Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry spoke about President Joe Biden's "ambitious" plan for tackling climate change and said that the objectives need to be "global in scope." Aired on 01/27/2021.
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#JohnKerry #JoeBiden #MSNBC
John Kerry On Biden Climate Change Plan: Stakes 'Couldn't Be Any Higher' | MSNBC
*Wow. He’s um… changed. Happy to see climate change in the public discourse again though.*
Climate change LOL! When I was a kid it was global cooling the government had plans to melt the ice caps because we were going to freeze to death LOL all the same actors were on stage crying how we were ruining the planet but it never happened. So they changed it to global warming which never happened so now it’s climate change which never happened get real
@youngatheart5376 Well said!!!!
@FLADAY 392 Curious as to when you were “a kid”. I’ve been around since the Eisenhower administration, and never heard the stuff you’re spewing.
Remember hair spray was killing atmosphere and we were going to freeze! 68 I remember it why are the rich old concerned ! Oh the kids Kerry pelosi Biden have kids in the dirty world
@Paul Drusbasky You had a really bad science teacher. Depletion of ozone allows more UV rays to reach the earth.
I’m just confused. Where were all these complaints when trump was in the White House? Never heard so many complains and he was supposed to be president. All Republicans never dare complain about him.
“Brawndo…It’s got what plants crave.”
He looks like he’s been drinkin it for a while.
tRump “windmills cause cancer”
@Mark Hill Okay that is your opinion about President Trump. What do you want people to do? torture him, flog him in the public square? throw him in prison and toss the key away forever? Good Grief Mark, you have let your disdain for this Man ruin you, get over it already and enjoy your life and friends. He’s not the President now and your still hanging on to some obsession, don’t you think that is kind of weird? He has no effect on your life really….
@Mark Hill . Seek help friend…
Best of luck …
@Jock Younghows it feel to be young and naive?
@Cassidy McNamara What happens when there is a black-out or a Major Power Outage??
@Jock Young Christians support all kinds of sinners but we worship only ONE who is Christ the LORD…
I wish Obama had put as much energy into this.
His hands were tied with owl looking mitch
Obama built the plantation. Be happy pleab.
My mistake on the twenty days it’s only been six days in office.
It seems like 20 doesn’t it. We seem to be going back to the future and this is what I feared when Joe brought on so many of the “all guard,” from the past Obama Adm.
Because of this I fear we were making the same mistakes that we made during that time. The mistakes that brought us Trump.
4 years of trump aged John Kerry
@Christopher James McCaul He mentioned specifically John Kerry and your response is to strawman that into an attack on all democrats? Then respond in kind to that? Lol calm down. John Kerry is an awful human being.
@Mathu Rex they tend to lump everyone together…
@Christopher James McCaul never said I was a Trump supporter, nor did I blame all democrats. A dirty politician is a dirty politician. Stop trying to defend your stance by diminishing other peoples.
I think he looks good and comes across really well. A man who knows his stuff. And knows himself.
He is 77 yrs old now. No spring chicken.
Climate since the 60’s
I’ll circle back in 10 yrs
No, that is not how it works
Make it 20 and they’ll still be trying to scare people into believing there’s a problem.
Oh come on, can’t we have a climate-denying oil baron running the EPA again?
If you believe this nonsence about renewable energy than you need to educate yourself about it . Because you won’t get the truth from MR Kerry that’s for sure.
Climate denying? You tool we have climate it’s just not a crisis. Biden touching children is a crisis. But you don’t care about kids or people’s jobs cause temperatures. Put two mask on and stay home.
@Murphy Itzyue Stupid people like you are needed as we all need something to Laugh at at times .

History right here
Could he be Abraham Lincoln’s son?
No – he is Lurch’s son !
He is awful
There is only one problem with executive orders and that’s the fact that they are made at the whim of the current president and the following resident can change that at the stroke of a pen.
That’s a blessing but not a problem!
That has already been assessed. We are in deep doodoo.
said as holy. American antics! This USA
Trump is the most environment loving president US ever had. He loves his green golf field so much.
“Worlds last chance”. Is the USA acknowledging that world again? Many countries have made progress, it’s the US that has let everyone down again. There’s no point upping the retoric now as though it’s something new and important. All they’ve done is talk, action is where the paralysis sets in.
Without that other big lie, this guy could have been president and would have avoided the Iraq war which cost trillions in debt, thousands of American lives and founded ISIS.
Corpes with working tongue. Revolution coming get ready
China is the biggest polluter in the world so try enforcing this fact!
John Kerry should try to educate himself about economics and climate science !
Politicians have not solved any problems rather citizens of USA