1. FunFact: I’m statistically tied with Delaney in the polls at ZERO percent.
    I have no name recognition, I’ve never been to Iowa, I spent Zero dollar on campaigns…

    Oh, and I’m not running for President.

    1. Please take Joe Biden with you!!! We don’t need anymore Republicans who run on Democratic tickets, like Delaney & Biden. Bernie2020!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    2. Lol…and I’m competing with CNN on broadcasting “news”…and I don’t even have a YouTube channel. 😜

    3. @Aidan Daniels Exactly! Joe Biden & Donald Trump are like 2 skunks arguing about who smells the worst. Bernie2020!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    4. @Adaryll Kelly Here’s what I will say. If you obsess over ideological purity, the party will be weaker. I think there is room for both Biden and Sanders in the democratic party.

    1. God dam 😂 it’s true though nobody knew “who” he was, Democrats are even wondering who this guy is

    1. Its sad, a virus is infecting thousands of people, and killing over a hundred, and our nation focuses on impeachment. SHAMEFUL

  2. “I have significant support here in Iowa, but not enough to get to 15%” but let me bash the guy that’s leading in Iowa 🤦🏾‍♂️

    1. John Delaney it’s too late for these moderate/pragmatic policies has over 50% of people’s lives gotten better or worse from 1980-2020. Bill Clinton/Obama done plenty of compromises and look where it’s gotten us.
      We need to get out of this darkness of corrupt america and elect Bernie Sanders cause all the other politicians just want the citizens to die early instead of giving them what they want.

    1. @Fawful99 Storm Semantics aren’t my thing. I’m not sure what else you’d call someone pro-choice, pro-refugee settlement, anti-minimum sentences, pro-free community college. That’s your business.

    2. Voters had enough of Democrats who want to govern like Republicans! #No Policy Joe Biden! Bernie Sanders2020!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    3. @BestLaidPlans The last sentence made me laugh , and I do agree with your point of view , fact is there are just a few that are in the game the majority is just decorum . Sanders and Warren are to far left for the USA , just forget Steyer and Bloomberg , biggest chance I think is for Klobuchar I would have said Biden but eve if he and his son did nothing wrong in Ukraine it doesn’t look good . So I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump wins reelection but the question is how long he would last if the dems keep the congress and win the senate , so the question is are you ready for POTUS Pence 🙂 ?

    1. A tree falls in the forest and no one can hear it but CNN and the rest of the world wonders if it’s just another lie

  3. John Delaney: “We need someone more in the center to win against Trump.” Like Hillary Clinton? How well did that work out?

    1. @stopthecrazyguy She lost the electoral vote to all the states in the rust belt that Bernie won in the primaries.

    1. @KentBalzer sure cutting federal programs and redirecting taxes toward a fence that got breached several times already that is pretty much useless because cartels use tunnels is really great

    2. VeCheetah I guess these cnn views haven’t noticed that a Tennessee law maker has a bill written up and its being voting on that cnn & Washington post is fake news. Stay woke Democrats.

    3. @Alex Najera Sore loser Democrats are pathetic. We’re tired of being made slaves to the elitist Democrats. We’re taking our country back and the Democrat party will soon become extinct. Hallelujah!!!

  4. “What’s the risk of Bernie winning” Well, John Delaney works in the health insurance industry…

    1. Bernie is a communist. We all know that communism leads to starvation and mass death. Why would any sane person want that?

  5. I’ll never forget where I was
    when I heard the news that
    {checks notes} John Delaney
    dropped out of the Dem primary race. 😢😃

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