John Kasich tells CNN's Ana Cabrera that as difficult as the issue of impeachment is for the former Ohio governor, he now supports an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump after hearing Mick Mulvaney's comments. #CNN #News
John Kasich calls for Trump’s impeachment: I say it with great sadness

How about they just vote on it dang I’m sick of them talking about it
Funny Business im sorry. did you not watch the same press briefing everyone else did?
They can’t vote until they have all the evidence. Usually the DOJ provide it. At present the DOJ is working for Trump rather than the USA.
What, a Republican stand up to THE CHOSEN ONE who’s also a STABLE GENIUS with UNMATCHED WISDOM?!
Lmao..!! BIGGLY!!
If an asteroid ever smashed into Washington DC when all these politicians were present, the Dow would probably jump up by 3000 points the next day
what a problem, reaction, solution that would be. Hopefully wipe the slates clean & unbought talent.
“If I didn’t believe it, believe me, I wouldn’t say it”
What a joke
Republicans crying over their POS President.
Another ugly lefty dingbat
Difficult 24 hours? What, before that, for the last 3 years, everything’s been fine?
But all politics aside, I truly wish we were all Americans first, if a time ever comes when we need to defend our land personally, I would hope we would be standing together. Hopefully the time never comes, but I hate seeing people stray further and further from that notion. And I’d think you might want help from some of us Trump folk if we are ever invaded.
we might be the only people left with AR’s if he loses.
Goya Solidar *links WIKIPEDIA!
Demanding Ukraine abide by treaty and assist the DOJ in investigating the Hack of the DNC server is abuse of power?
They’re finding excuses to drift away from Trump neatly
@SpectroMan Kasich has always been a Never Trumper. Plus since he isn’t in office any more he’s probably angling for a job at CNN.
What a coincidence, so do I and a majority of Americans.
Will S
Hillary lost get over it.
John Kasich is part of the deep State but the Republican controlled Senate has to have 2/3 voting yes to impeach Trump and that won’t happen. This impeachment scheme is just a FRONT and illusion to trick the public into believing that the DEMOTURDS have more power than the Republicans. There won’t be any impeachment, Trump will stay as President and win again in 2020. We all love you DONALD TRUMP and we ALLLLL will come out again to vote for you in 2020 because we love you buddy!
he won electoral vote not popular vote
Randall Albert
So in other words, he won Hillary lost. Game over.
I have and always will be an admirer and listener to One of the Most Intelligent,Articulate,Steadfast in Solving problems not creating them.
@Santiago Draco she’s talking about Trump
Is he going down soon? Sounds like the last words in office. “I’m not a crook” “I did not have sexual relations with that women” “There was no quid pro quo”.
Thanks for the laugh. Or maybe “No collusion.’
You nailed it!
Do Democrats have a literacy issue? Read the damn transcript and stop listening the the lies of Shiff and the brainwash liberal media. There was no quid pro quo!!! Do your own research and stop being sheep!!
What we found after spending 40 million on the Russia Hoax was Trump was the only person that did not collude with Russia. Hillary had been in business with Russia since Uranium One. I guess that is perfectly fine with you. Give 20% of America’s Uranium to Russia and the Clinton foundation gets two five million dollar donations. Nothing to see there, move along now. Ya’ll are hypocrites and obviously support the two tier justice system.
A vote for any Democrat in 2020 is a vote to take down the country. Don’t believe me. Listen to your boy Soros though. Two years ago in an interview that was actually very interesting until the ending when Soros said, “my life’s work will be complete, once I take down America.”
Wake me up when a Republican US Senator, currently serving, has the guts to say this.
Impeachment is already fading, but the Democrats lunacy will continue till the DNC has obliterated itself. We are watching TRUMP dismantle the political corruption and OBAMA’S NAZI FBI AND CIA.
@We Are Free SD Mitt Romneys a closeted Democrat
Demanding Ukraine abide by treaty and assist the DOJ in investigating the Hack of the DNC server is abuse of power?
5:07 that’s the truth. If Obama was doing this the Republicans would be going crazy.
@GOLDENEYE 1124 I guess the point is, deep thinker, Obama wasn’t a crook. Trump clearly is, convicted out of his own mouth. Tired old whataboutism, only there is NO whatabout. Like your orange circus flea, your argument is bankrupt.
@GOLDENEYE 1124 I’m a Democrat and if this was Obama he’d have to go. If he had done any of these things he would have to go. Some things are greater than party and hipocracy should still mean something. The truth should always matter no matter one’s beliefs. Right is still right and wrong is still wrong.
How about when Trump said to Dmitry Medvedev President of Russia that, “Ill have more flexibility after the election” when talking about missiles.
Excuse me my mistake. That was Obama that said that.
GOLDENEYE 1124 President Obama didn’t and wouldn’t have, because he’s not an evil man and corrupt like the current WH resident Djackass Drumpf is! So they weren’t put in a position to defend him and I don’t think the Dems would disconnect themselves from the truth as the Republican’t Republiclown’s do each and everyday!
Where has he been? Under a rock somewhere.?
He was at the Home Depot the other day acting the same way about some treated lumber that was crooked. He cried and whined and went on and on. Then he went to the Ihop and inhaled a stack of pancakes in about 15 seconds
Fucking Romney
Oh what a shock John! Who could have possibly seen this coming. Wow.
Trump and those gutless Republicans are made for each other.
Trump 2020

Awww… Your so triggered and hateful…. I guess it’s hard being on the losing team..
Your an idiot!!! The New Socialist Democrat party is trying to take down America. How can you support the criminal DNC and feel good about yourself?
And proud of it, lefty moron
The republicans who think that guy should be impeached, don’t say aloud for their own protection and ambition.
@The Juggernaut You’re a fucking idiot. If you don’t see the difference between these latest developments and the past, you are a complete imbecile with no understanding of the political process.
@M Burns.. Listen to the truth and realize you’re brainwashed.
Dingbat lefty speaking her stupid comment again.
Demanding Ukraine abide by treaty and assist the DOJ in investigating the Hack of the DNC server is abuse of power?
This would have been a little more courageous if he did this while he was still serving as senator
Who were you thinking of?
He’s a dummy head being raised about the trenches. The serving Reps are looking for how much he gets shot and from which directions before putting their own heads up.
I’m sure he didn’t had to face a situation remotely similar to what’s going on right now. So your comment really doesn’t have any ground.
He is garbage like Romney
America will need to work really hard to “make America great again” after this presidency
Won’t have to if we keep the liberal dirt fuckers out.
Or else they’ll get the gulag, right?
Starting to like John Kasich more and more.
Why because he has nothing to lose right now? What he says means nothing unless his fellow Republicans, who are in office and have a vote, listen and act!
@Sue Cady Kasich isn’t running.
All politicians need to be impeached after ten years in public office.
Is this Impeachment happening, or not? Trump is unstoppable.
The president is criminally insane and totally incompetent.
Says an AOC supporter
F. U.
only according to lying stupid lefty. YOU ARE A MORON, period