #walkaway
brush off your history of maoism
phase 2 struggle is our cancel culture
Washington mayor renaming. all statues coming down killing the 2nd amendment if harris is elected.
After Biden is sworn into office, he should put together an international grain embargo against Russia. Reagan did this back in the 80’s and it brought the Soviets to their knees.
You President Trump haters insanity and laughably irrelevant stupidity and Trump Derangement Syndrome has been a continuous laughable joke since before the 2016 election.
If you get off the public computer at Bellevue Hospital which you patients are not allowed to use, I will not call Bellevue on you.
O’Donnell will be crying “RUSSIA!!!” all over again after November 3rd.
He probably blames “Russia” for the downfall of Michael Avenatti and Robert Mueller not working out so well too.
God is rising again you President Trump hating liars!
God has the 2020 election all covered.
They will blame “Russia” again as usual.
Did you know that:
“Donald” means “world ruler, world leader” and that…
“Trump” means “to defeat someone or something often in a public manner and in a public way?”
That is no “accident.”
“I have named you, though you have not known Me” Isaiah Ch. 45.
For you honest ones:
Read Isaiah 45 ( see that number? ) and ask God The Holy Spirit to show you the correlation between King Cyrus then and President Trump NOW FOR OUR TIMES.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have chosen Trump to be President for 2 Full Terms and all of Satan’s false accusations against Trump ( “Satan” means “false accuser” which tells you who has been speaking through all the President Trump haters), fallen angels, nothing and nobody can or will be able to stop it.
God is neither liberal nor conservative, republican nor democrat.
Welcome to The World of The Living Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
“Antifa, BLM, Trump Haters, Lawless Anarchists Being Judged By God – Trump Wins November 3rd”
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel Wow, you sound totally unhinged. How does your imaginary god feel about this –>
When it comes to Trump, ALL roads lead to Putin.
When it comes to Helen T, all roads lead to Bellevue Hospital.
You President Trump haters insanity and laughably irrelevant stupidity and Trump Derangement Syndrome has been a continuous laughable joke since before the 2016 election.
If you get off the public computer at Bellevue Hospital which you patients are not allowed to use, I will not call Bellevue on you.
O’Donnell will be crying “RUSSIA!!!” all over again after November 3rd.
He probably blames “Russia” for the downfall of Michael Avenatti and Robert Mueller not working out so well too.
God is rising again you President Trump hating liars!
God has the 2020 election all covered.
They will blame “Russia” again as usual.
Did you know that:
“Donald” means “world ruler, world leader” and that…
“Trump” means “to defeat someone or something often in a public manner and in a public way?”
That is no “accident.”
“I have named you, though you have not known Me” Isaiah Ch. 45.
For you honest ones:
Read Isaiah 45 ( see that number? ) and ask God The Holy Spirit to show you the correlation between King Cyrus then and President Trump NOW FOR OUR TIMES.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have chosen Trump to be President for 2 Full Terms and all of Satan’s false accusations against Trump ( “Satan” means “false accuser” which tells you who has been speaking through all the President Trump haters), fallen angels, nothing and nobody can or will be able to stop it.
God is neither liberal nor conservative, republican nor democrat.
Welcome to The World of The Living Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
“Antifa, BLM, Trump Haters, Lawless Anarchists Being Judged By God – Trump Wins November 3rd”
If he alienates putin, he could scuttle his prospects for trump tower Moscow. Duh!
You President Trump haters insanity and laughably irrelevant stupidity and Trump Derangement Syndrome has been a continuous laughable joke since before the 2016 election.
If you get off the public computer at Bellevue Hospital which you patients are not allowed to use, I will not call Bellevue on you.
O’Donnell will be crying “RUSSIA!!!” all over again after November 3rd.
He probably blames “Russia” for the downfall of Michael Avenatti and Robert Mueller not working out so well too.
God is rising again you President Trump hating liars!
God has the 2020 election all covered.
They will blame “Russia” again as usual.
Did you know that:
“Donald” means “world ruler, world leader” and that…
“Trump” means “to defeat someone or something often in a public manner and in a public way?”
That is no “accident.”
“I have named you, though you have not known Me” Isaiah Ch. 45.
For you honest ones:
Read Isaiah 45 ( see that number? ) and ask God The Holy Spirit to show you the correlation between King Cyrus then and President Trump NOW FOR OUR TIMES.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have chosen Trump to be President for 2 Full Terms and all of Satan’s false accusations against Trump ( “Satan” means “false accuser” which tells you who has been speaking through all the President Trump haters), fallen angels, nothing and nobody can or will be able to stop it.
God is neither liberal nor conservative, republican nor democrat.
Welcome to The World of The Living Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
“Antifa, BLM, Trump Haters, Lawless Anarchists Being Judged By God – Trump Wins November 3rd”
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel I don’t even know where to start with you. With what is out in the open for all of us to see: Woodward tapes/ Senate Intelligence Committee Report/ Intelligence Whistleblower- using his own name, regarding orders to stop issuing briefings on Russia, et al, you are either incapable of understanding, or you choose to live in a lie, or you’re incredibly gullible, or you’re the one in need of psychiatric help. I’m putting 2 and 2 together, and with your rant and your “stage name,” say “hi” to Q for me, and enjoy your living video game. You lose.
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel *BREAKING NEWS*
_The White House has released video of _*_ANTIFA_*_ plans utilizing aerial drones to deface and destroy sacred Washington D.C. monuments:_
@Jim Keogh It is unreasonable to expect reason from the unreasonable. One thing ethical people forget, is that when they know the indisputable truth, they believe they will win the debate. But logic and reason only have power when they are recognized as such. Trump is the best possible illustration of this. He continues to claim his handling of the virus is better than any other country, when the opposite is true, the facts are in plain sight, but that does not deter him in the slightest. The truth will not set you free or buy you a cup of coffee when dealing with one who absolutely refuses to recognize it.
*_”Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”_*
~~ John F. Kennedy
_”When the wise man points at the moon, the fool stares at his finger.”_
~~ Mokele Mbèmbé
_Top 40 from the Back 40 (playlist)_
Trump “simply has surrendered the presidency, apparently, to President Putin…” That’s it in a nutshell. Wake up America!!!!!