John Dean predicts how Trump will react to redacted affidavit

Former Nixon White House counsel John Dean says that the redacted affidavit supporting the FBI search of former Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home will not be good for Trump. #CNN #News


    1. @Roman Ward Well, having a foreign agent as president isn’t something they had expected to deal with.

    1. @Owen Alden Don’t you think that having an ex-White House Counsel’s opinion might have some standing?
      I would certainly find someone like that infinitely more believable than that sort of individuals that Fox News often chose to parade to their viewers (Mike Lindell and Sidney Powell).
      But I suppose they eventually got their comeuppance when they were served with the defamation suits (that they’ve since been desperately trying to have dismissed).

    1. What Reducted part are you talking about the part where the FBI gave
      false information to the Fiza judge.
      It’s well known and proven now so before you say oh they didn’t do that. And look like a fool.

    1. @LA Because Millionaires pay all the taxes. If you give a millionaire a 1% tax cut and someone who makes a 1k a year a 1% tax cut. Will the millionaires 1% of tax cut amount to more cash being saved compared to the person who made 1k tax cut?

      1,000,000 x 0.01 = 10,000

      1,000 x 0.01 = 10

      So you see. Bigger tax cut for the rich because they save more money on taxes. But still, the little guy also got a tax cut, just saved less money.

  1. He will 100% say “look how much they redacted, they’re hiding the truth”.
    Now, lets watch the video and see how correct i am shall i?

  2. How’s Donnie going to try and obstruct or contact witnesses if the pesky DOJ has redacted the information? Enough of the playing politics with the private citizen and hold him accountable.

    1. They are going to see the unredacted, we don’t get to see the classified info. That is why they are redacted.

  3. His lawyer didn’t block the release either!!! He opens his mouth and inserts his foot!! Nothing new!

    1. He will use the copies of the documents that he has to blackmail his way out of jail……

    1. I wonder if t-Rump is clever enough to see Garland isn’t playing his games.
      This is the second times he’s called Garland’s bluff and twice he lost. It’s hilarious.

    2. Call me crazy, but it sounds like Trump is seriously 100% comfortable with these documents being made public.

  4. For decades we have been allowing the most extreme among us to set the agenda. I say F that. There are so many of us both on the Right and the Left who love America and want her to be free for all people. We can’t let them do this anymore. Our freedom to make intimate choices in our lives is under attack and is too precious to cede to them.

  5. Chaos and drama always follows a malignant narcissistic personality disorder. This one is on a national stage and that makes him more dangerous

  6. I am happy for former FBI Andrew McCabe and his wife for surviving Trump lies, Trump vindictiveness, and what evil man Trump did to McCabe. Karma is following Trump around and making Trump pay for his evil doings.

    1. I can’t think of a more unbiased FBI agent than Andrew McCabe.
      If a book is ever written on how to be unbiased and be an FBI agent, Andrew McCabe should write it

  7. He did this to himself and no one in their right mind feels any sympathy for someone who put us all at risk by his egotistical lying and his narcissistic ways. He’s beyond vile. He’d sell us out for pure greed if he hasn’t already.

  8. “We can’t have someone in the Oval Office who doesn’t understand the meaning of the word ‘confidential’ or ‘classified’ ”
    – Trump, July 2016

  9. Who helped him remove all those documents. They stole them over at least a year, and they knew it was illegal. All need to be charged and spend the rest of their lives in prison.

  10. A big problem with all these analysts that try to put consistent reasoning to Trump’s actions is that Trump does not think in a rationally consistent manner.
    That is why he will do things that are totally contradictory.
    He confuses everyone by doing that.
    That confusion is not really intentional, but it often seems planned and intentional.
    It puts everyone off their game.

    1. Actually with respect I have to disagree. It is well known that he learned his wizardry ways from an infamous New York lawyer, Roy Cohen, also DTs lawyer who used chaos, truth and lies interwoven to great success. Fascinating story, part of the McCarthy hearings, he was the chief counsel I think.

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