Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman gave an update on the narrowing presidential race as votes continue to be counted in the state. The Democratic lieutenant governor said that it is "generally accepted" that the remainder of the ballots will probably give Joe Biden the edge over President Donald Trump. Aired on 11/05/2020.
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#JohnFetterman #Pennsylvania #MSNBC
John Fetterman: Votes Still Being Counted Will 'Probably Deliver' Biden Victory | Stephanie Ruhle
I wouldn’t protest in front of this dudes house. He looks like a real mother!
I like him
Hardstyle818 you’re kidding, right?
@Joe Biden president November 5 th 2020 Yahoo!
@Bernadette Dunn today. November 5. Before sunset
He’s also 6’9″.
World is watching but
this is not gonna end well good luck America from Philippines 
Maybe when dump realizes he has to PAY for the recounts, oh, right he doesn’t pay his bills
I would make him pay up front.He still hasn’t paid for the arenas and venues used in his rallies, imagine cleaning up after the Trump slobs.
Trumps a life long invoice averter. But, he’s completely non partisan about it. He’ll stiff anyone. His campaign owes millions of dollars to both Republican and Democrat states for the extra security costs incurred by the cities where Trump held his rallies.
@nickname nickname Yes, it’s true,the employees have to pay bills too,just like the rest of us.
@Blade Runner Well,they don’t have unlimited funds.It’s basically our money.
@Julie Sprik maybe, if one has donated to the republican party…
I would love to see Borat’s daughter go up to Rudy Giuliani w a microphone during an interview, pleeeeassssse!
@Nathaniel Pro Trump Republican Patriot he is a very large breast.. you are right
@Nathaniel Pro Trump Republican Patriot please check your spelling. Nope, he is the worst president. Nixon looks like angel now compare to trump.
@Priscilla Robb has grammarly
@Nathaniel Pro Trump Republican Patriot and you support trumpy so you are a moron and a coward!!!!!!
@Nathaniel Pro Trump Republican Patriot We are not interested in poo tins pee tapes. Fact is: trump lied over 25,000 x’s. George Washington, I cannot tell a lie! D. Trump, I cannot tell the truth, His supporters: they cannot tell the difference. He’s a fraud
where are those taxes he “promised” last election? Do is a con and soon to be a con of another meaning.
Because justice matters! 
Stephanie, you asked the man a question and you probably wanted him to give an opinion of the situation which he did. You seemed a little salty that he answered what most people wanted to know and then tried to act like you just cared about when the vote would be available…lol
I thought her response was weird too! Couldn’t put my finger on it, definitely salty for some reason!
Trump supporters are running out of arguments
. If Trump loses, trump loses. IT IS WHAT IT IS.
@David Hale because Trump wants that his proud guys or what’s their names, begin war on the streets.
@Schelby LO those poll watchers aren’t proud boys they are legal poll watchers approved by the states.
@Scahoni They aren’t. But it would be so much fun it they actually cheated. Nothing is more hilarious than seeing a career criminal get out-“criminalled”.
“Math is math.” That is the best quote from this election thus far. But I’m afraid that Trump doesn’t really care if his challenge is held up in court, he only wants his alternative facts to be believed in the court of public opinion.
@David Hale Yes, I know, but there are some of them outside on the streets. They could try to come in.
The more they count the votes, the more the Votes will work in Biden’s Favor, people weren’t standing in those long lines to keep Trump in the Whitehouse, they wanted Trump out!!!
@Mike Smith And you should have a point to make, but you don’t. You’re arguing for arguments sake. You should maybe unsubscribe to those opinion news outlets as well, since you can’t believe them anyway. Have a good one.
@Howard Moon this is a Legit Argument…It should bother you..
@Scahoni I told y’all way before election that BIDEN will be victorious and y’all out here talking about Trump will win by landslide and now look at y’all.

Y’all talking about Trump supporters out in full biden campaign don’t have no one and like I said if y’all wanna see BIDEN supporters go watch Gorge Floyd protest fr.
Those recent Trump campaigns was just the whole trailer parks with all the Karen’s .
Biden is the boss and a true champ
@Mike Smith Hmm?
@Mike Smith It was a Blue Wave, that’s why Biden has the Popular vote and more Electoral votes as well. it not about the States that didn’t turn Blue, it was the people in those States that voted for Biden.
Trump Jr. METH??, WHERE??
Spot on thanks for seeing the truth
It’s that obvious

Now that you mention it the whole family acts like a bunch of meth heads.
ROFLOL Omgosh I can’t breathe

“Counting is fake news. 1, 4, 7, potato.” — Trump
Bing bing bong bong
Oh look, Rudy’s hands aren’t in his pants.
Thigh-Land – Yo-Semite
@Leaping Cat Productions

Man — woman — camera — TV…
Math is math. Nothing the carnival barkers can do about it.
I’m loving how stupid they look standing there in their expensive coats and gloves talking about how _they’re_ being “ripped off”.
Math is a hoax.
@Constituent A
Biden ballots hot off the presses.
“Why Are You Worried? The Lord Will Vindicate President Trump!”
@Constituent A
“Why Are You Worried? The Lord Will Vindicate President Trump!”
Trump: Stop counting

Americans: All of it?
Trump: Duh! Not mine, Biden’s.
@Nathaniel Pro Trump Republican Patriot There are 13 lies by Satan documented in the Bible. Trump has 15 thousand documented lies.
@Nathaniel Pro Trump Republican Patriot I forgive yu believing in this orange
. Yu have to pray for him he is going to slum.
@katy bassett Media lies. Trump doesn’t. He is not a politician. You seem to watching a lot of fake news cnn, MSDNC, NYT and CBS. Good thing our hero Majorie Taylor Greene is elected. People are seeing the truth. You idiots are brainwashed. First of all know about Obamagate and dangers of it
@Nathaniel Pro Trump Republican Patriot Now THAT’S funny. (Even for a troll.)
@adjwindu70 Exactly!
Dude looks more like a UFC fighter more than a Lt. Governor.
I agree. Trump wont screw with him.
Anyone remember Jesse Ventura the gov. and pro wrestler?
@Justin Case YAAAASSS! Well played.
I told myself the exact same thing LOL
Don’t call out your chickens if they’re still laying in the hen house. Let the counters count. Regardless of who you voted for. When the countings done we’ll know.
That’s right. I’m not popping champagne corks until the fat lady sings.
Should tell trump and his sons.
Yep holding my breathe until this is over
it’s far from over. the democrats are not smart. It’s a miracle Trump is losing. The GOP benefit from foreign interference, voter suppression, conspiracy theories, party unity, and better political ads and messaging. The GOP moderates had to organize and form “Lincoln Project” and “Republican Voters Against Trump” because the democrats are incompetent. Liberals and progressives failed to unite for Hillary in 2016, handing the GOP Trump, Senate, House, and Supreme Court super majority. Tom Perez and democratic leadership should be replaced. A global pandemic to help Biden win is not a winning formula. failure to take Senate control and House loses is not a good sign moving forward. Democrats don’t know what they are doing.
Love this guy, I want him on the show everyday
Who else is enjoying Trump’s slow inevitable loss
@Dirk von Ümlaut ha ha ha nice
@Scott Allen dude, that is sooooo true sadly enough….my ex-wife and her family are from Michigan……I’ve been there twice….. beautiful state but the people seriously need education over there especially in the rural areas
@island boy, it’s the same where I live.
@Scott Allen very sad my friend
@island boy, I agree.
Joe Biden’s going to win PA, that’s where Biden’s from!
Then why is he 400,000 behind
@David Hale Joe Biden’s already won! Biden doesn’t even need PA!
I would hope, but still not gonna get too comfortable till confirmed.
Biden is gaining rapidly in Pennsylvania and Georgia.
The inner city absentee votes are starting to be counted.
This guy is the LEAST “Lt Governor-looking” guy I’ve EVER seen.
Just like Trump said “science doesn’t know”, he will also claim “math doesn’t know”