Democrat John Fetterman gave his victory speech in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania after defeating Dr. Mehmet Oz for a seat in the Senate.
RELATED: Dr. Mehmet Oz and John Fetterman face tough questions in Pennsylvania
John Fetterman won the U.S. Senate race in Pennsylvania, beating Trump-backed celebrity Dr. Mehmet Oz and overcoming concerns that his stroke recovery had foreclosed his chances at victory.
Fetterman, the state’s lieutenant governor, had been leading in the polls by significant margins over the summer, but television host Oz started to close the gap in recent weeks, particularly after the rocky debate performance by Fetterman.
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#Election2022 #Pennsylvania #Politics
Hello, and good night everybody. That’s a hell of a way to start a debate.
I think his win is as confusing to voters as the look on his face.
Absolutely unbelievable anyone would vote for this clown after his debate performance . As a Life long Pennsylvania resident. This is so embarrassing.
Yeah I’ll take that over the local political officials controlling vaginas thanks.
@barkley611 he won and his voters were smart enough to not choose Oz. Only a moron would want Oz in office
@Lissa Bee see, that’s what is wrong with Democrats brains. Voting for one, regardless of their physical and mental capability, just because you don’t like the other?
That’s how Biden happened. You know the definition of insanity? Repeating the same mistake and expecting a different outcome.
Disgrace PA. Don’t complain when you don’t get what you want or better yet get what you don’t want. Terrible candidate. We all know there was corruption in this part of the election with PA so I would have a reelection and do it all over again and monitor every worker.
Aww, another repeat of your electoral fraud rhetoric? Cute.
Democrats chose an invalid on purpose.
They want us to see that they’re cheating!
Have you seen the average Democrat recently? They are all about feels, gender bending and buhtseks. As long as the establishment promises to print and give, they will always be pro-establishment, all while claiming to be “revolutionaries” because they’ve colored their hair and listened to a 20 year old RATM album
Pennsylvanians love crime and stroke patients having authority over them. Brain damage is fun for them.
Ain’t no one more corrupt than Oz, not even TFG. It’s a shame you won’t be living under authoritarian rule. Maybe next time.
All he needs to do it what he’s told.
I wonder how much George Soros is paying him.
The people that lectured us for years about voting for country over party just elected John Fetterman. It is a sad day for America and Pennsylvania.
Aww. You brainwashed sheep really are truly ignorant and pathetic. Trump made us choose country over party by voting him out. I won’t ever vote republican again until they get rid of their extremist who hate America like Trump, MTG, bombers, goehmer, Goetz, Jordan…you know…the worst people America has to offer
@Lissa Bee brainwashed would be voting the same party again after paying for $5 a carton of eggs, $6 for a gallon of gas, $200 more a month on utilities for 2 years straight, etc etc.
@Lissa Bee it sounds like you are suffering from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome – I hope you get well soon!
Anyone who saw more than 10 seconds of Fetterman on the campaign trail or the debate cannot honestly say that he is fit for elected office and won’t be a detriment to America. The guy said his one wish was to let murderers and other criminals out of prison, but yeah, Trump is the evil one.
@123 456 Brainwashed would be thinking that covid shutdowns and stimulus giveaways made by the previous administration didn’t cause that
@The Black Paw Podcast it didn’t because it coincidentally happened as soon as Biden swore in
dumbass, we’re you even awake? And ok let’s say it was because of covid relief, shut downs and stimulus right? Who controlled the house during covid!?! The Democrats did. The bill begins IN THE HOUSE. Bills are written IN THE HOUSE. So who created the covid relief and stimulus and mandates? The democrats did, loser
Good night and good luck
I’m glad this happened, republicans in Pennsylvania deserve the pain and problems they’re about to receive with this dude in power there. This is what happens when lazy entitled republicans stay home and don’t vote, the turn out could’ve been better and they could’ve taken it, but just like in other states, republicans stayed home. At least democrats put in the effort, they DESERVE this win.
@LTS 69 Good, don’t vote.
That’s adorable. I’m glad to see Pennsylvania taking care of their mentally disabled. Y’all got some big hearts, not much brains, but big hearts. It’s got to count for something I guess. Good luck with the socialism. You’ll need it.
You know Democrats have had majorities right? No socialism to be found. Those are lies you’re told to keep you angry. Grow up.
God, you deserve Oz.
How the hell did he win!? Was I watching a different debate from everyone else?
It was his turn.
They said he won before they stopped counting.
Yes that’s how it’s happened for every election including the one Trump won you actual ignorant hog

Ya funny how they do that. They called Arizona for the democrat 12 days before the voting started too.
His voice is similar to Obama
Gotta love how there’s no legitimate criticisms coming from republicans besides making fun of the way he speaks due to a stroke or just straight up lying about some of his policies.
He speaks and looks like the guy whose been at the group home the longest. But liberals are steeped in delusions and degeneracy, so…good luck and hello and good night everybody
Congrats, Pennsylvania. You’re the “special” state of the United States.
God bless Pennsylvania you’re the next Oregon and Los Angeles
What is it with Dems and brain damage?
You get what you ask far